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NANY 2012 Entry Information

Application Name Reverse Dictionary (for Android devices)
Short Description Reverse Dictionary (also functions as a thesaurus) is a powerful word finder that lets you describe an idea/concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept!!
Supported OSes Android OS 2.1 or later
Setup File Visit Android Market or Direct download from
Setup (QR Code) qr_code.png
System RequirementsAndroid OS 2.1 or later
Official DescriptionReverse Dictionary (also functions as a thesaurus) is a powerful word finder that lets you describe an idea/concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept!!

Your description can be a few words, a sentence, a question, or even just a single word. Just type it into the box above and hit the "Search" button. Keep it short to get the best results. In most cases you'll get back a list of related terms with the best matches shown first.

1. Find a word if you know its definition
Example searches: barrel maker, museum guide, search for food, urge to travel, being tried twice for the same crime, when cancer spreads through the body

2. Explore related concepts
Example searches: baseball, clouds, twisty, push

3. Generate a list of words in some category
Example searches: large birds, green fruit, Canadian authors, red wine

4. Answer basic identification questions
Example searches: What is the capital of Vietnam? Who is Big Bird's friend on Sesame Street? What is the longest river in the world?

Note: This app will show a small harmless Ad at the bottom of the screen if your mobile device is connected to the network.
InstallationVisit the app page on Android Market to install.
Using the applicationA fairly straightforward application. Remember to long-click on a quote item to enable additional features. Click on the Menu Key on your device to see Usage Tips.
UninstallingStandard Android uninstallation process
Known IssuesNo known issues at the moment.
Screenshots1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png
5.png 6.png 7.png

NANY 2012 Entry Information

Application Name Big Bang Theory Sound Quotes (for Android devices)
Short Description The ultimate collection of sound quotes from The Big Bang Theory! Must download for hardcore fans!
Supported OSes Android OS 2.1 or later
Setup File Visit Android Market or Direct download from
Setup (QR Code) qrcode_s4.png
System RequirementsPretty much any device running Android OS 2.1 or later
Author InfoSee my profile...
Author's CommentsAs a big fan of the popular TV series The Big Bang Theory (, I had been bothered by the fact that despite there are literally a ton of fun quotes from the show, there was just no app (such as soundboards) on the market that chose to offer beyond the tiny, less-than-meaningful audio snippets. The objective of this app is to fill the gap, by neatly presenting a large library of the very best sound quotes, snippets and associated info from the show, and give mobile users something to truly enjoy on the go.
Official DescriptionThe ultimate collection of sound quotes from The Big Bang Theory.

Note: This app will show a small harmless Ad at the bottom of the screen if your mobile device is connected to the network.
FeaturesMain features:
1. A whopping 220 (and growing!) funniest and most memorable sound quotes and snips hand-picked from all episodes from Season 1 up to the latest (S05E11)
2. Transcripts for all quotes and snips
3. Episode info and introduction text for each quote

Extra features:
1. Set Ringtone
2. Set Notification sound
3. Copy transcript to clipboard
InstallationVisit the app page on Android Market to install.
Using the applicationA fairly straightforward application. Remember to long-click on a quote item to enable additional features. Click on the Menu Key on your device to see Usage Tips.
UninstallingStandard Android uninstallation process
Known IssuesNo known issues at the moment.
Screenshots1.png 2.png 3.png 4.png
5.png 6.png 7.png 8.png9.png 10.png SC20111211-022203.png SC20111211-022308.png SC20111211-022346.png

Hi all,

Here I'm going to share with you a small web app I developed to access Locate32 search database over HTTP.

A little background/rant

I coded it out of frustration from all the fruitless efforts looking for a file-based indexing solution that both:
1. Indexes network share folders/mappings
2. Provides a web GUI for remote search queries.

I heavily rely on Locate32 to index, on a daily basis, all my mapped NAS drives across my residence. These individual NAS mappings contain significant amount of media files and folders (100K+) and are mapped in the same way as my DLNA server advertises to media devices (such as TVs, Blu-rays players, media players, iPads, Android tablets that supports DLNA or local streaming services).

With all the drives and multi-level nested folder structures advertised to the media devices by the DLNA server, navigating using remote control has becoming a major headache, in that the process itself is somewhat slow, really inefficient and unpleasant if you couldn't pinpoint where your stuff was.

This is the sad status of the current DLNA implementations - all the media are available to you for streaming, but you just might not know where they are.

To workaround this problem, I did frequent Locate32 searches on my PC prior to picking up the TV remote to make sure that I'll navigate to the right locations on first try, however the process of logging into RDP, waiting for the session to load and launching Locate32 program to do a simple quick search is somewhat discouraging. And when this process got repeated several dozen times a day, it proved itself unacceptable.

And imagine the trouble of maintaining a laptop in living room just for this process.

My small piece of solution - a web GUI for Locate32

on PC Chrome Browser
Main Search Window.png

on iPad
Live Search on iPad.PNG

How to deploy

1. Download and install Locate32

Daily builds of Locate32 can be found here:

2. Create one or more databases and update schedules in Locate32

Loc32 DBs.png
Loc32 Sche.png

and note down the full path(s) to the database file(s).

3. Install an ASP.NET application server (such as IIS Express) or Turn on IIS with ASP.NET feature on Win 7 Ultimate

Win 7 Ultimate:

Make sure your web server is running before moving on.

4. Download the attached source code and extract the content into the root directory of your web server/site.

5. Modify only the bold text below in settings.aspx to allow the scripts to correctly communicate with Locate32:

<script runat="server">

   string Path_To_Locate32 = @"C:\Program Files\Locate\"; <-- update this with the Locate32 installation path
   string[] Locate32_Database_Locations = new string[] {
      @"C:\Locate32 DB\default.dbs",   <-- update this with the full path you noted down in Step 2

6. Navigate to your new live search site and enjoy instant results!


This is my first ASP.NET project, and I could not have done it without the help of the following:
1. Various authors - who contributed code snippets used in this project
2. Google - for finding (1)
3. Krishean @ Donationcoder - for testing and offering great advice on C# coding.
4. Lanux128 @ Donationcoder - for testing and valuable feedback.


View silly pic below to see how this can fit into your home DLNA environment:
live search DLNA.png

Site/Forum Features / Shortcomings of DC and How to Improve
« on: February 27, 2011, 09:36 PM »
One last thought -- I think it might be productive to have a thread on things we are doing poorly here on DC -- and ways we could improve.  There is always room for that.

Why don't we start by compiling such a list, let's say,by Day 2? Or a tangible action plan to improve the site (excluding software/site maintenance)? Or a list of new major apps (> 2000 downloads) that have been released since the last fundraiser, etc.?

Or maybe revamp the Reviews section?

Most of the entries in the reviews section are way outdated, except for the first entry which was posted in 2006, the rest were all posted in or before 2007! What happened in the last 4 years in this section?

I know there are big plans to rebuild the section, on and off, off and on since 2006:

And then?

And please, please, post a big list of detailed improvements to the site/offerings for the last 4 years (since the first fundraiser), or this fundraiser is really looking like a bit tongue-in-cheek to me. I don't represent the donors but I don't think it's good idea to drive up the enthusiasm and expectations of donors every time during the fundraisers with not much come to pass afterwards.

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