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Messages - BGM [ switch to compact view ]

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Screenshot Captor / Re: SC doesn't capture cursor on web pages
« on: January 12, 2012, 01:22 PM »
Oh!  I'm sorry.  That was dumb of me not to give system stats.  I am using Windows XP Pro and SC v2.103.01, and Firefox 9.0.1.  Yes, "capture cursor" is checked in the system tray menu.

I push printscreen, then select the area, just like normal, and when the "New Screenshot" window appears, there is no cursor in the image, even then.  I know, it seems strange to me too.  But I have always had this problem with SC - and I've been using it for several years now.  I've never been able to capture the mouse cursor.  As soon as I push printscreen, the cursor disappears - and it happens like that only in Firefox and Thunderbird.  Every other program will allow the cursor to be captured.

Screenshot Captor / SC doesn't capture cursor on web pages
« on: January 12, 2012, 10:44 AM »
Salvete!  I use SC to capture portions of my sharepoint site, and then I send the images in email via thunderbird in order to show people how to do things (I am admin).  My problem is that SC won't capture the mouse cursor inside of any web page.  It will capture any open menu, highlighted menu item, or anything else - just no mouse cursor!  And I need it to capture that.  Is there a setting I have missed?  I can capture the mouse cursor in all other programs - just not Firefox.

Screenshot Captor / Re: Keep Image and Show not working right
« on: November 06, 2011, 11:10 AM »
Salve, Mouser, and thanks for taking the time for me.  Actually, no that isn't checked, and that's because I grab a lot of shots to paste right into my Thunderbird (SC and TB is an awesome combination!).  However, after you told me to do a few grabs right in a row, for some reason, that made a difference.  Now if I do the "Keep Image and Show" it actually shows like it is supposed to!  And now I understand that if the option isn't set, it doesn't save the image - that part, it seems, was my misunderstanding.  About the image not showing after a grab, however, I don't know what was wrong, but after I did the multiple grabs in a row, I can't reproduce it any more!  Now, I absolutely know I had that problem because it was an issue for a very long time.  I am not crazy, really, I'm not!

Anyway,  thanks for your time, Mouser.  SC is my favourite screenshot program.  I always fall in love with programs that give me so many options that I can do exactly what I want and how I want.  SC is awesome, and I appreciate your generosity in making it available (for free!) to us.  If I didn't have a vow of poverty (I am a Catholic religious brother), I would send you a donation.

God bless.
-Brother Gabriel-Marie

Screenshot Captor / Re: Keep Image and Show not working right
« on: November 05, 2011, 05:59 PM »
Hello!  Sorry, I missed that last post for awhile.  Okay, if I do two in a row (Keep image and show), neither of them are saved, and the second one in the row gets saved.  The first one flashes for a split second and disappears.  Then, after a third time, it shows correctly, but does not get saved.

Screenshot Captor / Keep Image and Show not working right
« on: October 25, 2011, 07:51 PM »
Salvete!  Okay, I push shift+printscreen to capture the current window (dual monitor), and when the popup dialogue comes up, I push "Keep Image and Show".  So the SC Editor appears.  The image I just took appears there for just a moment, then it changes to the last screenshot image.  In the image panel I scroll to the bottom to find the one I just took and it is not there.  In fact, it isn't even in the capture folder.  I always update SC, and I have had this problem for a long time.  Now, if I were to choose "Image to Clipboard", it goes onto the clipboard no problem.  "Keep Image and Hide" works too.  But "Keep Image and Show" does not save the image at all.  Since it doesn't save the image, I think that is why it defaults to the last image it saves.

Thus, "Keep Image and Show" does not "keep" the image. 

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Double Clipboard Hotkey
« on: November 22, 2010, 11:58 AM »
Thanks, y'all for your offers.  But I did it myself - my first ahk program!  You can download it HERE.
Autohotkey makes clipboard work soooooo  easy!

Post New Requests Here / Re: IDEA: Double Clipboard Hotkey
« on: November 12, 2010, 07:54 PM »
Well, I certainly didn't plan on THAT epic!  In my idea, I don't want ANY GUI at all (except, perhaps, a tray icon to keep the process running).  I don't want to remember lots of key-commands.  I am a PowerPro user, and so I have hotkeys mapped to everything under the sun already.  I can't work with a program that doesn't allow me to change hotkeys.  I tried a program called "clipboards" which allows you 9 clipboards, you switch between them using alt+1, alt+2, etc.  Problem is that many programs (especially code-editors) will use those hotkeys also, and "clipboards" won't let you change them.  I just want ONE extra keyboard mapped to use win+c, win+x and win+v.  I see that Skrommel has something similar called "clipstep" which will give you multiple clipboards and you can cycle through them without any GUI - problem with that program is that it actually saves all the data to files, which is slow unless you set the executable's priority to very high. 
     What I am thinking, and I've coded somethin like it in Powerpro already (but it doesn't work right all the time, only some of the time and in some programs), is that when you copy with win+c, it grabs the clipboard into memory and stores it there until you use win+v.   Now, I could see the value of having the option of displaying a little window to show you what is in you win-clipboard as well as your regular clipboard.
     I am *very* interested to do this.

Post New Requests Here / IDEA: Double Clipboard Hotkey
« on: November 12, 2010, 12:06 PM »
Hello, y'all!  I thought of a quickie (for y'all, at least).  I want to push win+c, win+x, and win-v to copy, cut and paste but to an alternate clipboard.  That way I can quickly clip out two things(whether it be bitmaps, text, or dataobjects) and paste them just as quickly.  Other users might like different global hotkeys, but I want win+.  If nobody makes this, I am going to figure out how to do it - but it will take me longer.  Thanks for reading my poor note.  -Brother Gabriel-Marie

BrowserTraySwitch / Re: BrowserTraySwitch & Vista
« on: October 20, 2009, 10:19 AM »
Hello!  I like Browser Tray Switch very much.  I have to do web-work on computers that aren't my desk computer, so I carry around all my app-tools on a thumb drive.  I keep several browsers so I can log in under different logins and Browser Tray Switch helps immensely.

Problem however!  Sometimes I have to use a computer with Vista Home, SP2, and the Browser Tray Switch (the config works fine on XP) doesn't change the default.  The icon changes in the task bar, but there is no effect.  Please help!

Hello!  I just stumbled on this wonderful Barnacle.  I've been searching and dreaming of a customizable toolbar to inject into Adobe Indesign.  Barnacle is perfect because it makes use of Indesigns thousand keyboard commands.  And it works in Indesign, but is glitchy.  Sometimes it flickers, sometimes it stays on top of Indesign's dropdown menus and sometimes it causes the scrolling to slow, other times it causes the tabbed menus inside the floating panels to freeze for a few moments.  Unless it begins to work more smoothly, I will have to abandon Barnacle.  I am running XP pro on a Dell Precision duo core with Indesign CS2.  I tried lowering the system priority on Barnacle but it didn't seem to help.  Finally, while Barnacle is running, it slows down other programs too that aren't even Barnacled.  Is there something I can do to help Barnacle work better?  All my toolbars appear just fine, its only the system performance that seems to be off.

update to post 11 years later:
I just wanted to point out, that 11 years later, I noticed that this was my very first post on Donation Coder.  It was Barnacle that brought me to DonationCoder.

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