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Post New Requests Here / IDEA password to permit formatting
« on: September 01, 2019, 10:26 PM »
Hi everyone,

I would like to protect my computers (Windows 7 and 10) and attached USB drives from malware that would format them, erasing everything on them. Is there an app that requires a password be entered before formatting can happen? If not, could one of the programmers of DonationCoder create one? Not being a programmer I have no idea how hard it would be to do this. So it may be beyond the scope of this forum.

One idea I had (which may be impossible) would be to move the programming that does formatting to a password-protected folder so that when formatting is invoked, a password entry field is displayed.

Anyway, I throw this out to those who know.

-- Arthur

Living Room / Re: I'm getting married, wish me luck!
« on: December 04, 2018, 01:21 AM »
Dear Jesse,
It's been months since I visited this site and what a pleasant surprise to hear of your marriage. Getting married has been one of the best things I have ever done and I am sure it will be a blessing for the two of you as well. Now you can start writing the code for a happy marriage!
-- Arthur

Thank you, 4WD! Perhaps you enjoy doing kenkens too!
-- Arthur

I have discovered KenKen puzzles and enjoy them a lot  but the more complex puzzles (9 x 9 grid) require a lot of time to solve. It would help if there were an app that would show all the possible integer solutions to an equation using only the integers 1 to 9.

For example, if I input the equation x+y+z=10,
the app would give the following results:
(Just doing the math in my head, may have missed a possible solution.)

If I input x*y*z=12,
the app would give:

Any takers? Or if such an app already exists, please point me to it.
-- Arthur

Okay, Hugo, now I get it. I was expecting that Clicador would behave as ClickWhen behaves. I see the value of not losing focus on the active window. Thanks for explaining this. I look forward to the final version of Clicador.

-- Arthur

I have used a mouse clicker app called ClickWhen for a long time and found it useful. When a program's window has focus I can click on a point within that program window and set up ClickWhen to click on that same point -- a point relative to the program window not the computer screen -- every X amount of time. It will do this even if the program's window has lost screen focus, been moved, been minimized in size or minimized to the task bar. The effect is that every X amount of time, the program window is restored and the mouse clicked at the point within that window that I set up at first. It may be that Clicador can do this. I just don't know how to set it up to do that -- maybe because I don't know what an "application handle" is. So if you publish Clicador I suggest you include a help file that explains all the choices that can be configured. ClickWhen dates from 2007 and works on my Windows 7 laptop. Here's the website https://lifehacker.c...licks-with-clickwhen.

Clicador can do this.
It's the method called "Inside application at "handle" coordinate: X,Y"

You can use Live information: Start/Stop capturing Info to capture a program handle and the X and Y coordinate inside the app..
There is a short description on how to do this on the program.

Hi Hugo,

I've tried to follow the directions but I think I'm missing something. I've attached an image of the Clicador screen showing that I have captured a program handle. The program I chose was Notepad. Next I opened my Chrome browser and the Notepad window lost focus . I started Clicador with the hot key Win+K and I was expecting that when the countdown clock hit 0 the Notepad window would regain focus,that it will appear on top of the Chrome window, but that does not happen. The Chrome window retains focus.clicador.PNG

What am I missing or not understanding?

-- Arthur

I have used a mouse clicker app called ClickWhen for a long time and found it useful. When a program's window has focus I can click on a point within that program window and set up ClickWhen to click on that same point -- a point relative to the program window not the computer screen -- every X amount of time. It will do this even if the program's window has lost screen focus, been moved, been minimized in size or minimized to the task bar. The effect is that every X amount of time, the program window is restored and the mouse clicked at the point within that window that I set up at first. It may be that Clicador can do this. I just don't know how to set it up to do that -- maybe because I don't know what an "application handle" is. So if you publish Clicador I suggest you include a help file that explains all the choices that can be configured. ClickWhen dates from 2007 and works on my Windows 7 laptop. Here's the website https://lifehacker.c...licks-with-clickwhen.

N.A.N.Y. 2017 / Re: Screen Capture by handle
« on: January 07, 2017, 12:01 AM »
I open scbh, grab a handle and now I see a specific window in the screen catch area. I open an image area in that window.

I c1ick on Refresh, click on Grab, and the window disappears. In its place I see my desktop in the scbh screen catch area  with the outline of the image area superimposed on it.

The image area I wanted to grab has disappeared and not been grabbed.

If I made a mistake in the sequence of actions, please give me a step-by-step description of what I should be doing.

N.A.N.Y. 2017 / Re: Screen Capture by handle
« on: January 04, 2017, 09:36 PM »
I did read the Help file. I am trying to do what is described in the "More features" section:

"Activate an image area.
This feature allow to save a portion of the screen.
Resize , or move , the image area with the mouse.
Zoom will zoom the bitmap inside Image area

Saving the image can be done after pressing the GRAB key.
One can save full or partial graphics to BMP or JPG."

I activate a smaller image area within the larger image. See file attached.
I then click on Grab but the smaller image area is not grabbed.

So how do I grab the smaller image area?

N.A.N.Y. 2017 / Re: Screen Capture by handle
« on: January 03, 2017, 09:31 PM »

I'm trying this out. I grab a screen. I click on image area and see a square outlined within the larger image. I click on grab expecting that the image area will become a new image that I can send to the clipboard but nothing happens. Am I misunderstanding how this app works?
-- Arthur

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Feature request - stay on top option
« on: December 31, 2015, 04:42 PM »
Right, the main menu takes up a fair chunk of horizontal screen space and displaying the last clip on it requires a few more mouse clicks. What would be ideal would be if I could open the pop-up so that would stay on top by clicking the CHS icon with another key pressed (CTRL?). Or maybe there could be a hot key that would open it to stay on top. Once it opened with the special key combination it would stay open and on top until I pressed the ESC key.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Feature request - stay on top option
« on: December 30, 2015, 08:47 PM »
Thanks, Mouser. It's the quick paste menu window that won't stay on top -- the window that opens when I click on the CHS icon in the system tray. I just downloaded Deskpins, another program that keeps windows on top, and it doesn't work with CHS either.
-- Arthur

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Feature request - stay on top option
« on: December 30, 2015, 11:52 AM »
Running Windows 10, I've tried Topmost Toggle and it works for the programs I've tested except for Clipboard Help and Spell. I guess the window that opens when I click on the CHS icon in my system tray behaves differently from other windows.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Feature request - stay on top option
« on: December 29, 2015, 01:58 PM »
I'd like an option to keep CHS on top of any open window. This would be helpful when entering a software key into separated fields where you can't just paste the whole key. With CHS on top I could just type in the code as I read it.
-- Arthur

Thanks, Mouser.

I found the red box in preferences. Very handy. But as I went through all the options looking for it I realized that SC is a lot more powerful and complicated than I realized. This isn't your Windows Accessories type snipping tool. I really need to study it. I guess I'd better start watching the videos referenced in your help page. It may be a while before I resurface on this forum.


Thank you, Bubbajunk, for the tip.

Mouser, this may be an ignorant question, but why would it not be possible for any selected region to have handles, as one sees when using the rectangle tool in a graphics program? By selecting and moving the appropriate handle with the mouse one can easily resize or move the rectangular region.


Hi Mouser,

Either way works for me. As long as I can adjust the size of the region before capture, I am happy. But you know what would be neat is if you could press the right mouse button and then use the mouse to move the entire region anywhere quickly. Repeatedly pressing a cursor key can be tedious if you decide you want the selected region to move a fair distance.


The other way I discovered is to "save and show" and then right-mouse button the image in the left pane and select "open file with".


Thanks, Mouser! I downloaded the beta and am using it. One question. I have made my external viewer. Is there a way to get a captured image to open in automatically without my having to open and paste the image into it?


Hi Mouser,

Where can I download this beta?


Hi Mouser,

Here's something I would like added to Screenshot Captor. Sometimes when I choose to capture a selected region, I don't quite capture the area I want. I'm really not that good at picking the right starting point for the capture. So I have to cancel and do it again. It would be handy if the area I first capture had handles that allowed me to change the size of the captured area, and maybe a "move" symbol that would allow me to move the selected area. What do you think?


General Software Discussion / Is there a task scheduler fixer
« on: October 30, 2014, 12:44 AM »
Running Windows 7 Professional on a ThinkPad 510. I have installed a program called "Replay Radio" that captures audio streams off the internet. When I start the program a splash screen opens (it says "Replay Radio") and remain frozen on the screen while I also see an "unexpected error" message that says there is a corrupted task image. I click OK on the error message, the splash screen disappears and the program starts and is usable. I've done some reading on the internet about the Windows Task Scheduler and corrupted task images and fixing corrupted task images involves making changes in several places including the Windows registry. That's probably easy stuff for programmers but it seems pretty complicated (and a little scary) to me, a simple end user. I downloaded a program from Softpedia called "Fix My Task Scheduler" and ran it but it said it found no errors in my Task Scheduler. The conclusion of all this is: wouldn't it be nice if someone with the expertise created a program that would find and fix problems like mine. So if this is the place on the forum to make suggestions for helpful programs, I am making the suggestion.
-- Arthur

General Software Discussion / Re: font request
« on: January 02, 2014, 07:17 PM »
I learned cursive writing in a public school. Later on went to a Catholic school with nuns. Oh yeah, the stories I could tell....But they did get across that there was a higher purpose to life than making money.

Thanks to Curt's tip I found the font I was looking for. Had to pay but it was worth it.


General Software Discussion / font request
« on: December 12, 2013, 09:19 PM »
I suspect I am one of the older members of this forum. I learned handwriting (rapidly becoming a lost skill) in the 1950s. In grade 1 we were taught in my home province of British Columbia a style of cursive handwriting called the MacLean Method. I have searched for some time for a cursive font that duplicates the shape of the letters in the MacLean Method. (I can't even find a cursive font in which the lower part of the lower case letter "p" forms a loop as opposed to a straight line.) I would prefer a free font but would be willing to pay a modest fee for what I am looking for.

I don't know if any of the developers in DonationCoders design fonts, but if any do, I would ask them to consider this request.

I have attached an image of the MacLean alphabet.


Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: Citrix issue
« on: January 31, 2012, 09:29 PM »
I looked at Citrix utility you mention but it seems to solve the problem of not being able to copy and paste text between apps opened in a Citrix session and apps opened in the home computer. I don't have that problem. I can copy and paste using CTRL-C and CTRL-V. The problem is that CHS does not see the text, so I can't use CHS to paste old clips from a Citrix session or use CHS to edit a clip copied from a Citrix session. I'm no programmer so I can't even begin to speculate on why this is.
-- Arthur

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