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Topics - matt_man22 [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
Find And Run Robot / Startup Speed
« on: October 02, 2006, 03:20 PM »
I am using the latest v1.10.02.  Whenever I press the hotkey, like Ctrl+Space, and start typing to find something, there is a slight delay and it skips the first letter.  So if I was searching for "notepad," it would come out "otepad" and open something else.  I really would like it to be faster, so I can type right away.

It's only searching the start-menu and quicklaunch, nothing else.  I noticed previously you could keep it in memory.  Anything I can do to speed up the display?

I'm on a 1.8ghz Pentium core duo with 1 gig of ram.

Pages: [1]