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General Software Discussion / Re: POSTING 101
« on: March 29, 2012, 10:27 PM »
Is there a Walkthrough Video or link to a step-by-step explaination, at DC, of how to insert a photo into a DC-PM ?   :huh:

I have inserted pics in Windows Mail emails before... but have never uploaded anything directly to the Internet.   :-[

aren't you going to tell us what it is :D
- I could actually use a solution for that (I have had the problem of my Photoshop not being able to read size of image files (I think it was with pngs) - it just showed them at 72dpi.

The solution was meant to be vague... there didn't seem to be much interest in my this problem...   :(

NOTE:  Pay attention when you install or else you may get stuff you don't want!

The magic word is   PicPick    ... not Abrakadabra...   ;D         OS: 2000/XP/Vista/7

Not sure if this will cure your problem tomos.  My problem was grabbing stuff (with SC) that Jasc Paint Shop Pro would open in Metric instead of US Standard.

If your Photoshop is already reading in inches... maybe you can adjust your default.   :)

Found a solution to this PNG-Metric-grabbing issue... and the problem doesn't seem to be related to my Paint Shop Pro.   :Thmbsup:

Thanks to all... for your input!   :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 29, 2012, 07:06 AM »
Maybe my quest will be a few years shorter because of it!   ;D

My quest has ended!   :D       Please see this topic... Reply #11

Opening a .png file using Paint.NET gives me the units which are set (by default) in Paint.NET, and it knows how to convert the resolution stored in the .png. If I change a setting, like Image/Resize, to be pixels/cm instead of the default pixels/inch, the next time it has remembered my choice. I like that behavior.

Hi Ath...  I have but I don't use it much.  IMO its main function is to alter or edit the entire image... not just specific areas in the image.  (I guess that's why there's no point-to-point selection tool?)  ;D   It also seems to be more of a 'playground' for other user/programmers because there's a TON of plugins...   and about 99% are effects.   :huh:

Using PSP I can change a PNG image from ppcm to ppi too... and it remembers my setting... but only if I Save AS and change the format to anything but PNG.  This is the extra step I was trying to avoid...  and what started this topic...   :)

There's a screencap function as well, but you have to launch PSP and keep it running, to use it.   :(   That's why I fell in love with SC.  Just click the icon and your ready to go!   ;)

perhaps PSP fails to do the proper conversion when loading an image with the unit specifier flag set to meters?

wait this is the key part -- are you saying that its possible for the png file to specify whether it is stored in meters?

this is the key part we have been struggling with.  Jibz you sound like you are saying that the SC image says that the file should be viewed as using the "meters" unit.  Is that so?

Thanks for your time too, Mouser, your reply sounds promising.   :D



Looking at a screenshot saved from SSC, it appears to correctly set the pHYs chunk to 96 dpi, perhaps PSP fails to do the proper conversion when loading an image with the unit specifier flag set to meters?

Thanks for your time, Jibz, but I'm not sure I understand your answer.   :huh:   I entered unit specifier flag set to meters? into my browser and found this.  I don't understand much of it... so it may not even apply here.

General Software Discussion / Jasc Paint Shop Pro 9... cm vs. in
« on: March 28, 2012, 05:05 AM »
This is a continuation of another topic I started with a similar name...  :P  ...but this one has a more accurate header and content.

I use Mousers SC screencap program to grab pics and save them in the PNG format. But when I open them in PSP the Image Dimensions are in metric (milimeters, ppcm) instead of US Standard (inches, ppi).

Obviously this question is aimed at other users of this Great Classic Program and any related info on this issue would be appreciated!   :)

BTW  I have these installed too: PSP 9.01 Patch, PSP

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:38 PM »
My deepest appreciation goes out to whomever put a link to this DC forum topic on the internet!   :Thmbsup:

Maybe my quest will be a few years shorter because of it!   ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 27, 2012, 12:04 PM »
Thanks to both of you, justice and mouser, for your understanding and input on this issue.   :)

I guess my only option is to grab stuff using BMP because I don't like what JPG does to pics.   :huh:

When I find a solution for this Jasc/PNG/metric issue I'll add it to this topic.  I say 'when' because this my newest quest.  I know the answer's out there... I just need to click the correct link or read the right (PSP) forum page.  ;D

BTW  Corel doesn't even list Paint Shop Pro on their updates and patches page any more.  (A reminder for others... to backup their Jasc patches/updates).   There are probably other sources for these but nothing beats the real thing!  ;)

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 27, 2012, 04:06 AM »
I composed several replies... and this one appears to be the least aggressive.   :P

it sounds like your problem is with your image editor not SC. 

I didn't mean to imply that SC had a problem and I don't think I did.  I was looking for a setting or information I couldn't find myself.

SO: My conclusion is that PSP treats all PNG files as if they were created by sane Europeans using the metric system.  While jpgs and psp formatted files are treated as if they were created by crazy Americans.

I'm not biased in any way when in comes to using the Metric System vs. US Standard.  I was just brought up with the US version and can't seem to relate to Metric.  There must be some 'Europeans' out there who think the same way about US Standard.

No big deal really... I'm kind of sorry I started this topic.  :(   And I'll think twice before I start another one.

I'll still be cautious before posting a New Topic again.  Constructive criticism (about the original topic) is always a plus.  But sometimes, in the past, the word vulture came to mind at DC.  I guess maybe other forums are conducted in this manner but I have no comparison.


So in conclusion...
Is there a way to set SC to always capture in inches?   :tellme:   I haven't been able to locate the setting.    :huh:

If it can't be set... maybe it could be added to a future update?   :D

I'll assume the answer to my first question is NO.  And, I guess, the answer to my second question is probably not?    :tellme:

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 25, 2012, 11:40 AM »
Well like i said, you can change the DPI of captured images, as stored by SC in the image files (you'll find that in options on the Image File Format tab) -- but i don't know that the image files specify whether they were captured in inches or cm.  Unless someone tells me they do, it sounds like your problem is with your image editor not SC. 

More clarification on my part is needed...   Not all of my SC screencaps are in centimeters.  Some are in inches.   My PSP just shows the information that was already there... on the web page... before it was captured.

I used this PSP to screencap stuff before I started using Screenshot Captor and it always captured in inches... never centimeters... because I have it set that way.   :)

I'd still be using it too... but your SC is soooooo much easier and faster to setup and use.   :)

No big deal really... I'm kind of sorry I started this topic.  :(   And I'll think twice before I start another one.

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 25, 2012, 10:59 AM »
You can change the DPI number, but that doesnt seem to be the same thing.

Can you tell me which program you are using that is showing the images are "captured in centimeters"?

It's Jasc PSP 9... my ancient photo editing program.  And... it can convert any photo from centimeters to inches but I thought I would try to find a way to avoid this extra step.  Unfortunately... I can't wrap-my-head-around the metric system   :-[  ... so I have to switch pics to inches.

General Software Discussion / Re: Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 25, 2012, 10:28 AM »
Thanks for your time, mouser, but printing isn't what I meant.

Sometimes I'll grab a photo of something and later, on closer inspection, I notice it has a choppy or saw-tooth look in different areas.  Before I start editing it I check the dpi amount.  This is when I see that it was captured in centimeter or inches.

The first place I looked in SC was Preferences/Image File Format but it wasn't there.  I checked all the other Preferences areas but couldn't find what I thought would apply.

If it's not an option... it's not an option.   :)    I just thought I'd ask, in case it was there, and I just didn't see it.

General Software Discussion / Re: WHAT Thaah ?
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:40 AM »
Well... I got an answer... just not the right topic.   :huh:   This return email was about a question I had in July 2011.   :o    Same older ticket number too.  I wonder what's going on over there?    ;D

Maybe they've scanned their PCs enough times with their AV software that their PCs have gotten so slow they are backlogged back to answering tickets 8 months old. ;)

Actually... their Internet Security 7 has sped up a lot compared to version 6.  I wouldn't say twice as fast... maybe half-again as fast.  And they seem to have fixed the problem I had that started this topic.    :D I guess I don't really need a current topic email from them.   :Thmbsup:

Of course I'm only comparing Avast to the garbage that came with my computers.

If you know of a comparable AV out there, Innuendo, I'm all ears.

General Software Discussion / Screenshot Captor... cm vs. in
« on: March 25, 2012, 06:03 AM »
Is there a way to set SC to always capture in inches?   :tellme:   I haven't been able to locate the setting.    :huh:

If it can't be set... maybe it could be added to a future update?   :D

General Software Discussion / Re: WHAT Thaah ?
« on: March 23, 2012, 06:20 AM »
My question is... what happens during a scan to cause this?   :tellme:   Try to keep the answer(s) as simple as possible.   ;D

Answer that is as simple as possible: bugs in your AV software. I'd file a bug report with Avast! because not all AV programs exhibit this behavior.

Thanks for the advice Innuendo... I'll see what Avast! has to say.  ;)

Well... I got an answer... just not the right topic.   :huh:   This return email was about a question I had in July 2011.   :o    Same older ticket number too.  I wonder what's going on over there?    ;D

General Software Discussion / Re: WHAT Thaah ?
« on: March 02, 2012, 10:04 AM »
My question is... what happens during a scan to cause this?   :tellme:   Try to keep the answer(s) as simple as possible.   ;D

Answer that is as simple as possible: bugs in your AV software. I'd file a bug report with Avast! because not all AV programs exhibit this behavior.

Thanks for the advice Innuendo... I'll see what Avast! has to say.  ;)

General Software Discussion / Re: WHAT Thaah ?
« on: March 02, 2012, 09:25 AM »
I have no idea what the explanationto your question might be.
My only advice would be to stop scanning!!!   ;D  :P

Seriously, I NEVER scan my computer. Instead I scan everything coming to my computer.

I guess your right Curt.  With all the Real-time Shields running... I really don't need to scan any more.   :)

I'll try turning them off and see what happens... but if you don't see me around DC for a while... you'll know why.   ;D

Living Room / Re: Sorry, This Post Has Been Censored
« on: March 02, 2012, 08:16 AM »
@IainB... Don't know if you saw this 'Inspection' Letter from the Quail Hollow Farm but I thought you might like to read it... if you've got an hour to kill.    ;D

This is from-the-horses-mouth so to speak.  It probably hasn't been edited so it may be more accurate than the other versions.   :)

General Software Discussion / WHAT Thaah ?
« on: March 02, 2012, 07:52 AM »
After I run a full anti-virus scan (avast!) my programs seem to take longer to load the next time I turn on my computer.  If I run a boot-scan... they take even longer.   :huh:

Even some of my pre-installed Tray Icons are missing.   :'(

My question is... what happens during a scan to cause this?   :tellme:   Try to keep the answer(s) as simple as possible.   ;D

BTW  This happens even if no viruses or PUP's are found.

Living Room / Re: Sorry, This Post Has Been Censored
« on: March 02, 2012, 06:44 AM »
There is another agenda there...forced malnutrition.
Well, that might explain it, but I'm not so sure, though there does seem to be something very odd about it.
It's an organic vegetable farm for goodness' sake!

I didn't realise it until I read this that organic farmers are under attack in this state to the extent that they need a legal defence fund (Is that right?), and the health department official concerned may have become unhinged or possibly been exacting some kind of vicarious revenge for this.

Looks like your "Health Department" (Southern Nevada Health Department) over there might actually be potentially injurious to public health and - using this farm raid an example - definitely injurious to public legal and/or Constitutional rights.
Hopefully, it could only happen in America. Sheesh.

Must have been a slow-news-day in this part of Nevada.  I mean... really.   :huh:   This is the only state in the US where prostitution is legal!  Who gives a crap what they eat before they do somebody?  IMO... this is one of those silly stories, that news casters throw in, to get you to watch their mostly boring show.   ;D

As-far-as it only happening in America? ... Probably not.  But we seem to be the only ones who like to tell everything to anybody about anything.  Just to fill the news-slot or news paper column.   :P

Living Room / Re: Sorry, This Post Has Been Censored
« on: March 01, 2012, 06:02 PM »
I know that this thread is about Censorship of the Internet in general, but I read something curious today - Health department raids community picnic and destroys all food with bleach - that makes me wonder if that Internet censorship is not just a single narrow aspect of a much larger overall strategy of state censorship in the US, driven presumably by commercial interests rather than by genuine state security interests.

I am at a loss otherwise as to how to explain how this seemingly sort of Stazi invasion can be condoned, let alone authorised in law as an act by a government agency against a perfectly law-abiding "feast of friends" (I think this is what it is called).
What sort of thing is this action? Is it true? Was it necessary because a crime had been or was about to be committed? Was it  a "Monsanto" Stazi? Who knows?
Maybe I am missing something that would help me to to understand that it all makes perfectly good sense, but at this point it seems to be a perverse and frightening form of censorship. I can't imagine such a thing happening in New Zealand, though after the recent terrifyingly excessive and exemplary Dotcom raid/arrest, the NZ police have demonstrated that anything is possible.

Did you see this update IainB?   :)  Excessiveness is all over the planet... not just US...   :P

General Software Discussion / Re: BULK Rename Utility
« on: March 01, 2012, 08:50 AM »
@crabby3: Many thanks for this. That looks like a seriously powerful utility. It apparently does things I have wished I could do with xplorer²'s superb bulk rename, but cannot.
Going to download it now...    :)

Hope it works for you, IainB, and if you use the Command Line version... feel free to comment on its performance here.   :)

General Software Discussion / Re: BULK Rename Utility
« on: February 29, 2012, 03:07 PM »
Don't overlook its companion command-line utility, BRC, Bulk Rename Command:
In addition to the conventional Bulk Rename Utility, we also now have a command-line version, called Bulk Rename Command.

For those of you who grew up with Windows, the command-line is the non-GUI way to perform commands on your PC. With DOS everything was driven from the command-line, but with Windows you have to access the command-line by clicking Start, Run, then typing cmd (or command, if you use Windows 98). You might think this sounds convoluted and backward, but a command-line utility can wield immense power if you are performing repetitive tasks. For example, you can:

    * Create scheduled jobs
    * Create a set of batch files which perform a single task, safe in the knowledge they will do exactly the same thing each time.
    * See exactly what command is being performed - no hidden settings
    * Be sure that you will always keep the command details -there are no config files to lose.

Bulk Rename Command (BRC) is targeted at system administrators and power-users, who need to perform specific tasks repetitively. For example, the renaming of log files, or the processing of backup files. As such, it does not contain some of the features of Bulk Rename Utility such as MP3-tag or EXIF tag processing.

You can download BRC here.

Exactly right, rjbull, I figured the people interested in the Command Line version would see it at the bottom of the Features Page... but I should have mentioned it anyway.   :-[

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