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General Software Discussion / on-screen programmable icons
« on: September 02, 2013, 01:10 AM »
Hopefully some of the posters here can lead me in the right direction.
As a volunteer, I am putting together some instruction "tutorials" for users with various disabilities.
One of the things I would like to try as an approach is, instead of keyboard shortcuts where a "control " or "command" key needs to be selected along with another key, having the shortcut as a single click icon, maybe in some kind of on-screen toolbar.
As an example, in Photoshop, in order to "deselect" one must 1.)click the toolbar. 2.) scroll down, and 3.) click "deselect", or, a two key combination (as you probably know there are many and often difficult to look up, remember or execute).
Could this (and any selection or keyboard shortcut) be done with a simple single click on a descriptive "icon"?
Skrommel (Mr. Skrommel maybe) had a AHK utility a number of years ago that got close to this effort, however OS's have changed and a very short learning curve is necessary.
Any info about utilities, on-screen programmable icons, or methods that would help develop and hence simplify (especially "art" software which is popular) is appreciated.  Thank you,
Washington DC

Clipboard Help+Spell / CHS reorder grid
« on: April 27, 2013, 03:43 AM »

Still the most imaginative site on the "inter-web".

About CHS, can you direct me to how to reorder the grid?  Thanks

Washington DC

Living Room / Select ENTER with mouse click
« on: February 12, 2013, 07:13 PM »
Possibly someone here can direct me.

First off I use a trackball. Others may also do so for accessibility/adaptive reasons. 

Is there a way to click "something" on-screen that would substitute for pressing the enter key? A preference would be not an onscreen keyboard, unless it could be modified for possibly a small single line or best, one key (obviously the ENTER key).

Thanks for your attention.

Washington DC

Clipboard Help+Spell / Clipboard Help + Spell -- Quicker on the draw?
« on: January 05, 2010, 11:50 AM »

I was unable to find an answer, if possible could someone direct me to a reference.  A simple graphic is posted showing "steps" of the utility that get to the entry to be copied. For me it's pretty much a back and forth 5 tap movement to get to the entry before pasting. Is there a way to shorten this process.  I realize that this only takes seconds, until selecting the wrong entry (my blunders) and then over again (hopefully only once). I have tried keyboard, mouse, drawing pad.

One possibility I haven't tried because this is a new to me, is a hotkey or macro to get me part of the way.  Thanks for any suggestions.

Hello, As another way of finding better accessibility, I thought that having a consistant click pattern no matter the selection would be nice.  Possibly there are others who have a "muscle memory" (or just the memory of, for that matter) two clicks of the mouse/trackball/other input defining a selection.  Sure keyboarding is a preferred method, however in some cases and at times "clicking" has to do (the sandwich in one hand while driving , knees steering, and handheld balanced on dashboard comes to mind :)) Or, a double click of the input is the most workable for your situation.

So, as usual I can explain some things fairly quickly..., but making it work may take some work.  Can it be done? Any Ideas?


The google search url below has a number of entries that describe how to add a string to the end of the search query in the ADDRESS BAR that will filter results within time periods (by dates). It looks like this   &as_qdr=d;tbs=qdr:y&tbo=1

The "idea" is to have a way of adding this with one tap.

For users who may not be able to or want an audio confirmation sound on capture, is there a way, or could there be a way, to have some kind of visual confirmation/indication "fire" when copying or pasting?  Thanks.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Shortcut to Photoshop menu command.
« on: December 15, 2008, 06:14 PM »
This is my first try at coding so please excuse my newness.    When using Photoshop I navigate with a trackball and drawing pad.  I am limited when it comes to using keyboard shortcuts.  Is there a way to select a menu command (for the open window) by tapping a shortcut button.  I tried the following for the command-- Deselect (^D):

Send, ^D

Then made the file into a toolbar.  Although tapping the toolbar will cause the selection to "Deselect", returning to that active window "RE-selects" and I am back where I started.

Thank you for looking at this.  NR

Pages: [1]