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Messages - Mr. Bill [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Screenshot Captor / Re: Pasted images too large with new laptop
« on: February 15, 2018, 11:56 AM »
Sorry for the lack of info. This is on my desktop HP. I have changed my video card and the screen display.
1) Video card is a AMD Radeon R7 200 series. I have tried different drivers. Currently running the 17......
2) The new monitor is a New 55" Samsung 6 series MU 6290 TV. Screen Resolution is 3840 X 2160
These are the only 2 items I have changed other than moving to a new apt.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Pasted images too large with new laptop
« on: February 15, 2018, 11:43 AM »
I did change the DPI setting as mentions earlier in this thread. No help at all. The problem seems to be with a higher resolution screen. I started to have this problem when I hooked up my 55" Samsung to it. I checked other programs such as Pick Pick and Microsoft OneNote screen clipper and both programs paste the image just fine. I have been resizing the image to make it paste at a closer size. I thank you for your response. I wasnt expecting one so soon. O, the format is PNG, and I have installed the latest SC.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Pasted images too large with new laptop
« on: February 14, 2018, 09:38 PM »
I've had the same problem. I've done the reinstalling of the amd driver multiple times, no help. What is the fix for this problem ?

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