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Topics - tmpusr [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Hide Empty Folders
« on: October 08, 2006, 08:59 AM »
A tree structure. Many empty folders.

Request: Switches that un/hide them per folder tree.

Implementation idea:

A task scheduled recursive run. If the folder has no subs containing stuff and set the hidden attrib. I'd like it to work while Show Hidden Files is on, but I guess you just can't have it both ways.

Background: I have created a tree structure where I drop stuff. I don't want to see the empty folders cluttering the screen when I'm browsing it.

Sending Ctrl+I when a window is opened would do the trick. By the way, in the Internet Explorer mode the Favorite stays, which is the behavior I want.

I've just opened a save dialog. The path is in System, so I have a lot of clicking to do to get it where I want to save the file.

Usually I've got some C:\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff\Stuff explorer window open, where I want to save the stuff.

Going there in the save dialog can be done by copying the path from the Explorer window "Address" field.
I want to alt/ctrl/Win-drag the title of the explorer window and drop in on the save dialog, which then would go to the path (just enter it in the file name field by copypaste and press enter).

I've closed a window and I want it back. I need a hotkey popup list, with mousewheel support, that reopens the windows I've closed.

Find And Run Robot / Feature - Restricting Searches to Folders
« on: November 28, 2005, 12:38 AM »
Searches only certain folders, by a using a prefix, like
m bombtrack (e.g. would search for bombtrack in C:\Music, D:\Download\Music)
v insaneflick (e.g. would search insaneflick in C:\Video, D:\Video, E:\Video)

Could be anything you can customize it all:
.v v, v. v# #v or vc vd ve for single drives
Perhaps a space before the prefix would mean you're using this one. Perhaps another hotkey for opening in a folder restricted search mode. Perhaps a double tap of the normal hotkey would switch between the search modes - I guess that'd be ergonomical. Otherwise you'd have to use some prefix or postfix (for the first letter(s) only) like , # / .

-Different fonts and colors for every type (column) of data displayed.
-Auto coloring by filetype like in Total Command and 4DOS

Find And Run Robot / BUG: Using Large Icons (48) text is cropped
« on: November 27, 2005, 11:49 PM »
...when using autofit. I'd also like to have a big icon view similar to Explorer Tiles, Grouped by Type, Type: Extension

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