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Pages: [1]
crap, i was hoping to replace good old traymanager with a different program.

as you may have guessed, im not using winxp and so i need a way to manage my tray icons :P

hmm, do you know the requirements for shelltrayinfo?

i got a "could not find entry point" error when trying to run it.

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Create your own Tool Tips
« on: June 15, 2006, 08:46 PM »
sounds a bit like that little brother of the wizard...

does it allso copy layout tags? or will it just convert the whole page into a "big" txt file?

what about a article with many pictures? or maybe frames or similar to add stuff to diffrent sides of the main text?

and i take it that it will only work with IE...

ProcessTamer / Re: doubleclick vs hotkey...
« on: January 26, 2006, 01:32 PM »
heh, didnt notice the strange smiley. changed it to something more fitting...

hmm, ill see if i can add it to the bugtracker, as soon as i create yet another account on a webpage...

ProcessTamer / doubleclick vs hotkey...
« on: January 26, 2006, 09:29 AM »
i would love to have the ability to set a custom hotkey that triggers the same action that a doubleclick on the tray icon does. that way i can add it to my game mode toggle that im kinda creating in powerpro (

excelent program this prosess tamer btw :D

Pages: [1]