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Messages - skribb [ switch to compact view ]

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I guess you can do that :Thmbsup:

I just realized I can use Samurize for this. As an avid Samurize user it's quite lulzy that I hadn't thought of that earlier.  :D  :D

Before I'd go through that much trouble on a cloudy/crap-colored display, I'd get another, better, display. You're probably watching it a couple of hours a day, why accept mediocre?

Well, problem is, since the first flat screen I bought was off the charts amazing performance wise (plus cheap!) I've become very picky. And my budget doesn't match my standards =P

Yeah I know the cause of backlight bleeding. I don't think you understand my concept.  :-\

It would be primarily used to fix uneven color-tinting and clouding issues. I'll change the subject name to reflect this ("MonitorTintFixer") ;D

Finished Programs / SOLVED: DimScreen + DimSaver = MonitorTintFixer?
« on: December 13, 2011, 04:34 PM »
I recently came up with the idea of an app that would "fix" backlight bleeding, clouding etc for LCD monitors. I was going to post the idea here and then I read about DimScreen and DimSaver and I thought "yes! perhaps my idea is doable".

Anyhow, this is my concept:
anti clouding / backlight bleed app:
A click-through, translucent layer sitting on top of all desktop windows, all the time. You can load an image file into the app and then choose the transparency rate of the image. This will then act as a software-based countermeasure for LCD screens suffering from clouding or backlight bleeding.
The way the images work is that you create an image with the same dimensions as your monitor, and then, if you notice half your monitor is slightly green-tinted, you color that part of the image with the hue of your choice. Then once you've loaded the image into the app, you choose the transparency rate to match your monitor's needs.

Obviously this probably won't work for videogames or full screen movies, but those aren't as important since bleeding and clouding isn't as noticeable with moving pictures. Now seeing as both DimSaver and DimScreen exist (not to mention White.ahk!), it shouldn't be too hard to make this app a reality ^_^

Sounds like a pretty neat idea, don't it?  :D

Post New Requests Here / Re: Idea: Maximize all Windows
« on: December 13, 2011, 03:46 PM »
I tried to find a solution to maximize all windows in Windows 7 but I haven't found one. I know that the win+d key will minimize and restore all windows, but this method doesn't restore windows after a window is clicked upon. Does someone know of an application that can force all windows on the taskbar to a maximized state?

Hi! I had a similar conundrum recently so I made this little AHK script to work around it. Too stoned to tailor it for your specific needs but it might be a good start-off point for you if you want to try Autohotkey. Try hitting Win+D a couple times and you'll see what the app does. :)

;;;;;;  Show Desktop reroute into "miniimze all windows" to circumvent Samurize being hidden


#NoEnv  ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.

SendMode Input  ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.

SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir%  ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.

Menu, TRAY, Tip, KeyKey ; this is here in case I feel like showing the tray icon in the future

DesktopIsActive := 0

If (DesktopIsActive == 0)
WinGet, active_id, ID, A
If (active_id == 0)
MsgBox,,,No windows active on system
DesktopIsActive := 1
Send, #m
Else If (DesktopIsActive == 1)
WinRestore, ahk_id %active_id%
DesktopIsActive := 0

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