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Messages - equinexus [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
There is a running discussion about this on

There was one solution that seemed workable. Check it out.

This happens because when you are composing email in Outlook and the format is HTML, every time you hit enter, it adds a paragraph break; i.e. it adds a </P> and starts the next line with a <P>. If you then view the resulting message in Outlook, it looks fine, but when viewed in Gmail, Yahoo!, etc., etc. those </P> tags are converted to extra line breaks.

The only solution is for the person composing the message in Outlook to hit Ctrl+Enter instead of just Enter; Outlook then inserts a standard line break (<BR> tag) instead of a </P>.

The other solution is for Microsoft to FIX THIS... that will probably be a long wait.

Pages: [1]