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Screenshot Captor / request - Esc key to cancel initial capture
« on: January 26, 2008, 05:04 PM »
I have started test driving SC as a replacement for my long time favorite screencap utility, mwsnap. The reason I mention this is that one feature i really like that mwsnap has that i don't think SC has is the ability to cancel a capture request before completing the capture by hitting the Esc key. Mwsnap also doesn't automatically capture the region when I let go of the drag.. I have to click again to complete it, which is an additional nice feature...

Many times I start out making a region capture request, but then change my mind and with mwsnap I can escape right out.. Or I may start off in the wrong spot, and because it requires the second click, I can escape without any image saving.. I like to be able to cancel immediately and start over in that case.

Maybe there is another way for this in SC but I haven't figured it out yet? I found that I can escape after I make the capture and the dialog box comes up, but that means the image is already saved, which I want if I actually complete the capture, but may not want and so would like escape out, which would be quicker. If I could escape before I complete the capture in SC, then I can have it both ways.. (I would be able to escape out before capturing/saving without having to confirm anything, and then if I complete the capture, the image is auto-saved..).. I hopethis makes sense! lol

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