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Topics - sunlitlaz [ switch to compact view ]

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General Software Discussion / Choice of application installer?
« on: September 07, 2009, 12:11 AM »
Hi all, I am curious as to what everyone's opinion is regarding installation builders for the apps that you create.  I have done some searching through these forums and found a few ideas, but I thought I would directly ask what any/every one's pick is.  What is it that you use when you are ready to package that great application for the masses?  I'll start with my own experiences:

I work mostly with VB6 for Windows apps, so these are geared towards that.

  • Naturally I have used the package and deploy wizard in VB6, but it seems to have some issues, plus it isn't very customizable.
  • Purchased Installshield Express 11 a few years back and it worked pretty well, though it was a bit of a pain to work with.  Looked at upgrading to the latest version and it's along the lines of $599 which is a little steep for one guy that does this for fun in his spare time.
  • Have used the Visual Studio Installer that came out in the .NET VS releases and it shows promise, but still I think it would be nice to have something more rebust and customizable.
  • Am now trying the free version of Advanced Installer, and even though $249 for pro is a bit more than I'd like to pay, it looks like it is one heckuva install builder that can do darn near anything you want to with it.

That's where I am at now, anyone else want to put in their 2cp worth?

Thanks  :D  :Thmbsup:

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