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Messages - MarkLasby [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
General Software Discussion / Re: Sync Laptop & Desktop
« on: September 19, 2016, 11:51 AM »
The license requirements for the free version of Allways Sync are quite restrictive. If you do not qualify for a free licenses with Allways Sync, the cost of the Pro version is $26 for the first computer plus $16 for each additional USB device or computer.

A good competitor is GoodSync by Siber Systems which I have been using for about 10 years with no issues. They also have Mac, Android and Linux versions. I have used the Android version for about 6 years but not the Mac or Linux versions.

GoodSync has a free version with quantity of files limitations after 30 days. They charge $30 for their Pro version for the first computer plus $10 for each additional computer. They do not charge for additional USB devices. They also have a USB based version for $40 which can be used on 1 USB device with any number of computers.

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