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Messages - @thehop [ switch to compact view ]

Pages: [1]
EXAMPLE: To Create a One-Big-Mp3-File-Container-with-100-Tracks, playable in normal Media-Players.
Is there any Program around?


PS: Currently i use the smart http://www.dcmembers...nload/splaylistmaker to create Playlists from individual tracks.

Skwire Empire / Re: sPlaylistMaker Highlighted by ILoveFreeSoftware
« on: January 09, 2020, 06:52 AM »
Thank You, nice tool - it works with Win10 too!

BTW+FAQ: Is there a Tool to make a Big-All-in-One.Mp3 with Track markers, tags and pauses?
EXAMPLE: One-Big-Mp3-File-Container-with-100-Tracks to play in Media-Players.

Hi, btw - FYI

My NOD32 (Heuristic Scanner Option) interpret both Hooks DcKeyHk.dll + DcMouseHk.dll
as Win32/KeyLogger.BitLogic.AA application  :huh:


Update: ViGlance is my new Bottom Taskbar :) (Windows XP & WHS)


General Software Discussion / Re: alternative to filehamster?
« on: September 18, 2009, 08:02 PM »
Maybe an (private) Freeware "alternative" (?) - not tested - but looks fine - and is -> ".NET free"! :)

PureSync - File synchronizer and backup tool  (by Christoph Güntner)
Automated backup and synchronization:
- A scheduler starts a synchronization every x hours, days, weeks, months
- Start a synchronization or backup automatically when e.g. a USB drive has been plugged in
- Synchronize or backup automatically when a file (that shall be backuped or synchronized) has been modified.


EDIT: Just found, a simpler One: also ".NET-free", Portable, Unicode, Real-Time-Sync, Volume Shadow Copy ...

FreeFileSync (by ZenJu)
Open-Source folder comparison and synchronization tool. It is optimized for
highest performance and usability without restricted or overloaded UI interfaces.
-> See Readme.txt for the list of key features!

Changelog v2.2
- New tool 'RealtimeSync': Watch directories for changes and start synchronization automatically

Living Room / Re: Windows Install Date Thingie: I made it!
« on: July 15, 2009, 09:29 PM »
thx - fine Tool !  :)

But it differs two hours (Summertime?) from the WHS onboard tool netsh.exe (Network Command Shell)
[Startbutton] -> Run... -> netsh diag gui

Network Diagnostics
Network Diagnostics scans your system to gather information about your hardware, software, and network connections.

-> Scan your system
-> Set scanning options

... bla-bla ...

 InstallDate = 09:44:34 11.07.2009
 LargeSystemCache = 0
 LastBootUpTime = 15:03:33 15.07.2009
 LocalDateTime = 04:00:45 16.07.2009
 Locale = 0c07
 Manufacturer = Microsoft Corporation
 MaxNumberOfProcesses = -1
 MaxProcessMemorySize = 2097024
 Name = Microsoft Windows Server 2003 for Small Business Server|C:\whs|\Device\Harddisk0\Partition2
 NumberOfLicensedUsers = 10


I found a Tool - and a "laborious" way - the taskbar-image-color in the theme.msstyles must
be adapted to one Color eg. Magenta - but the shadows of the High-Color Icons keep staying
(and no fade effect) hmhm...

Modifcation: (201 KB)

TaskBarTransparent Version 2.1 (7 Nov 2004) Andreas Grögel

TaskBarTransparent sets alpha blending (transparency) and/or colorkey for the taskbar and
optionally transparency for the Start menu for Windows 2000/XP.

Especially useful if you create your own visual style for Windows XP and want a "cut-out" taskbar
(which the (current) XP style engine does not support). I have not yet come across another program
that can do that...

TaskBarTransparent.exe does not stay resident (thus not occupying any resources) - it just sets the
window styles for the taskbar and Start menu and then exits. And no files or data are stored elsewhere.

Download (27KB), includes readme and executable file.


my Request:

Is there a Way to make only the Taskbar Background transparent,
but not the opended Programm- or Windows Buttons and Icons in Systray ?   :-\

cheers 8)

Hello - some Days again  ^^

A new Request: is there a way to make an Application for frosted or milkglass transparency (bottom) Taskbar,
(like ColorTaskbar https://www.donation...=205.msg7987#msg7987)
but only the background should transparent, not the fontcolors or thumbicons?

Style-Look-a-Like this ...

cheers - and happy new Years !  :)

hello - some days again  ^^

A new request: is there a way to add frosted or milkglass transparency,
but only the background, not the fontcolor or thumbicons?

Like this ...

cheers - and happy New Year(s)!  :)

EDIT: I think, I write a new Request !  8)

hello lanux128 - thats it! - and it works fine for me  - marvelous!  :Thmbsup:
amazingly I see that IrfanView - has this Option too - thanks for that clue - bye  :)

Hello all,

I made a similar request for bordeless Application Windows in following Thread

A german User named "Icfu" in another Forum compiled a AHK Script to a Fullscreen.exe

Ich habe das Script ein wenig erweitert.
1. Es wird zusätzlich nun auch die Menüleiste entfernt.
2. Der Menü- und Maximierungsstatus aller Fenster wird in einer temporären Datei (Scriptname.ahk.tmp im Arbeitsverzeichnis) gesichert und nach dem Verlassen der Vollansicht wiederhergestellt.
3. Strg+F11 als Shortcut: keine Kollision mit programmeigener Vollschirmfunktion und gut zu merken.

Kompilierte Exe+Source:

BTW: I'm looking for a Tool that makes Borderless, rimless, menueless Application-Windows (to show only the Window-Content)

Ahh - looks very nice - thanks a Lot!  :)
... BUT goes this a little lesser - just only the window content :-[
so without the Borders - and the Menubar as Context or fade-in Menu - is there a Way to do this?

FullScreen is not absolutely necessary (F11 Kiosk KMode was just a example)
- my preferation is more to menuelesss, rimless (right word?) Application-Windows.

salü @thehop

BTW: A User in this (german) Forum http://www.essential...iewtopic.php?t=12821 compiled a AHK Script.

Ich habe das Script ein wenig erweitert.
1. Es wird zusätzlich nun auch die Menüleiste entfernt.
2. Der Menü- und Maximierungsstatus aller Fenster wird in einer temporären Datei (Scriptname.ahk.tmp im Arbeitsverzeichnis) gesichert und nach dem Verlassen der Vollansicht wiederhergestellt.
3. Strg+F11 als Shortcut: keine Kollision mit programmeigener Vollschirmfunktion und gut zu merken.

Kompilierte Exe+Source:

GroupAdd, Excludes, Windows Task-Manager ahk_class #32770
GroupAdd, Excludes, ahk_class _As12__TaskSwitchXP_TaskSwitchWnd_
GroupAdd, Excludes, ahk_class Progman
GroupAdd, Excludes, ahk_class Shell_TrayWnd

#IfWinNotActive, ahk_group Excludes

hWnd := WinActive("A")

ToggleFullScreen(ByRef hWnd)
  IniFile := A_ScriptName ".tmp"
  IniRead, Array, %IniFile%, Handles, %hWnd%, Empty
  If (Array="Empty")
      hMenu := DllCall("GetMenu", "UInt", hWnd)
      WinGet, Maximized, MinMax
      DllCall("SetMenu", "UInt", hWnd, "UInt", 0)
      WinSet, Style, -0xC00000
      IniWrite, %hMenu%`,%Maximized%, %IniFile%, Handles, %hWnd%
      StringSplit, Array, Array, `,
      hMenu := Array1
      Maximized := Array2
      DllCall("SetMenu", "UInt", hWnd, "UInt", hMenu)
      If !(Maximized)
      WinSet, Style, +0xC00000
      IniDelete, %IniFile%, Handles, %hWnd%


Hello Coders, (xcuse this is english? :-\)

I'm looking for a kind of "borderless (rimless) titlebarless menueless Windows Manager”, to show the Window content
of application windows in Full Screen Kiosk Mode (like Internet Explorer and/or Opera with the [F11] Key).
The menus of the Toolbar, Task borders should remain preserved thereby as fading in menus
(e.g. during mouse contact of the edges of screen, and/or context menu, with systrayoption etc.)

kind regards

searching find :::> hophop windowmanager applicationwindows windowsmanager windowcontent randlos rahmenlos fensterlos ähnlich

General Software Discussion / Re: General Context Menu Editor?
« on: June 19, 2007, 04:07 AM »
FileMenu Tools - might be also interesting - have a Lot of smart Options...  :)

HP: http://www.lopesoft....en/fmtools/info.html
DL: http://www.lopesoft....eMenuTools-setup.exe

SS: http://www.lopesoft....ols/screenshots.html
FileMenu Tools lets customize the context menu of the Windows Explorer.
It lets configure the following aspects:
- Add some build-in utilities in order to do operations over files and folders.
- Add customized commands which let run external applications, copy/move to a specific folder or delete specific file types.
- Configure the "Send to..." submenu.
- Enable/disable the commands which are added by other applications to the context menu.


;D  ey! - You are great! :Thmbsup:   

thanks!  :)


Hello, (excuse my englisch :-\)

Is there a Way (Tool) to add colored Borders for Fonts in Windows System Dialog Boxes, Taskbars etc.?

Example (lookalike) :

thx & salü

Thx for this nice Tool  :)

My request : Can You implement an (Trayicon-Click) Option to stop shifting (at a Favourite Colour) ?


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