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Messages - Booma-Booma [ switch to compact view ]

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I have looked around at the available tools and I haven't seen anything that I am interested in. I think the ones that mimic actually calipers are far to bulky for my tastes - you have to move it around and rotate it. I would rather just click two points and get an estimate. That is why I thought I would ask about it here. I think it would be perfect for screenshot captor. I use it every day.

Presumably, if the user selected two points to define a line, you would then know how many pixels make up that line (roughly). The user would assign a length to that measurement. That would assign a scale factor at that zoom level. So any other lines drawn could have a measurement associated with it. I know this works because that is what I do by hand with printed engineering drawings. I'd be very happy with this functionality.

I would only want to zoom in to better define either end point of a line, making sure that it lined up as closely as possible with the feature that I want a measurement estimate from.

Hi Wraith808,

Thanks for the link I'll take a look.

Screenshot Captor / Feature Request: Measure based on a scale
« on: May 16, 2017, 03:06 PM »
I frequently have to measure engineering drawings that are not to scale. They do have dimensions markers on them with listed values. I have to take a ruler and measure that line. Since I know what the length of the line is supposed to be and what it actually is measured to I can use that as a scale factor/ratio (known value divided by the measured value) . I can then measure any other distance on that image and multiple it by the scale factor to determine what it should be.

I know there are problems with this method, particularly if the aspect ratio is different from the original. It would still make for a pretty good approximation. I believe this would be a valuable addition to the ScreenShot Captor set of tools. I see the process working like:
1. Take a screen capture
2. use a "caliper" tool to identify a known length on an image. Enter in the corresponding known length
3. use a calibrated measure tool to select two points on the image - the calibrated length will be displayed.

It really doesn't have to be much more sophisticated than that. Maybe there could be an option to apply a horizontal and vertical calipers to attempt to correct for aspect ratio errors?


Screenshot Captor / Forgets Settings on Boot
« on: May 04, 2017, 06:42 AM »
Hi All, I am having a bit of trouble with Screenshot Captor and it forgetting its settings.

I am using v4.20.1 and IT at work have setup roaming profiles. I think this is the problem. So as a first step I put ConfigDir.ini in the installation folder and have CONFIGDIR = D:\documents\ which is a folder on my d drive that isn't under the roaming profiles. In D:\documents I have ScreenshotCaptor.ini which is setup correctly.

I every time I boot the laptop up Screenshot captor seems to forget the settings. The odd thing is that it is looking at the d:\documents folder, but it doesn't seem to find the ScreenshotCaptor.ini because it creates a new folder to put the screenshots in and displays the quick access bar which I always turn off. There are also a few other settings like adding the screen capture to the clipboard and not playing any capture sounds.

Any ideas would be appreciated.

I have a folder where I am storing screen captures. I have the default new file name template set as "sc%num%" which will create screen captures sc001.png, sc002.png etc. This works great. Is it possible to tell Screenshot Captor to start at a specific number? Say the folder is empty and I want to start naming then images sc021.png.

Cheers and thanks,


Lately I have been making really good use of Screenshot Captor for different projects. I found myself having to set the folder where pictures are stored every time. I found myself changing the post-capture options, file naming template and special effects option.


It would be nice to be able to store the preferences in different files and to load them up by selecting from a drop down menu. The reason this would be handy is if you are working on different projects that require different effects, naming conventions, crops, frames, etc. be applied to the various screen captures. Once the settings are saved for a particular project you just need to load them backup to use them. It would also make sharing the setting easier.


Screenshot Captor / Align clip-art numbers
« on: June 09, 2008, 02:33 PM »
Hi all,

I was wondering if there is a way to align clip-art numbers relative to one another. For example, I have a screenshot that I want to put numbers after each of the text boxes to indicate steps. I would like all of the clip-art numbers to be left aligned with each other. Is there a way to do this?

What about keeping track of time in a wiki?

Mouser, thanks for the tip.

As I have played with it for the last couple of days I have grown to like the red box feature. It allows me to more accurately capture screen shots then the old method.

Keep up the good work!

Screenshot Captor / Grab Selected Region doesn't behave the same way
« on: October 07, 2007, 10:13 AM »
SC v2.37.01

I upgraded to the latest version of SC and tried the "shift-prtscr" key combo to select a region of the screen that I want to capture. Before I would have to drag the mouse cursor to define a rectangle that would be captured. Now a red frame pops up that I can move around to capture the area. If I double click the frame's title it switches to object selection.

Is this change intentional?

Developer's Corner / Re: VB6 - where to go now?
« on: September 10, 2007, 05:50 PM »
Thank you all for the excellent feedback! I am really surprised at how easy delphi is to learn. I wish I would have given it a chance a few years ago.

Developer's Corner / Re: VB6 - where to go now?
« on: August 29, 2007, 06:53 PM »
I've looked at REALbasic before and from what I have read it doesn't appear to support the creation of activeX dlls.

Developer's Corner / Re: VB6 - where to go now?
« on: August 29, 2007, 05:48 PM »
Thanks, mouser! That is what I thought.

Developer's Corner / VB6 - where to go now?
« on: August 29, 2007, 07:52 AM »
Hi all,

I've been programming in VB6 since '99, full time since '03. It looks as though I am going to have to make a decision as to what language I choose next. looks promising and I have taken to it like a duck to water - I really like OOP! I have also tried c#, again  I like it as well but I find the syntax a little harder to read (my eyes aren't what they used to be  :D). With that said I really don't want to move to .Net for 2 main reasons.

1) dot net isn't compiled. Unless you have some third party tool to obfuscate the code, your IP may not be protected.
2) It is slow - or at least I find it slower than stuff I have written in VB6 (I think this goes back to 1)

I write software for the mining industry that interacts with their CAD systems and geological modeling systems. My programs are mainly dll activeX controls that plugin to the CAD and GEO tools. Right away, speed is an issue (3d vector calculations, matrix calculations, Finite Element Analysis, Genetic Algorithms). It doesn't have to be super fast - just fast enough so they don't have time to take a coffee break!

Recently I have been going over some of my older code and I have been able to make dramatic speed improvements (these were possible because I hadn't coded the routines optimally in the past - lack of experience). What I have found over the years is that 80% of the work that I do is interacting with the user (i.e getting input, validating input, writing files, interacting with databases, etc.) and that doesn't require a heavy duty language like c++.

I have been thinking about this switch long and hard for the past year or two since I found out that support for VB6 would be discontinued. I thought that would be where I should go but there are too many problems around protecting my work (not from pirating, but my algorithms). I then got the idea that maybe a mixture of c++ (for the back end) and for the GUI would be the way to go. I think that might be over kill. I would prefer one general purpose language as opposed to a mash up of two or more. That, IMHO would lead to a maintenance nightmare for the poor soul that has to maintain the project if they only have a .Net background.

So my question to you all is, should I focus on .Net because it is the fashionable thing to do or should I approach another language altogether? I am open to alternatives, but it needs to be relatively popular.

I downloaded a copy of Turbo Delphi last night and I like what I see (I was able to navigate around the IDE relatively easily and Hello World was a snap).

Any opinions on Delphi?

Does it have the staying power?

Will it be ready for 64bit?

Can it be used from .Net and can it use .Net components?

Can it create activeX dlls that would work from VB6 apps?

Cheers and Thanks,

lanux128, that will definitely do the trick! Thanks!

Screenshot Captor / Recomendation: paste in sequential numbers
« on: May 18, 2007, 08:10 AM »
I find a lot of times I need to identify a number of different elements within a screen capture. Typically I would put an arrow and then use a text box and put the appropriate number. It would be nice to be able to "rubber stamp" a series of numbers onto a screen shot. It would also be nice if you could configure the shape of the label, square or circle.

Please see the screen capture for details.

Developer's Corner / Re: c++ resources for the VB programmer
« on: February 04, 2007, 01:58 PM »
Well 2) and 3) would really clinch it for me too, C++ sounds like the way to go. Good luck, it's a fun language :Thmbsup:

I've been drooling over numerical recipes in c++ for awhile now!

Developer's Corner / Re: c++ resources for the VB programmer
« on: February 04, 2007, 01:41 PM »
I have looked at c# - It is OK, but I would rather invest my time in learning a language that I can compile to native code and potentially target different operating systems other than windows (I am a big fan of NetBSD). With that said, I can't justify switching from to a language like c# because it is more popular. From everything that I have read and tried, I can do pretty much everything in that I could do in c#. So switching doesn't make sense to me.

I have a couple of specific goals in learning c++:
1) I'd like to be able to create dll libraries that I can use from VB6 and .net (etc.) for the times that the engineering calculations are not fast enough in VB6. I have written up some pretty complex Finite Element Analysis models using VB. It worked well but some times it could take a few hours to run through the calculations. I would like to be able to (or at least have the potential) reduce the time it takes.

2)I'd like to be able to access the vast numerical libraries available to c++. 

3)I'd like to create programs that don't need to be registered or require a virtual machine to run.

4)I want to learn something that is worth while learning and will be around for many, many more years.


Developer's Corner / Re: c++ resources for the VB programmer
« on: February 04, 2007, 10:15 AM »
I would almost suggest getting a beginners book to C++ and forgetting about what you've learned from VB initially. Once you get past learning the syntax then all your VB knowledge will really stand to you, but initially it could be just confusing because of the subtle differences like those two you've pointed out.

Eóin, you make a good point! I do have a beginners book on c++ and am reading it. I was just wondering if anybody had heard of specific resources that would help a VB program unlearn bad habits  ;). For the last year or so I was getting into the .net thing. But I am realizing there are far more resources out there for c++ then VB. The other thing that I really like is the potential for cross-platform programing, that would be awesome!


Developer's Corner / c++ resources for the VB programmer
« on: February 04, 2007, 08:45 AM »
Hi all,
I was wondering if any of you could point me to some specific resources about c++ geared towards a VB programmer?

For example, in VB this works as expected:

if x = 6 then....

However in c++:
If (x=6) ....

Doesn't work as I would have expected (coming from a VB background). It took me some time to figure it out. It actually assigns the value of 6 to x. I won't make that mistake again!

In c++ if you declare a variable:

int x;

and then do something like this:
cout << x;

I get some weird number. I figured that x is being initialized to some random number. Is there any way to have int default initial value = 0?

I am using Dev-c++ for an ide and was wondering how can I set break points so that I can trace through and inspect variable values? I guess what I am getting at is, is there a facility to run programs similar to the way VB does? Or should I just change my mind set?


Developer's Corner / Re: Automated Builds for Visual Basic 6
« on: November 13, 2006, 02:06 PM »
maybe Visual Build Pro:
or Final Builder:

I downloaded Visual Build Pro. It works exactly the way I want a build tool to work! It even supports subversion and inno! mouser thanks for the tip.

Developer's Corner / Automated Builds for Visual Basic 6
« on: November 11, 2006, 12:00 PM »
Does anyone know of any good tools for Automating builds of Visual basic 6 projects? I have 16 activeX dlls that are a plugin to a CAD package so they have no exe and I don't control the CAD package. Quite frequently the CAD package breaks binary compatibility and therefore breaks my program. I then have to rebuild each program manually, breaking compatibility and making sure that all the references are pointing to the correct versions.

I would be looking for a command line utility that I could pass the name of the project and it would scan the project, change references if appropriate and break (and re-establish) binary compatibility when necessary.

Is there such a tool?


Upgraded to v2.25.03 still no go...

Just an FYI, on this machine, the "grab selected region" doesn't work at all. I thought this might be a related issue. It doesn't work in either monitor.

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