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Messages - highend01 [ switch to compact view ]

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Finished Programs / Re: DONE: automated mp3 rip from video clip
« on: November 08, 2011, 03:30 PM »
Thank you skwire!

Finished Programs / Re: DONE: automated mp3 rip from video clip
« on: November 06, 2011, 07:33 PM »
this app didn't even have an INI file.

May I ask if you can add one so that we're able to overwrite the default value of 160kbit or as an alternative to add it to the cli syntax (e.g. "-bitrate 192")?

What are the pros and cons in comparison to ?

Developer's Corner / Re: Auto generate 'spinner' code for your website
« on: November 03, 2011, 07:05 AM »
Nice find, bookmarked as well :)

Found Deals and Discounts / Re: Dr Explain 60% OFF
« on: November 02, 2011, 04:43 AM »
I've tried it a few weeks ago (trying to get the mysql documentation (single html / chapter html file(s)) into a new .chm file) and it was... a desaster...

http://www.drexplain...ic.php?f=2&t=493 if anyone wants to read about it.


Living Room / Re: Good book to learn PHP?
« on: October 30, 2011, 04:42 PM »
Thanks guys, there is some interesting discussion going on here :)

I've just ordered PHP and MYSQL Web Development, 4th Edition and the PHP Developer's Cookbook. Should be enough for a good start :)


Living Room / Good book to learn PHP?
« on: October 25, 2011, 02:06 AM »

I never learned a programming language before so I need something that doesn't require any previous knowledge.

Can you recommend any books that you've used yourself (I know there are a lot of resources available on the web but I prefer a good book)?


Wow, great application, nice features (and I have a use for all of them) :)

Well done!

not yet, but it is coming

Glad to hear that, one of the most missed features so far (at least for me) :)

Does this new alpha version support retaining the full "layout" on the other hand (so that it makes sense to add a hotkey to paste as plain text only)? *g*

Aptana could be an alternative, too. But I read a lot of really bad comments about it (slow, buggy)...

Regarding Visual Studio: PHP only via e.g. VS.PHP and for plugins in general (e.g. github) you can't use the express version so that will be quite expensive.

Btw. does anyone really use MS Visual Studio (Pro / Ultimate) with VS.PHP and can share his opinion if it's worth?


Can anyone recommend an IDE for PHP, MySQL, HTML(5), CSS and Javascript (that supports GitHub)?

Something you've been / you are using yourself.

I'm currently looking at PhpStorm and Netbeans but I not a big fan of Software that uses Java for it's GUI ;(

Sure, e-mail sent :)

The bug with a leading dot in filenames (not processed correctly) is indeed fixed :)

Using % variables in an .alias file still leads to an incorrect icon for all entries inside that group.


The .alias file contains e.g.:
            OpenVPN | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\OpenVPN\_OpenVPN.exe
            AdMuncher | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\AdMuncher\AdMunch.exe
            Clipboard | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\CHS\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe

The icon for the alias group after typing in ".s" is correct but all three entries show the same icon :)

The only way to fix it seems to replace the variable with the real folder name or adding an /ICON entry for each one.

Can you have a look at it again, mouser or is it (now) working as intended and you want the user to add an icon for each entry?

Find And Run Robot / Re: Filenames with a leading dot?
« on: October 03, 2011, 02:17 AM »
Apart from that, Explorer won't let you create files or folders (or rename files or folders) "without a filename" before the "extension"

Correct but who on earth really uses it (there a literally dozens of file managers that do a 10x better job than windows explorer)? I can't even remember the last time I used it for file or folder management ;( Btw. on a command prompt you've always been able to do it (and I used that method in the old, ancient days (before TC, SpeedCommander and XYplorer)).

Find And Run Robot / Re: Filenames with a leading dot?
« on: October 02, 2011, 03:28 PM »
Pretty bad idea for regular files anyway, since a fair amount of software will break on those files.

Really? I stumbled upon ... zero ... in the last 16 years (since win 95) and I test new software every day...


Win 7 environment only so no real need to change this.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Filenames with a leading dot?
« on: September 30, 2011, 11:32 AM »

I'm just used to it. My personal method to "pin" important files at the top of the file list in XYplorer. Doesn't require holding the shift button for other characters like "!" ;)


Find And Run Robot / Filenames with a leading dot?
« on: September 30, 2011, 04:27 AM »
Hi Mouser.

I have a file named D:\Users\Highend\Tools\TrueCrypt\.MountExternalDrive.exe
It is a compiled .bat file that mounts my external TC drive.

If I type in .mou in FARR it shows this file as the first one but when I hit enter the drive isn't mounted but I get a windows explorer window that contains the D:\Users\Highend\Tools\TrueCrypt directory.

If I rename the file from .MountExternalDrive.exe to MountExternalDrive.exe (without the dot) and enter mou and hit enter again everything works as expected (no windows explorer window and the TC volume is mounted).

Why does FARR have a problem with filenames with a leading dot and more important: can you fix it?


Find And Run Robot / Re: Icon for alias group?
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:37 AM »
Thank you, Mouser.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Icon for alias group?
« on: September 27, 2011, 10:34 AM »
If you change those to a pure directory without the variable does it pick up the icons ok then?

Yes, I can confirm this.

Changing %USERNAME% in both .alias files to a real path will show the correct icon for all entries in each alias group again.

Find And Run Robot / Re: Icon for alias group?
« on: September 27, 2011, 09:17 AM »
I did what you've suggested Mouser but now the .ico file ("highend_start[1].ico") for the alias group ("highend_start[1].alias") is used for all entries inside the group^^

Do I really have to append the /icon= for every icon in an alias group now to be able to use a different icon for the group (e.g. with your "make a new .alias file and provide an .ico file for it)?

E.g. I still have a different group in myaliases.alias file name ".editor"
It contains these three entries:
EditPlus | D:\Tools\EditPlus\editplus.exe
Notepad | C:\Users\%USERNAME%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Accessories\Notepad.lnk
Word 2010 | C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Word 2010.lnk

If I unfold the group by entering it all three items have their own original .exe's icon AND the icon for the complete group is NOT a DOS Command prompt but it shows the icon from the first entry inside the group (in this case: the icon of EditPlus):


Find And Run Robot / Re: Icon for alias group?
« on: September 27, 2011, 08:21 AM »
Assigning icons to all items in a alias group changes the icon for the whole group?

All entries inside a group are displayed with the correct icon when I write out the full alias groupname (like ".s1" or ".s2").


Find And Run Robot / Icon for alias group?
« on: September 27, 2011, 03:28 AM »

I've defined two alias groups (inside myaliases.alias).

".s1" (without quotation marks) with:
OpenVPN | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\OpenVPN\_OpenVPN.exe
AdMuncher | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\AdMuncher\AdMunch.exe
Clipboard | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\CHS\ClipboardHelpAndSpell.exe

XYplorer | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\XYplorer\xyplorer.exe
Chrome | D:\Users\%USERNAME%\Tools\Chrome\Chrome [%USERNAME%].lnk
Outlook | C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Microsoft Office 2010\Microsoft Outlook 2010.lnk

when I invoke FARR and type in "." or ".s" I can see both groups but (and that's the annoying part) the icon in front of the alias group name
is a "C:\" Dos command prompt window icon.

Is there any way to define a better icon for these two groups?


i just spent 10 minutes starting to implement it as a new feature in the program

I was excited when I read this sentence because I thought: He's finally implementing the "preserve full formatting" clipping feature and adds the "but allow the user to insert such a clip as plain text if he wants to" as an additional feature...

Btw, if you ever implement it, please add an additional (user configurable) shortcut to paste the last clip as plain text (e.g. I'd use strg + shift + v for it).


General Software Discussion / Re: Any (Free) VPN service to recommend?
« on: September 10, 2011, 05:09 AM »

Thanks a lot.

I'm using HMA (via OpenVPN) atm and even servers in my own country cap my downloadspeed to approx. half of my max download speed (in this case 8mbit). New York is even worse, I can't get more than 2 mbit at max.

Don't know if it makes any difference (256bit (OpenVPN) vs. 128bit (PPTP) encryption strength) though.

Maybe it's time for a change (although I don't like annual payments)...

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