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Messages - steveorg [ switch to compact view ]

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Screenshot Captor / Re: Imageshack upload no longer working
« on: March 20, 2019, 08:11 AM »
Any alternate service suggestions?
From what I've seen so far, imgur seems to work alright most of the time and doesn't ask for money.
-ConstanceJill (March 19, 2019, 11:15 AM)

It is possible for us to have different experiences. Maybe Imgur is running a test to see if it drives revenue. You may shortly find yourself in the same position, so it is best to explore the alternatives now.

It turns out that my problem was that I supplied credentials for my account. If you note my first post with the issue, mouser verified the problem. In a later post he noted that the problem disappeared. The key is not to log in.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Imageshack upload no longer working
« on: March 19, 2019, 09:11 AM »
I'm back with my worst fears realized. Imageshack wants money!  :P

This is the error:
Transfer done. Reply from post: - <error id="upload_failed">Uploading into a free account is not allowed</error>

Any alternate service suggestions?

I looked at the ShareX choices. is free and does not require an account. I'd appreciate any feedback before implementing.

BTW, ShareX has a new URL -

Screenshot Captor / Imageshack upload no longer working
« on: February 07, 2019, 02:20 PM »
When uploading to Imageshack I received this error:
Error, web service rejected upload: rejected by imageshack; see log for error
This is the link connected to the error:

The log wasn't helpful but from the "activate" in the URL it seemed that Imageshack required authentication. So I signed up and entered my credentials in Screenshot Captor. It now works.

The only problem is that I am now on a 30 day free trial then I have to pay. Imageshack no longer appears to be free.

Am I missing something? If not, what do you think would be the best alternative?


The title says it all. As far as I can see, the easiest way to launch Colorcop is to open Screenshot Captor. It would be simpler to launch it from the tray menu.

Just a little tweak to make an exquisite tool a tiny bit better.  :)


Screenshot Captor / Re: Links to Reviews and Comments - Add yours!
« on: October 05, 2011, 09:03 AM »
Gizmo's freeware have moved screenshot captor up to the number 1 spot now.  :Thmbsup:

Fixing the bug must have put it over the top. Congrats Mouser.  :beerchug:

Just downloaded it. I'll also see if I can download that Swype clone (unless Swype is now available) and see which I can manage easier. I rather doubt that I'll be able to use Swype though. My thumbs cover half or a third of the keyboard as it is, so I can't see what I'm trying to hit.
Use one forefinger with Swype. No thumbs allowed!  8)


Screenshot Captor / Re: Links to Reviews and Comments - Add yours!
« on: September 26, 2011, 02:23 PM »
Now that Mouser has corrected the record, I added this comment to the article.

Screenshot Captor should be the Editor's Choice. It has every feature listed in the article and comments, including the features the Editor's Choice and top picks are missing. (How did DuckCapture become Editor's Choice without an image editor?)

Screenshot Captor also has several other features. My favorite is direct upload to Dropbox, Flicker, Image Shack, Photobucket, etc., etc. with auto creation of URL shortner links through most of the main URL shortner sites such as and

I have never encountered the multi-monitor and screen resolution issues that were mentioned, so I suspect they are due to unusual and obscure bugs.

Given all the features, intuitive use and high level of configurability, it should have been named Screenshot Kitchen Sink.


@steveorg - I tried something like Swype as Swype wasn't available (only OEM), but it didn't help me much. Yeah... A tad faster, but still mind-numbingly painful to type on a keyboard designed for the fingers of 8-year old girls. I have big thumbs and they cover everything so I can't see what I'm trying to hit.

I wish that phones would allow the use of a stylus. That would solve my problem better.
Technologies like Swype are meant to be used with the forefinger or a stylus. On a tablet form factor or even in landscape on many phones, finger size shouldn't be an issue.

I've had several PDAs that used a stylus, and I could still use my fingers with them. Having both options would be nice... You could do it 15 years ago... Seems like we're regressing there.

Resistive screens inherently support both stylus and finger. These days, the much more common capacitive screens need a special stylus, but those are readily available

Unfortunately they don't really fit very well into the non-existent stylus port...
Many commercial styluses, such as this one at Amazon for $10, clip into the audio port. Not as good as a dedicated slot, but still a step in the right direction. This stylus at Amazon for $10 seems to work a little better but does not have the audio port clip, though it can accomodate a lanyard.

The Palm writing recognition was brilliant. It was extremely fast. Much faster than typing on a virtual keyboard. I WISH that some of the mobile OS vendors would bring it back.
It's called Graffiti and is available on Androids. I love Graffiti, but Swype is much faster.

Input is another big thing. Tapping a screen is NOT a replacement for a tactile keyboard. You simply CANNOT ever become as fast on a virtual keyboard as you can on a physical keyboard. e.g. How can you find F or J without the ridges or tactile sensation? A minor shift is easily corrected through touch on a normal keyboard. You cannot do that on a flat surface unless you look or start making errors as you type.

Fact is, tablet and phone input methods are still extremely primitive with almost no thought at all put into them. "Let's touch the screen" is just an overly simplictic approach to input. Contrast that with the keyboard and you have a very stark difference where the keyboard is logically thought out and incredibly well put together with actual thought put into human physiology and ergonomics.
Try Swype and similar keyboard input methods on an Android. On a phone, I am almost as fast as I am with a keyboard. Okay, so I'm not the fastest keyboarder on the planet, but I suspect that I'm about average.

Android has an app for DNS(dragon naturally speaking) so it is taking off already.
The Dragon app reflects real world usage. It supports voice, keyboard (with Swype or similar) and handwriting recognition. (I haven't tried it yet, so I'm relying on the app description page). Most of us use our computer in multiple types of environments. Sometimes voice is appropriate, sometimes a keyboard and don't we all wish we could just have the computer recognize our scrawl in real time. I don't think any of these methods will disappear.

Haven't used Dragon, but the stock voice recognition on Android phones is useless. English is my second language, and my accent is not exactly native (UK or US), but I can get close when I try. Android doesn't understand a single word I say in English, and believe me, I don't have any speech impediments. When I switch to Polish (my native tongue), it understands every third word or so. My wife has a better diction than me, and when she speaks in Polish to the phone, it can't recognize a single word.
My experience with the stock voice recognition is totally different. Maybe it's equipment differences? I have a Galaxy S. In the beginning it recognized about 75% of my speech, but it keeps getting better. Now that I've given it permission to recognize me, I usually get better than 90%. It works well for searches and short notes. One of my favorite apps is Vocanote that sends both the audio file and transcription via email. It's great for short notes on the fly so corrections can be made when convenient.


Screenshot Captor / Re: Links to Reviews and Comments - Add yours!
« on: September 25, 2011, 06:43 PM »
The Screen Capture review page at Tech Support Alert has two negative comments that may need correcting.
Only the Windows 7 snipping tool will snip multiple monitors. Some will work if the first monitor is "empty" ( Screenshot captor among others), but with images on both screens none of the listed programs work properly on a multi-monitor setup.
The following screen savers failed due to fact that they lower the screen resolution before a save thereby effectively cropping out over half the screen.  They may work fine if your screen resolution is set very low.

I'm not in a position to have an opinion about these comments, but overall, I like Screen Captor better than their Editor's Choice, especially now that ZUploader is integrated.


General Software Discussion / Re: extracting info from pdf
« on: September 20, 2010, 04:48 PM »
I dont think even the pdf reader will give you the option to show images at their original resolution - I suspect there could even be images with different resolutions within the one file. So I think you cant expect Screenshot captor (or other) to do that (I mean considering it's the pdf reader has the file open/displayed)

I was going to make a similar point, but wanted to test it first. I'm far from an expert, but it has been my understanding (partly from experience) that a pdf rarely has enough data to extract components that are as detailed as the original source. On the contrary, the more efficient the pdf creation program, the smaller the file size. The pdf program should provide the least amount of data that is required to create the desired appearance.

For a bit mapped graphic, what you see is probably the best you'll get. I guess in theory, scalar graphics are more flexible, but you may need appropriate software. Fonts may also scale under the right circumstances.

This is the document version of "You can't go home again." :P

General Software Discussion / Re: extracting info from pdf
« on: September 17, 2010, 04:19 PM »
...extract a table and save it as a graphics file...

...I will incorporate it in a PowerPoint or MS Office document...

...I need it to be in the original quality...

...not to use a crop tool, because I need the optimum margins, etc

I'm focusing on the graphics approach that you mentioned because that just seems like the path of least resistance. Use Screenshot Captor to grab the image and your favorite graphics editor to adjust the margins to your liking.

This site is good for do-it-yourself repair help with major appliances.

A very nice freeware BPMN Modeler software is BizAgi Process Modeler.
I just took a quick look. Apparently BPMN is an accepted BPM standard. One of the nice features of the site is that it has documentation and instructional materials on BPMN. BizAgi has built-in tools for detailed documentation that can be exported to Word or PDF. This eliminates the issue of keeping flow charts and detailed documentation in sync. I almost wish that I had a process to document so that I could test BizAgi.  :P

I just started looking at Insightly, which is a free Google App add-on. It provides so much more than collaboration. Actually, collaboration seems to be just a built-in side feature. I've only been playing with it for a couple of hours, but so far I'm impressed. Here's what the Google App listing says:

Insightly: Free simple CRM and Project Management
by Insightly

Insightly is the most popular CRM and Project Management package for Google Apps. Track leads, proposals, opportunities, projects and manage files, all through an easy to use interface.

Track leads, proposals, opportunities and projects
Full history of customer interaction
Central shared contact list

Simplify business management with Insightly for Google Apps.


* Access Insightly via Google Universal Navigation
* Track leads, proposals, opportunities and projects
* Assign tasks, attach files, tag important items, and get email reminders.
* Full history of customer interaction
* File sharing with full versioning control
* A central shared contact list
* Real-time search of everything
* Email Drop box integration
* Safe, secure, and private


* Track your projects, customers, and tasks without buying expensive software
* Utilize existing Google Apps accounts
* Keep a comprehensive history of all your customer interactions inc. emails, phone calls, and meetings.
* Track projects with milestones and tasks
* Very easy and intuitive to use. No training required!
* Searching as you type across all data within Insightly
* One address book for everyone within your company, online and shared.
* Integrate with your existing GMail email
* Single sign-on through your Google Apps account
* Great file sharing capability
* Includes SSL security essential to business

Use page connector shapes. The text will be the page number and any other designation required if there is more than one page connector. For example Page 1 may have Page Connectors a, b and c. Page 2 may have connectors a and b. Let's say the flow is going from Page 1c to Page 2b. The text in the Page 1C connector shape would be "To Page 2b" and the text in the Page 2b connector shape would be "From Page 1C". FYI - Visio helps automate page connectors.

Now that I reread it, I see that you don't want to jump pages. That kind of restriction can drive you crazy, and using larger paper sizes can prove to be dysfunctional in printed manuals and more difficult to follow on screen.

Living Room / PM etiquette and blocking
« on: July 06, 2010, 08:19 AM »
I feel kind of petty and foolish posting this, but I guess I just can't help myself. :redface:

A few days ago I received a lengthy and somewhat annoying PM. It wasn't annoying enough to report and I took the time to write a good faith reply. Submitting the PM resulted in a message that the recipient was blocking my PMs. I assume my correspondent was rightfully afraid that I'd point out the flaws in his thinking.

I was stunned at the sheer cowardice, but I was mostly annoyed that a hit-and-run PM like that is possible, especially since I'd never PM'd that person before. I'd still like to send the reply without going public. Does anyone have thoughts on how to do that without breaking any rules?

Also, can anyone explain how to block PMs?

...strongly held opinion, bigotry, ego...
Am I the only one that sees the irony?

I am sorry, but arguments ad hominem are largely wasted on me...
Irony piled on top of irony! Berating me for an ad hominem argument when I merely pointed out one of several an ad hominem attacks by you? Really?

You may want to brush up on your logical fallacies because your other accusations of ad hominem attacks were also off the mark. I commented, almost as harshly as you, on the content of your post but did not call you names. I did so in response to bullying. If I had now called you a bully, that would have been ad hominem. See how that works?

You ended in a conciliatory way and that's good. Some other points may deserve a bit more of a response (some positive!), but I don't what to engage in a pissing match. That's not what I'm here for. Just let me offer a bit of advice. Learn to disagree while being courteous and respectful, otherwise you suck the joy out of helping and being helped.

...strongly held opinion, bigotry, ego...
Am I the only one that sees the irony?

@IainB: I tend to agree with superboyac, I believe you know what you are talking about. That's despite the fact that you've demonstrated little insight into superboyac's situation and needs, and that your writing is sometimes obtuse and disjointed. I'd expect someone successful in your profession to be perceptive and a good communicator.

Since at least some of your vitriol seems to be aimed at me, let me defend myself just a little. When I referred to "best practices" (and even then I knew your eyes were rolling), that was within what that Fortune 50 company had experienced in the 12 divisions around the world that participated in the project the first year. In that year, each division was mostly on their own in implementation methods. The next year they unified the methodology based on what worked best, imposed an awkward project management system and then rolled out the project world wide. The IT department made them spend too much on a bad project management system, but would not let them invest one dime in documentation or automated BPM technology. We used Word, Visio and Excel. I suspected that there had to be a better way and demonstrated the value of treating processes as data by using Excel to harmonize the financial processes at different manufacturing plants. Financial management was willing, but the IT department didn't want to investigate the concept. Financial management also embraced the project as a process improvement opportunity, even though most processes were functioning well and process improvement wasn't the goal. That's politics in a high functioning company.

Another one of my clients was a mid-cap company that had an extremely bad attitude about Sarbanes-Oxley. The only process changes that they accepted, even when obviously beneficial, were the minimum necessary to eliminate control design failures and even most of those changes were a fight. They didn't even use Visio. Flowcharts were done with Word! Not surprisingly, a couple of years later the company was in hot water over financial irregularities. That's politics in a low functioning company.

Politics in a low functioning environment is superboyac's situation. We already knew that he was under-resourced; does not have access to BPM professionals; and analysis and process improvement are off the table. Instead of expecting superboyac to absorb your education and experience through osmosis so that he can spend money that he doesn't have for expensive tools for automating BPM that he won't be able to use, it would be much more helpful to provide practical advice on how to use tools like Word, Visio and Excel to document the processes as they exist. What ever happened to KISS?

I found the best way is by living through them.   :-\
Truer words were never spoken! Actually, I concur with everything that steel said. It doesn't always take an MBA. You may learn the craft best with a focused academic background like IainB's but you can still do a credible job picking it up on the street like I did.

Take an inventory of the skills that you bring to the table. Your passion for software gives you a huge leg up. It indicates that you likely have the logical kind of mind that is essential to the task and you probably will have insights into software usage that are not apparent to the typical user, even people who are otherwise skilled in using a particular package. The ability to straddle the IT and operational sides is incredibly useful.

For a more formal view of documentation and controls, you may want to search for materials on ISO 9001, the COSO Framework (developed for financial operations and commonly used for Sarbanes-Oxley but more broadly applicable to other operations) and COBIT (IT operations). For examples, you may be able to find samples of PCI-DSS (credit card processing controls) and HIPAA (health information privacy) documentation. It may be worth pointing out that everything I mentioned is a higher level of documentation than the desk-top documentation typically needed for training and reference.

If you're interested, PM me and I'll try to dig up some templates and examples.

My previous post was focused on the original question about software for Business Process Modeling. However, it is worth mentioning that other valuable BPM information was imparted by IainB that is also consistent with KISS. To me the most important thing he said was
You might also want to add process improvement into that mix, because you are likely to stumble over potential areas for significant process improvement once you start to scrutinise a process.
If anything, the word "likely" is not strong enough, especially in an environment that is new to BPM. Unless professionally designed, most processes do not work well. They could be inefficient, use underlying technologies sub-optimally or incorrectly, do not take proper advantage of other available technologies and almost always are badly controlled. Controls ensure timeliness and accuracy while preventing fraud.

Process improvement is an important consideration for several reasons. Better processes usually improve the bottom line while increasing employee and customer satisfaction. You may want to make that case to your employer if the project is under-resourced. It's also important that you lay the groundwork to get stakeholders to embrace process changes. Just one influential person that is too emotionally invested in the status quo can poison the whole project.

I had considerable experience with large business process documentation projects at mid-size and Fortune 100 public companies a few years ago as a Sarbanes-Oxley implementation consultant and project manager. I learned a tremendous amount about flowcharting best practices that acknowledge the limitations of real world considerations when processes frequently evolve because of changing technologies and organization charts. In these environments it was usually best for the process to be owned by a key participant in the process. That means that a considerable number of people had to become competent to maintain flowcharts after initial development with the help of a consultant. In one case that involved 45 people that were responsible for over 200 processes. I think that the lessons of these best practices apply to organizations of all sizes when non-BP professionals are the primary participants.

Because of the training challenges, varying skill levels, frequent change of personnel that are responsible for the documentation and ultimate infrequent use of the software, the best practices could be summarized with the ancient imperative to Keep It Simple. (I'll leave off the second "S").
1. Choose no more than 6-7 symbols that are allowed on the flowcharts.
2. Provide simple but complete documentation on the meaning of the symbols, the prescribed template structure for the document (including little things like process/sub-process name and numbering conventions and even date formats), the proper way to tie the process into controls and other processes, and basic usage of the software.
3. Produce flowcharts that only require basic usage skills. Consider any usage beyond that to be a bonus.

I wanted to say all of that so my software recommendations make sense. Software where the basics are easy to learn is essential. Fortunately that includes many of the choices mentioned in this thread. In my experience, all except one of the companies used Visio. One of the reasons is that outside stakeholders such as auditors also commonly used Visio. I personally also have experience with Smartdraw and Edraw (Visio clone), both of which would be as good in this context as Visio. I also took a superficial look at yEd and my initial impression is that it would also work well. You certainly can't beat the price!

I usually overload my computer with too many simultaneous programs. Before I know it, CPU usage is through the roof. I figure that I have two choices - become more disciplined about shutting down programs or request a coding snack. Self-discipline is not my strong suit so here I am.

Sometimes I lower CPU usage by suspending programs with Process Explorer. It's almost inevitable that I'll forget to resume a program and have to waste time figuring out why I can't switch to the window.

Would it be possible to auto-suspend programs when the focus changes to another window and automatically resume when the focus switches back? The program would reside in the system tray. Features would include a list of programs that never should never be suspended and check boxes to suspend/resume programs in the system tray. There would also be a way for one time switches that would leave a program running - something like a hot key in lieu of alt-tab.

The result would be a minimal number of processes running at once, which would free up a tremendous amount of system resources. Is this possible or am I living in a fantasy world?

If your needs are simple and sharing is a consideration, Open Office Draw is a credible choice. Best of all its free!


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