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Messages - cianoc [ switch to compact view ]

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There's really only one application that does this really well, and that is org-mode for emacs. It is incredibly powerful (the usual answer to "can you do...?" is yes. I'm not joking - I use it for everything from a writing and publishing app, simple spreadsheets, capturing notes as well as organising my life) and flexible, and you can basically customise it to your own needs. It even integrates with both Android and the iPhone through a couple of apps.

The downside is that its in Emacs, so the investment of time and energy is considerable.

org-mode in Emacs is very good for this kind of stuff (as for GTD stuff), so long as you're the kind of person who doesn't mind doing a bit of hacking/customisation.

I've been very pleasantly surprised by for the Asus EEE. Can't imagine making the switch from Windows, as I have too much invested in it, but Linux makes for a very nice netbook.

Living Room / Re: poor? Pay up!
« on: May 28, 2009, 04:08 AM »
Doesn't matter which one of them said it, it isn't particularly true (of either).
Some rich people have libraries to show off, but they don't actually read the books in it. They might mess up the leather binding.

I really don't get the moralism that says poor people have to suffer and have nothing fun (TV is cheap fun). And if you want to get moralistic about it, have you seen the crap that rich people spend their money on? Talk about tacky.

Living Room / Re: poor? Pay up!
« on: May 22, 2009, 11:03 AM »
<i>Just for example, using a "payday loan" is something poor people do. But do they do it because they're poor? Or are they poor because they make unwise financial decisions such as using a "payday loan" to buy things before they have the money?</i>

a) Its different when you have kids.
b) "By buying things before they have the money" - you're talking about stuff like getting the car you need to commute to your job repaired (can that wait?). Paying doctors bills. Paying for the emergency plumber. New school clothes. An unexpectedly large fuel bill. Poor people have no contingency funds for emergencies, or anything out of the ordinary.

I would recommend reading this book:

Also techniques that are quite useful:
Talk to some prospective users about what they would like, don't like about existing software. Ask them what they would like from software. Find out what their problems are at the moment. Inevitably you will find that your assumptions about what the user needs are wrong.
Creating scenarios of use. Creating stories for how you think people might use your site. Not just the interaction, but how is it going to fit into their lives. It will give you a better sense of what is (and isn't needed) and will stop you from missing stuff.
Before coding, sketch some design ideas. Create some prototypes with bits of paper (one sheet for each dialog). Then just see does it feel right. If you can, try it out on some prospective users.

Still in beta, but it looks interesting. I'd be a bit wary due to the fact that its created by a startup.
Out of curiosity, has anyone written anything in AIR?

Ah, Paint.NET even...

How does it compare to Photo.NET?

I don't think there is a best note-taking application, as everyone has very different needs. I personally have several notetakers that I used for a variety of purposes:

Flashnote: Very simple, lightweight hierarchical notetaker that I use for temporary notes I am referring to for work I am currently doing. This might range from needing a place to write down notes from a phone call, a place to put fragments of computer code or just wanting a scratchpad. This isn't long term storage, just a scratchpad.

I'm currently experimenting with using either Cintanotes, or SQLNotes, as my inbox (GTD terminology) where I place stuff to be done/processed while doing other work. Cintanotes is excellent as a lightweight "dumping ground" for stuff to be processed later, on the other hand SQLnotes is where I'm increasingly putting the processed info in my PIM/GTD system.

For my thesis work I'm using ConnectedText, which is a personal wiki. This has the semantic data that you're asking for, and is an outstanding implementation of a personal wiki (Wikidpad isn't bad, but if you're planning on using it heavily, ConnectedText is well worth the money). I use this for processed notes; that is notes on things that I have thought about/read/critiqued. I use it as an ideas processor for my evolving thesis work.
I have a system where I place my bibliographic data into Zotero, pull out the Bibtex key for each item I write notes on and create a wiki page for it with relevant bibliographic data (title, abstract, tags and authors mainly). Then all my notes on that book/journal are linked to that item. Any other notes are placed in a notes bin, with relevant tags added. What's really useful about this, is once notes are in there I can very rapidly build meta-pages that pull in all notes that are tagged with 'phenomenology', and I can read through these, rewrite some of my notes and perhaps create a new note that summarises/critiques some of those ideas. Over time I use this to gradually evolve a paper, with all the relevant ideas in it as a 'first draft'. The really nice thing about this, is that it makes it trivial to keep track of where ideas came from, so you properly reference them in your papers. So I might create a note, that references five previous notes, and I can just follow the links back to those.

What I currently lack is a replacement for Evernote 2.2 (I lost my copy). I used to use this as a dumping ground for stuff that I found and didn't currently need/want to use, but thought might be useful one day. I guess SQLNotes might manage this

Finally, I'm currently experimenting with SQLNotes/InfoQube. This is a remarkably powerful program, that complements ConnectedText very well (neither does what the other does well, nor should they). The beta version has a LOT of rough edges, but it shows a lot of promise. Very steep learning curve, but for PIM needs it can almost certainly do what you want. I'm planning to use it for my GTD system, project planning, contacts info and (perhaps) as a replacement for Evernote's clipping capabilities.

Javascript / Excellent online tutorial
« on: February 12, 2009, 06:10 AM »

Very good tutorial indeed, even if you're an experienced programmer. I hadn't realised quite how functional Javascript is (okay, its not Haskell, but still), while he does a good job of detailing the OO mess.

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