Find And Run Robot / Re: Latest FARR Release v2.107.04 beta - Sep 23, 2012
« on: March 06, 2012, 09:33 PM »FARR 3.0 will include an option for indexing and probably a revamped plugin system. release date unknown.-mouser (March 03, 2012, 03:00 PM)
Hi Mouser
FARR is one of my "must install" apps on every new PC!
Not sure where to put this feature request but that why I like DC - very accepting of our human limitations.
Please would you consider a "Clone Entry" or "Copy Entry" option in the Lists-> search folder settings. I.e. if I have a current folder added, it will copy all the settings into the dialog box so I can just add a new name!
Thanks for fantastic software.