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Topics - RainrooM [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Living Room / Quote/picture of the day
« on: January 20, 2017, 12:20 PM »
Dear all,

not sure if this is the right place for my question ? If not, my apology.
Pls allow me to explain what I'm after.

I would like to be able to show to my team members once a day or a quote or picture in a popup at their PC on the network.
This can be at login or at a certain time in the morning.
The intention is to start the day with a funnny quote or picture out of a big nr out of a collection (pics stored at a folder preferably on my PC or on the network drive) from where on a random base 1 is selected and shown.

Is there some software available for this job or if not, is this worth to consider to make something like this. Can be very basic to start with and extented based on some more needs. I have no program skills and depend on the experts here. I do can support with ideas on this however how it may look like.

Thanks in advance.

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