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Messages - visionarysellout [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
DesktopCoral / Re: DesktopCoral crashing
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:50 AM »
that's amazing. it only took 30 minutes and a brand new version straight from the developer.. who happens to live in champaign might i add.. (i grew up in watseka. lol)

DesktopCoral / Re: DesktopCoral crashing
« on: January 24, 2013, 02:20 AM »
Wow! I hadn't checked back to this thread for quite some time and after I was still getting annoyed by it, I did a google search for it again to find this thread i had started and your response.

I was confused for a long time because it still said version 1.10.01 on the download page, but I did a quick uninstall and redownloaded the setup, and it works great!

DesktopCoral / DesktopCoral crashing
« on: December 21, 2012, 03:18 AM »
Hi. I'm trying to use DesktopCoral on Windows 8, and I thought I remember having this issue on Windows 7 as well, but I don't see any topics posted here about my specific issue.

So what happens is everytime I try to "Undock" or drag a docked toolbar away from the edge of the screen, I will just get a message from Windows saying "DesktopCoral.exe has stopped working" and here's what it says under Problem Signature:

"  Problem Event Name:   APPCRASH
  Application Name:   DesktopCoral.exe
  Application Version:
  Application Timestamp:   00000000
  Fault Module Name:   USER32.DLL
  Fault Module Version:   6.2.9200.16420
  Fault Module Timestamp:   505a971d
  Exception Code:   c0000005
  Exception Offset:   00023406
  OS Version:   6.2.9200.
  Locale ID:   1033
  Additional Information 1:   ef1a
  Additional Information 2:   ef1a5c26c968aa33f0b7c9bb536b7677
  Additional Information 3:   f900
  Additional Information 4:   f9002b9ed051b6ca19f34e6f061c28ec "


Now normally, I wouldn't mind this because once I have a toolbar docked, I don't need to move it, but the main issue I have is that it trips up Windows everytime I'd like to shutdown or restart my computer and I have to click again to tell it to be sure to shutdown. I've tried running it in Administrator mode and under all sorts of different compatibility settings and different combinations of the two, but to no avail.

I don't see how I could be the only one having this issue. Anyone have any suggestions? Or at the least, know of a way to tell Windows to just terminate DesktopCoral's exe without having to prompt me and tell me that it's preventing Windows from shutting down at first? Thank you

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