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Post New Requests Here / IDEA: MinimOther new feature: timed
« on: November 28, 2008, 09:55 PM »
If apps are switched between often, perhaps you don't want them minimizing.
Timer that minimizes other windows only after they've been non-focused for n seconds.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Pause/Suspend Others
« on: November 28, 2008, 09:46 PM »
-Every other process gets paused. 100% free CPU.
-Excludes (e.g. right click window title "Don't pause this process" or in the Task Manager)
-If possible, the paused process gets dumped to virtual memory, freeing up RAM.
-Timed: if processes are switched often between, don't pause them until they've been non-focused n seconds.

With ProcExp and PsSuspend.exe
you can pause processes.

The difficulty is switching back to paused processes... perhaps another switcher, replacing alt-tab. Even an alternative taskbar.

When you search stuff, download it, it just stays in the download folders, which you may have on several hard drives. Despite all this computation power, it doesn't go where it's supposed to by itself. You need to move it where it belongs.

I want a program that does that. How do you code a program that does that?

Just model what you do when you do that.

In a nutshell: Big clusters of similarly named files and folders act like magnets that suck similar named files to their vicinity.

You look at the filenames. When you see similar words, you know they should go into a folder.
Which folder? You know where there are files and folders with similar names. Those clusters of files and folders are your destinations. For example, you already have several albums by some artist in a folder. All the spread-around files should go there.  program would have to locate every file, perhaps utilizing Locate32's database, count how many times words occur in all filenames, and determine matches when those words are in any order, the more similar, the higher the match.

something A something B something
something B something A something



Option: Move only files that have two or more matching words in their filenames.
Option: Only move files or folders or files with some extension.
Option: Limit search folders.
Option: Simulate to see what would happen.

Just ONE run of it would seriously clean up your hard drives. It should check whether there's enough space on the drive. If it notices that you're going to run out of space, it suggests moving the cluster, i.e. the whole subfolder where similar named files are, to another drive with enough space under the same tree structure.

After it has gathered files into big piles, it would sort them further into subfolders if tighter matches are found.

Build as much intelligence into it as you can. Make it work exactly like you would.

Oh, and why not throw in automatic archive extraction into subfolders and clean up unnecessary folders. Just like you would.

And file & folder name cleanup with a simple txt file of words and sentences to kill. It could determine that if you have two words, like

Artist Name - Song

And you have lots of names like

Name, Artist - Song

it would think, "perhaps I need to rename all 'Artist Name - Song' to  'Name, Artist - Song'" while I'm at it. The user seems to prefer it that way. It might ask you.

Just make it restart itself. That's what I have to do when changing the res or rotating.

I have .bats for various resolutions, so I can make DimScreen restart there.
Rotation by hot key. How do I make a .bat punch a hotkey?

I don't have a command line screen rotation exe. Got one?

Seems to work great according to benchmarks, asking for an AHK script to install the thing for newbies. The installer is simple and is described in great detail.

(Moved from Desktop Teleporter thread https://www.donation...dex.php?topic=6091.0
 where the problem of a messy desktop, where everything is habitually dropped, was discussed.)

Don't use soft links on the desktop. Use Desktop Shell NameSpace objects. Reason: soft-linked data will appear twice in your backups - unless the backup app is smart enough.

Shell NameSpace:

You can multiply desktop drop area by using VirtuaWin.
You can have 9 screens (Some virtual window software surely supports even more - do you know any that do, that also support mouse screen switch like VW?) accessible by mere mouse-to-screen-edge motion. Each could have a different folder opened full screen - if droppable area is what you look for. Having big 48+ pixel folder icons in a (autohiding or not) toolbar would give you several easy-to-access drop areas for manually categorizing stuff.

The semi-random-stuff-in-inbox-to-be-dealt-with-later -habit is featured in Getting Things Done as "collecting". After collecting, it's prioritized into categories that lead to actions.

Merely automatically moving stuff from the desktop (or any folder you use for download/inbox) to another folder does little to decrease entropy. Automating the grouping of related files and folders into category folders does decrease entropy and expedites the creation of knowledge. The file managers I've tried still have only very rudimentary and ancient sorting tools. The concept of (fuzzy) similarity is not available (except in some fashion in the Fonts folder). Smart, virtual folders may change this.

An auto-categorizer app, DeEntropizer, that automatically organizes files and folders by similarity, could have features such as:

Fuzzy and relatively smart detection of similarities among:
file types
file names
folder names
file creation and/or modification times

Essentially a pattern recognition process.

Things that could be occurring behind the scenes:

Grouping into folders by file type:

1 EXEs are moved to folder "Executables"
   1.1 There, a folder is created for each. The folder name is either
      1.1.1 Extracted from the description in the EXE
Extracting description:
      1.1.2 file name
   1.2 EXEs are moved to folders

2 ZIPs and RARs are moved to folder "Archives"
   2.1 There they are extracted into folders
   2.2 Original files are deleted
   2.3 Unnecessary empty folders are removed
   2.4 Folder names are cleaned by a smart renamer

and so on for all file types. Exception: creating folders for document files by file name is obviously unuseful.

Within each file type folder:

3 Fuzzy grouping into folders
   3.1 If file or folder names have similarities
      3.1.1 they are moved under a common folder if "review" is present in many PDF names, the files are moved under folder "review". Typos are handled by fuzziness; reveiw, rewiev won't matter. if "daily" is present in many folder names, the folders are moved under folder "daily".

Grouping into folders by name:

4 Optionally grouping folders by
   4.1 Folder size. 300+MB, 50-300MB, 20-50 MB, 10-20 MB, 0-10 MB.
   4.2 Activity density (creation date). Example: a bunch of files have been created (usually downloaded) between 1830-1930 with little time between them. This pattern, the untypically small interval between creation/modification dates, would be recognized and they would be grouped under "20061116 1830-1930". Then some time has passed with few created files. Another rather continuous file creation stream occurs 2210-2240. They would be grouped too.

When you inspect the auto-grouped folders, you find that the first group consists of downloaded utitilies and some related documentation (though they'd be under another file type folder in this example and therefore it might be more useful if activity grouping took place before file type grouping), the next one is media files. The few files which were created between 1930 and 2210 occurred more than 15 minutes apart and aren't grouped; the algorithm for detecting groups would adjust the interval either automatically (perhaps with user adjustable limits; for example a stream of new files could have anything from 1 sec to 60 min interval) or be a user threshold, like 15 minutes; if files and folders are created within 15 minutes of the last one, they are grouped, if more time has passed, the group is broken and they are either not grouped or are grouped in the next group if such is detected.

The problem I have (perhaps in understanding only) with virtual folders such as the ones in Vista or OS X, is that they don't physically relocate, move files. You don't know which files are not included in any them - which ones don't fit any search pattern. If you set up a bunch of virtual folders that present files and folders in a manner described above, which of the files and folders are not displayed at all? How can you know unless you do a file move operation and go back to your download/inbox to see which files and folders are left?

Try picking up a few habits:

Create a folder for each download with full name and some description like "Company Software 1.0 - does this and that".

Categorize upon downloading into software type/media genre sub folders.

Download the most interesting under a separate folder, named "!" for example:

FlashGot with WellGet works great.

Respondance make so:

Too bad no taker is yet.

It save a ton click and type! It nice. I like.

Test it, you like to! It good for practice of make head muscularity.

If silent still stay:

Apparent must learn code self. But am busy time much, no time make for code related actionivity.

Please try make programming soon, you computer engineerer, with more time having because no romance makeing and farm golf playng ever (not like me - ALL TIME!!) yes, is it OK? Nice!

If no respondance still, make strenghiness claim like a male man with mustach (but not like our wemen mustach - it like pigs hair!! haha, I joke, PIG better! Pig also less armpit, back, and ars hair too than a weman have - it very smuuth animal! You try, you like too!):

You code like a little girls! When my country invade your village, then you coding very much!

It will shudder the geek.

Using Other People's Machines is not nice. Not for them, not for you.

Insert media.
Run your stuff.
Sync changes to net and/or save state (supporting CDRW).
Remove media.

Anything out there that does this?
VNC solves a lot, but net's not always available.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: color file names by file type
« on: November 15, 2006, 11:36 PM »
...and by age, newest=brightest. And by using background colors. Just make it fully customizable.

You can have this in a good Console. Why not Explorer?

Just to see MORE.

Icons are often useless and only take space which could be used for text. Console has no icons and we happily use it, so why are we forced to see pixel piles when mousing?

16 pixels is relatively small, but when you have fonts size 3-5, that's a relatively hefty lump of pixels gone to waste. Especially vertically, you could fit a lot more data on screen without this size limit.

A zoomable view. See every folder on every hard drive. File lists popping into view on mouse hover or when getting close enough.


Blah - Artust1 - Title1
Artyst1 ft. Artist2 - Title2
Artost1 - Title3
Artist1 ft. Artist3 - Title4

should be moved to

Artist1\Blah - Artist1 - Title1
Artist1\Artist1 ft. Artist2 - Title2
Artist1\Artist1 - Title3
Artist1\Artist1 ft. Artist3 - Title4

The matching should be pretty fuzzy. It could be switched off.
It would intelligently rename. Typos and extra characters wouldn't be a problem.

Series Sorter has some of those features but for files only and no such brainy rename.

Make a file appear in many folders according to tag words in its file name

Development name: TagHardLinker

A scheduled task that creates Hard Links of files in other folders by reading

A) tag words in the file name

You are free to use any tags, file system naming limitations apply. The tags are associated with any number of folders, which are defined in a database file:


A recurring scheduled run creates and deletes hard links.

It parses date tags such as "tomorrow","tomo", "2wk" and renames the tag to 20061014. Dated files can be made to appear in "In" or "To Do" folder if the date tag matches today, or earlier, giving a pre-warning.

Tag words
Defined in a database
distinguished by e.g. #tag #tag2 in the file name? The character can be other than #.

A tag can contain spaces if it is terminated by a # or if it's the last one in the name. Tags can be anywhere in the file name.

Context menu feature:
Add current folder name to file name as a tag

A non-essential feature, but perhaps a nice one would be to scan for tag words in the file content.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Explorer Bar Favorites always visible
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:19 PM »
I hate it when the Favorites is changed to Folders every time I open a new window. Internet Explorer remembers the state.

But the best solution would be

I'd like to have the Favorites and Folders open at the same time, side by side, or like Xyplorer. No reason to ever lose sight of those hot folders, just like on OSX.  Favorites should also remember which folders in it are expanded, if you have a tree structure there.

I like the idea of having multiple virtual roots in Video, Pictures, Music, Downloads, right there in the root of the Desktop, far above My Computer\Drive:\Path\Path\Path\ - always near, always visible. does that but only for My Computer. You need to regedit to get it to Desktop NameSpace. So we need a tool that browses the My Computer NameSpace and copies it to Desktop NameSpace. Delete option should be included too.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: InfiniCompress aka Matryoshka Archive
« on: October 08, 2006, 02:04 PM »
An archive inside an archive inside an archive...

Compress then recompress the resulting file. Add spice by alternating compression software. Let's see what happens.

Better have a tool for extracting.  ;D

A switch between multiple or just two fonts quickly. I use a bigger size for screen and when I print I now use IE with a smaller font set up. It doesn't support PS fonts which sukks.

I'd like to stay in Firefox, just click a button or a hotkey and print with choice font(s) - I'd like to be able to format the headings and normal text separately, force the fonts.

I noticed using characters such as # ' = - is insanely easy. ~ @ +_ are with Shift, not too much trouble.

Prefixing special, important folder names with those gives you speedy access.

Of course there are hot keys to go to any folder anywhere, but this is more context sensitive, within a folder, or if you're in Explorer's Folders Pane and you have the whole tree open, you can jump between folders with these special characters. Expand everything in ROOT using * on the numpad:

ROOT\yad\da\yad\da\# wohoo

ROOT\yad\da\= boom, you're there

ROOT\bla\bla\bla\# wohoo part II

ROOT\stuff\stuff\stuff\stuff\= boom part II

Now tap # and =

I dunno what Coding Snacks you could build around this, but spread this idea far and wide anyway. :D

I'm impressed with PhotoMesa. Now that's what I call MINDware. The best, EVER.

Video Browser

What I'd like is similar for video. Files playing back, showing parts of the video, 1 min from the start, 15 min, 30 min, etc. Or just screenshots.

You hover on a video, a slider pops up. You move the mouse left and right, it smoothly fast forwards/reverses. You move mouse up and down, playback speed up/down/reverse. Or the mouse wheel is for speed or shuttling. It's customizable.

You move out of the slider, it continues as normal playback, until you hover on a new video. When you get back to a video that has already been hovered on, it remembers the settings and where you left it. You could actually watch videos, just zoom out, and it would remember where you were, when you get back to it.

Video extractor: While viewing, you find a juicy bit. Keys to set extract start end points and auto move the clip to Extracts folder. But most I'd like to have is a feature similar to Repeater for Foobar2000. You can select Selections (loops) of the media and it saves the positions in Tags right into the file. Combined with Foobar2000's Columns View, you can see an indicator in a column, which files have been tagged with Selections.

The Selections should be saved right into the files, if possible, so that the file can be moved around and doesn't lose them. When you zoom close enought to a video, the selections pop up, small pictures playing those selections. There's always a Back key for coming back to where you were before you explored the selections. Stretching the start and end point and choosing the start/end points in a slow or frame by frame mode.

A Virtual Folder view collects all Selections from all video and presents them as if they had been extracted to separate files. Playing back the Selections from inside the files all over the machine. When you go to a selection, you can view the full video of course. You can select the Selections and choose Extract. You get multiple files.

You can tag videos with categories, then auto move them to corresponding folders or just a feature similar to One-Click Copy/Move.

File Browser

A symbiosis of PhotoMesa and WinDirStat

You see stuff in WinDirStat format, color coded, and normal file lists appear when you zoom near enough. Multiple zoomable windows side by side, Favorites as virtual root folders, like in the Desktop NameSpace.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Insanely Good File System Browser
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:51 AM »
Moved to


A symbiosis of PhotoMesa

and WinDirStat

You see stuff in WinDirStat format, color coded, and normal file lists appear when you zoom near enough. Multiple zoomable windows.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Insanely Good Viewer
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:43 AM »
Moved to


Freeware PhotoMesa gives me the goose bumps. Now that's what I call MINDware. The best, EVER.

What I'd like is the same for video.... files playing back, showing parts of the video.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Automatic File Move and Copy
« on: October 08, 2006, 10:20 AM »

The problem I have with this one is that it doesn't seem to have a recursive option. If you find it, please report. Very nice for automatically moving stuff around otherwise. A folder that cleans itself up can be done. Know any coding snacks or other software that deal with these auto move copy issues?

When on a downloading spree, files end up in the big Download folder. Some files you download are just more interesting to you, of more immediate concern. Here's an idea for a button:

You turn it on. The files that end up in the Download folder will be automatically moved to, say, a folder named "!" in the Download folder, by a scheduled process I guess.

Post New Requests Here / DONE: View FULL txt file in tooltip
« on: October 08, 2006, 09:05 AM »
Stuff that InfoTag Magic displays, but larger, and even scrollable by up and down movement of the mouse (no scrollbars). With delete and edit button included.

The first idea:
Create folder by file name and move file to folder.

The second idea:
Create a folder by file description that is inside the exe and move to folder.

The idea is to get the full Company Software 1.0 type of name. Format can be customized - e.g. "Installer" omitted, etc.

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