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Topics - TWmailrec [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2017 / Fast access to files & folders by Selection Table
« on: January 08, 2017, 09:33 PM »
NANY 2017 Entry Information

Application Name Table Select
Version 1.2.1
Short Description Program to reduce clutter on desktop & Taskbar
Supported OSes developed on Windows 7, should work on all win systems
Web Page
Download Link
Special requirements
  • No special requirements
Version History
  • Significant update (new features) on 09/01/2017

The program produces a Table which lists files, shortcuts or directories, from which a selection can be made, name or path copied, or Properties inspected. The displayed folder can also be passed via command line.
A separate list of Sub-folders of the current folder can also be displayed and a selection made.
A Table Entry can be Run by a "Double-Click" on an entry, or selecting entry and pressing "Enter".
A home directory path is provided, and a menu of alternative paths can also be shown, where a path is passed using shortcuts.

A filter for file selection based on extension is also provided, and two sort modes are available.
Shortcuts to Tbl_Select.exe can also be created which pass a path and selected file-extensions if filtering is required. The files and folders in that path will be listed.

If a shortcut to the program is pinned to the taskbar, numerous shortcuts can be available without taking space from the taskbar or Desktop with numerous shortcuts.

Numerous Hotkeys in program to speed up use.

Planned Features
None at the moment

T_S MAIN.png
Selection Menu.png
Ctrl_Path Table.png
Folder Table.png

To install, download and unzip to create a new directory, and create shortcuts.
A path and Tbl_Select parameters can be passed in the properties box of that shortcut.

When Tbl_select is first run from the new program directory, the program will create new
shortcuts within the "MAIN" and "TOTAL" program sub-directories.

All programs compiled in AutoHotkey (vs. and .ahk source files are included with program for
modification purposes. If re-compiled with later AutoHotkey version, the program may fail to operate correctly.

Using the Application
A detailed Help file is included.

Delete program directory


Known Issues
Should not rename Program files in the Program directory

In order to unclutter pinned apps on the taskbar, I coded a simple and useful little
program with Autohotkey v., that uses a Listview.
Can anyone suggest a coding MOD to display Listview icons that are NOT obscured by the
shortcut arrow overlay when .Lnk files are displayed.
(I have tried to remove the arrow overlay using "XdN Tweaker.exe" or
"Ultimate Windows Tweaker.exe" but these only work on Desktop icons).

I used the normal coding as given in Autohotkey Help (2003-2009 Chris Mallett).
There must surely be a way as pinned programs and links in Start Menu do not show
these arrows.
Does anyone know how this can be done??

I have just written 2 programs to address following problem:
FileDate_Order (& WinFileSequ) facilitates the ordering of icons in desktop folders on Windows 7/ (and Vista) when the window is set to order by Modification Time (descending).

Windows 7/ does not allow normal re-positioning of icons in a desktop Window, by simply dragging icons from one position to another, - A feature available in every previous version of Windows!.
Since it is MUCH easier to locate icons quickly within large desktop folders, if they are ordered by function and personal preference, I find this utility (containing 2 programs) is extremely useful.

The program can automatically SEQUENCE the Date/Time stamp for each file (icon) in a Window.
The program facilitates icon placement (i.e. moving icons), also offers substitution of link files for sub-directories, and can insert "Space" links for blank positions.

The program can also create "LOG" files (recording files & modification date/times) for each Window to allow fast export. Importing from LOG file will amend file-dates for all icons and reset icon order.

Last update (Drag&Drop to Viewer now implemented) completed 28/09/14
If anyone out there can suggest improvements to function of ahk program, it would be very welcome!

Available for download at:

Modified  on 12/01/15: Both programs should cope with screen resolutions: (Aspect ratio 3 X 4)
1024 X 768, 1152 X 864, 1280 X 1024, with normal dpi (96 dots per inch) or
increased type size: 125% & 150%.

Also available on that site is CLIPSTAC program, much improved and more powerful than original modified Clipstep program. It now combines 2 Clipboard extension Apps, which work well together.
This one works well (so far). It now Auto-configures itself, and includes detailed help file ( & Rt-click hints on buttons etc). Any thoughts would be welcome.
It can also be downloaded from:

Finished Programs / Moving Desktop folder icons in Win7 (& 8)
« on: September 17, 2014, 07:21 PM »
I have just written 2 programs to address following problem:
FileDate_Order (& WinFileSequ) facilitates the ordering of icons in desktop folders on Windows 7/8, and Vista when the window is set to order by Modification Time (descending).

Windows 7/8 does not allow normal re-positioning of icons in a desktop Window, by simply dragging icons from one position to another, - A feature available in every previous version of Windows!.
Since it is MUCH easier to locate icons quickly within large desktop folders, if they are ordered by function and personal preference, I find this utility (containing 2 programs) is extremely useful.

The program can automatically SEQUENCE the Date/Time stamp for each file (icon) in a Window.
The program facilitates icon placement (i.e. moving icons), also offers substitution of link files for sub-directories, and can insert "Space" links for blank positions.

The program can also create "LOG" files (recording files & modification date/times) for each Window to allow fast export. Importing from LOG file will amend file-dates for all icons and reset icon order.

If anyone out there can suggest improvements to function of ahk program, it would be very welcome!

Available for download at:

Also available on that site is CLIPSTAC program, much improved and more powerful than original modified Clipstep program. It now combines 2 Clipboard extension Apps, which work well together.
This one works well (so far). It now Autoconfigures itself, and includes detailed help file
It can also be downloaded from:

Developer's Corner / Need help with Vista Backup
« on: May 15, 2008, 08:37 PM »
I have been developing a program to backup complete XP / 98 windows systems
to a large dedicated partition for zip backups.
Now that I have installed Vista (multiboot system) in a partition, I find it impossible to zip/delete & unzip the vista "Documents and Settings" & "Users" directories from within the XP C: drive.

Can anyone suggest a way to unlock these directories from within XP, or suggest a program that has got round the problem??

Finished Programs / Programming Utility SubFinder Script
« on: February 20, 2008, 07:04 PM »
ahk Program: subscript

spotted this brilliant program from: Trubbleguy (
Posted: Tue Aug 28, 2007 3:56 pm    Post subject: Programming Utility SubFinder Script   


Anyone who wastes time scrolling to find a label should give it a try!
I couldnt get it to work on my system, so here is modified version (works on XP).
When Editing an .ahk, .txt, or .BAT file, calling program (hotkey: [Shift]+F5)
 shows a Listview listing ALL Labels (OR Tags marks) in file being edited.
 - On selecting a Label (/Tag), Sends [Ctrl]+f to Editor to locate Label.
This saves endless time scrolling to find a Label:
Left program with various presettable options for the time being.

Skrommel's Software / Clipstep & Clipseek
« on: November 04, 2007, 06:40 PM »
Attached is new Clipstep MOD and Clipseek program which seem virtually finished
(synopsis below)
If you have time to look at the README file and have any thoughts on use/improvements, let me know


RE:   CLIPSTEP (ClipSeek)

I am now attaching the LATEST modified CLIPSTEP and NEW CLIPSEEK

CLIPSTEP is a modified version of Skrommel's Clipstep, which is a clipboard extension app which only uses [Control]+v and [Control]+c and [Control]+x to allow clips to be stored as .CLIP files, and allows selection of stored clips for Re-Pasting.
It is now modified to work with CLIPSEEK, a new program (modified form of Seek from Phi) which has two different modes of operation:

  - Displays large table of clipboard CLIPs and shows Clip content
  - Predefine a Permanent directory for preconfigured applications to store clips
  - Allows Selection criteria to preselect clips, many modes offered
  - Provides alternative Pasting options and other functions
  - Can add comments to individual clips, mark clips to preserve/display at top of list etc.

CLIPSEEK Directory Mode:
  - Displays (Recursed) list of files (and directories), and shows contents/properies/icons for common file-types and common grahics.
  - Allows Selection criteria for filename AND contents to preselect files for display, many modes offered.
  - Can preconfigure settings for Active programs/Apps/extensions, which are automatically selected by ClipSeek when run, or can be manually selected, once .ini is modified.
  - Various display options
  - Allows files to be run (if File association exists)/ or Directories to be selected.
  - Can allow MS Word (2000) Document (and RTF and other files) to be listed with block of contents, on which Selective search can restrict list, to aid file selection, and run MSWORD with selected file(s).
  - Allows listing of Apps (Link files etc) in StartMenu and StartMenuCommon, to search for and run required application.

For full function, download (see below) and place files in subdir to main
clipstep directory called \!Filscrpt

Coding Snacks / CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:02 PM »
To:  Skrommel
From: TWmailrec

Further to last post, I have now completed CLIPSTEP mods that improve usability and add functions:
  Ctrl-Alt-V added to Toggle Current (%A_WorkingDir%) & Permanent dir: .\Perm
      This option only available after SHOWCLIP initiated.
  Ctrl-Alt-C added to COPY current clip(%A_WorkingDir%) TO: Permanent Dir .\Perm
      This option only available after SHOWCLIP initiated, if current dir is default
  SHOWCLIP (^V) uses Progress for readability and shows Previous & Next clip
      as well as showing current clip filename, "No." of "Total clips",
      and if clip is "FILE" / "Address"
Also corrected fault in version sent before with filecopy

If you think this of any interest, perhaps you can suggest improvements?
Excuse the errors if there are any. I think these MODS make it more user friendly.
Would welcome any comments!

Skrommel's Software / Clipstep - Improvements
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:19 PM »
To Skrommel
From TWmailrec

You may recall we spoke about Capshift some time ago.

Since finding most of my clipboard Managers break the Clipboard chain (eg ARSCLIP) and interfere with a persistant .ahk program I run, I started to use Clipstep.

I made some MODS to improve appearance/readability and function, viz:
 MOD: Ctrl-Alt-V added to Create & Toggle Current (%A_WorkingDir%) & Permanent directory (.\Perm) to store permanent clips. This option only available after ^V pressed to allow other programs to use Ctrl-Alt-V
 MOD: SHOWCLIP (^V) uses Progress for readability and shows Previous & Next clip

Excuse the errors if there are any. I think these MODS make it more user friendly.
Would welcome any comments!

How about adding a Search facility??

[email protected]

Skrommel's Software / Key Macros for MS WORD
« on: June 02, 2006, 08:44 PM »
In order to standardise numerous functions like 'Edit new file' or various cut/paste functions for many different applications, I tried to add key macros to  Skrommels "ShiftOff" program which is automatically run at startup

This works fine for all programs EXCEPT MSWORD! In MSWORD 2000, no programed key macros work when following code is added to CAPXShft.ahk




WinGetActiveTitle, ActiveTitle
;      MsgBox , 0, Warning, ActiveTitle is "%ActiveTitle%" /I_Editor=%I_Editor%, 5

IfInString, ActiveTitle, soft%A_Space%Word
   Goto msWord
IfInString, ActiveTitle, PowerDesk
   Goto PwDeskAct

IfNotInString, ActiveTitle, %I_Editor%

It works fine with powerdesk & EditPad Pro, but the macro section, when coded as a stand-alone exe also doesnt work in MSWord.
Is there some error in programming?
I have included a trimmed down version of CapXShft as a downloaded ZIP file

[email protected]

If you create a DOS BATCH prog to automate Backup/ZIP, DOS wrongly
reports free space on a named partition under XP.
It would be useful to have a program to create a text file (for display in a DOS Batch prog) showing accurate free space (GB) on a named partition.
My searches havent revealed an existing program that does this accurately under XP.
(DOS progs I have are written for WIN98/95/WIN3.1)

Can anyone help!

I am constantly finding CAP-SHIFT enabled and text entered has to be re-typed.
(Probably due to key re-map on grey Enter). What is needed is a program to do the following:
If Caps Shift is ALREADY ON, pressing Shift key unsets Caps-shift and capitalizes only while SHIFT is pressed.

cAN ANYONE HELP? Perhaps a program already exists, or an ahk can be created?

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