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Announce Your Software/Service/Product / StopKa - desktop search tool
« on: December 02, 2008, 08:08 AM »
StopKa desktop search tool
App NameStopKa
App Version Reviewed1.5_100520
Supported OSesWindows XP, Vista, Windows 7
Support Methods[email protected]
Trial Version Available?1.5_100520 as shareware
Download page

The program intended for search files on the local hard drive of the computer. It search files quickly. StopKa support indexing drive content and direct files search. It has similar files search feature, also it possible to find duplicates for files. StopKa has flexible configuration and multi language interface. It support auto classification (very intresting feature). You can handle with several millions of files in one pane and get possibility to sort files at any its attribute.

<img src="" alt="" border="0" />

Who is this app designed for:
For everyday computer user.

The Good
It helps you search files/documents quickly. Very quickly. App scan/index content of the folders, sort and find files using any file attributes.

Why I think you should use this product
Forgot file name - use StopKa to find it. If you have big documents collection - index it content and use StopKa to find document. If you use your documents collection rarely - do not index it - just use direct search.

How does it compare to similar apps
StopKa has more features. It flexible configurable. It's search speed will amaze concurrents.

Disadvantage: complex GUI.

Pages: [1]