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Topics - sazzen [ switch to compact view ]

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Post New Requests Here / IDEA: PreDelete
« on: January 08, 2009, 10:28 AM »
Since I know nothing about programming, I have no idea if this would qualify as a Coding Snack but I would like to have a program that:

1.  Gives me a place (a folder will do) - other than the recycle bin - to send anything I am not sure is safe to delete. 
2.  Can be restored to its original place - just like using the Restore buttton from the recycle bin does.

Yes, I know I can - and in fact I do - use a folder to hold such items until I am ready to send them on their way.  The problem occurs when, for whatever reason, I want to restore something only to realize -  I don't remember where it came from.

Maybe you could call it Halfway House or Limbo or I'll Be There.  What do you think?


P.S. On my system, a huge number of files are sent to the Recycle Bin daily so it must also be emptied every day. A program like this should be useful for many people. 

ProcessTamer / I WISH
« on: October 09, 2008, 11:25 AM »
I've been running Process Tamer on the desktop so I can watch the CPU of an application that keeps crashing. I wish I could make it smaller so I could place it where it wouldn't block the view of other running programs. I would like to be able to adjust the columns further and reduce the whole thing to a smaller size by dragging the corner.   

Clipboard Help+Spell / Passwords
« on: September 24, 2008, 04:41 PM »
I use a Password program to store my many passwords. It uses the copy paste-method so they all end up in Clipboard Help and Spell. I tried adding the name of the program to "ignore these applications" in the Capture Options dialog box but the passwords still appear. What am I doing wrong?

General Software Discussion / AVG vs TicTocTitle
« on: September 24, 2008, 03:10 PM »
AVG runs a scan daily on my computer. When I checked yesterday's test results I found it had listed TicTocTitle.exe as a virus and deleted it from the system.  :huh:  Since they locked me out of the forum a couple of years ago, I don't know how to report a false positive to them.  I just thought someone here should know and wondered if anyone else had the same experience.

Mobysaurus / Mobysaurus Ever Conflict W/Other Applications?
« on: July 11, 2008, 10:45 AM »
I installed Mobysaurus on 06/30/08. On the same day, I also installed another application. Ever since, I've been having problems with other applications that have always been as stable as Gibraltar. They hang and crash and I have to resort to Task Manager to shut them down.

I fell in love Mobysaurus at first sight and would be desolate if I had to do without it now. Actually, I don't really believe it is the source of my problems but who wants to believe that something you love is causing you harm? I have the same problem with Chunky Monkey. At any rate, I must go through the process of checking out every possibility so I wanted to ask you folks if any of you have had similar problems, maybe because of the use of Net Framework? 

One more not very intelligent question: If I uninstall it and then reinstall, will the key work again?

Please don't be shy. I really need some input here.


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