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I love threads like this where everyone shows off their computers.  After all, its the most important part of the entire windows interface we are talking about - our entire workflow revolves around the taskbar!

@Vurbul - That Windows7 Taskbar Tweaker is wonderful!  I use it to do only ONE thing - disable the tooltips on the taskbar buttons.  They were always getting in the way when I passed the mouse from one monitor to the next.

Another thing I did was this: I created a PowerPro toolbar that docks to the top of my screen and had it display a clock there.

My monitor is 1920x1080, so it might seem big to some folks.
The reason I'm showing this is because it's another way to have a custom clock.

screenshot_PowerPro (PowerPro 5.3.14) [powerpro]_001.png

As you can see in the image, there are other things too: icons that contain menus, a volume-slider (just scroll over it to adjust volume!), and a run box.

PowerPro, if you haven't tried it, is wonderful.

I use small icons on a vertical taskbar so that I can easily access it between two monitors.
This lets me "stack" more taskbar buttons than I could have horizontally.

screenshot_Microsoft® Windows® Operating System (Windows Explorer) [explorer]_004.png

I've got 16gb of RAM, so it is easy to have so many apps running in the system tray,too.  On a horizontal taskbar I would never be able to see them all at once.


Living Room / Re: Why do my cookies look like that?
« on: December 15, 2013, 10:12 PM »
Mmmmmm..... :)

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
« on: July 24, 2013, 09:41 AM »
Thanks for the update, Skwire - that's great!

Actually, to fix the funny-button-phenomenon, just set a minimum width property on the form itself - you don't have to worry about the buttons.

Hello, all!

I am running Screenshot Captor (version 4.05.00) on an Oracle VM.
But I can't get it to run at all.  
I even deleted my ScreenshotCaptor.ini file.

On startup of the VM, I get the error:
Error allocating handle: #1

Then I get a "Screenshot Captor has stopped working" (with no choice to continue), and I have to push "close program".
- but I get it twice.

Sometimes I get:  
Access violation at address 00000000. Read of address 00000000.

I even uninstalled the program and reinstalled it on the VM.  I just can't get it to work.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
« on: June 28, 2013, 05:13 PM »
Hello, Skwire!  I'm ready to make my report now about 1.6 (sorry so slow!).

I've a few things to say.
First, thank you very much!  I like ClipTrap alot (and love the name).

I enabled the archiving feature whilst my clip file was 1.6 mb, and as soon as I copied something, voila! It was archived!  Beautiful!
Everything seems to work well.

When you shrink the GUI window, I think you should set the button widths so they aren't dynamic past a minimum size.  Look:


N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
« on: May 12, 2013, 08:04 PM »
Thank you for your time, Skwire.  I will be away for a few weeks; when I return, I'll try it out.  God bless you.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
« on: May 09, 2013, 09:13 AM »
Skwire, I follow you.  What about adding a note at the top of the newest, clean clip.txt file that says, "...continued from clip1.txt..."  ?

Also, what about, instead of renaming the clip.txt files to clip1.txt, clip2.txt, etc., 
instead, just use an incrementing appendage.
So, a user might have clip.txt (active), clip35.txt, clip36.txt, etc. - but only 5 (or x amount they chose to keep). 
Then, when clip.txt is full, instead of renaming any files, you just copy clip.txt to clip37.txt and then clear clip.txt, and adding the note at the top.

This may be less confusing for the user, because the file sequence is obvious.  They will always look to the highest number for the last clip file's contents.

Or, and I don't know if you can do this easily,
You could add the note about the last clip file, and have ClipText's viewer make it into an internal hyperlink.  Then the user sees the file is new, but can quickly access the last file, whatever it's name is.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Release: ClipTrap
« on: May 01, 2013, 10:47 PM »
Skwire, it seems to do what I want - which is, to capture code as I write it so I can go back and fetch it if I need to.

I tried a few other clipboard managers, but I don't need (or want, really) something that does anything more than text.  Cliptrap is sooo simple!
Plaint text is good enough for me. 

I was only hinting at getting out of the large file problem, since I leave it on all the time.

Honestly, though, I think I've only ever fetched anything out of it maybe 4 or 5 times in a long while.  But there it is!

I don't blame you if you don't want to spend any time on it for a singular request.

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / ClipTrap Files Size Limiting Feature
« on: May 01, 2013, 10:07 PM »

Here is a feature I have been thinking about recently.

I like to leave Cliptrap on and forget about it.  I have the security of knowing everything is captured.

However, sometimes my clip.txt file gets very large (mine is currently at 5mb!).

Here is what I would like to see:
An option to set a maximum size to the clip.txt file.
When that size is reached, the clipfile gets renamed with an incrementing number.
And a new clip.txt file is created and set as default.

There would be a menu for clip.txt files.
It would load all the files into the menu - clip1.txt, clip2.txt, clip3.txt.

There would also be an option to set a limit for the number of clip.txt files to keep around.

Presently, to do this, I have to first (the hard part) remember to do this every so often.
Then I have to close cliptrap.
Then rename clip.txt to clip3.txt,
then create a new clip.txt file,
then restart cliptrap.

Thanks again, for your time, Skwire.

Screenshot Captor / Re: {escape} to cancel printscreen
« on: April 02, 2013, 02:53 PM »
Thanks, Mouser.  That is a good tip!

Screenshot Captor / Re: {escape} to cancel printscreen
« on: April 02, 2013, 10:56 AM »
It seems to work now; I don't know if it was from an update, or because something fixed itself, but escape seems to work now. v4.00.01

Screenshot Captor / Re: More Autonaming tokens
« on: February 18, 2013, 09:27 PM »
Mouser - whew - I forgot all about this...  Give me a few days and I'll see what I can come up with.  I'll have to remember what I wanted to do.

Salvete!  In SC, I like the setting that copies the last captured *image* to the clipboard - I use it all the time -every day, in fact, for documentation and for emailing visual instructions.

However, I very often also need the file path on my clipboard.

Is there a way to assign a hotkey to capture the last-captured image's file path to my clipboard - or would this be a new feature?  I can't find it in the preferences (but that doesn't mean it isn't there).

I would also like a hotkey that lets me capture the last image back to the clipboard.

Screenshot Captor / Re: More Autonaming tokens
« on: January 10, 2013, 01:44 PM »
Thanks, Mouser, you're great.  :)

Doh!  :-[  Sorry.  I should have searched...  3 days!

In Preferences, we are able to choose the default file format (I choose png) for saving and autosaving.

Problem is, if you "Save Image As..." the default is pcx.  So if you are not paying attention, you will save as pcx instead of the png you are expecting.

I suggest therefore, that the default "Save As" file format be the same as the default file format - by (wait for it...)  default!

Screenshot Captor / Re: More Autonaming tokens
« on: January 08, 2013, 10:24 AM »
Ah, yes, SharePoint.  I sort of got drafted into that.  However, I am making the best of it!

Screenshot Captor / More Autonaming tokens
« on: January 08, 2013, 09:59 AM »
Salvete!  Firstly, let me say that I absolutely love Screenshot Captor.  Since I started using it, I have no longer been interested in trying out other screenshot programs!

Now, for my request.  I would like to see some more autonaming tokens.

The one I would like at the moment is similar to %nicename% or %windowtitle% - but I would like some automated cleanup.
I am using some of the files in Sharepoint, and Sharepoint doesn't always like the file names.
I would like an option called %webname% or %cleanwindowtitle% where all the spaces and non-letter/number characters are removed or swapped for - or _ , and the words are CamelCased.

It might be better if, when you add a %webclean% token to the "Default New File Name" box, that the token tells SC to work the magic on your definition.  That is, you could put %windowtitle%_%datetime%%clean% and you would get a cleaned version of %windowtitle%_%datetime%  - so %clean% isn't acually a token, but a command to run on whatever text preceeds the command.

In this fashion you could have %swap[|-%%swap]|-%  which could swap all the [] for - characters in the string.

Some ideas here!

N.A.N.Y. 2013 / Re: NANY Submission (another) - Tab Launcher
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:53 PM »
If it docked, kind of like Desktop Corral, I might actually use it.  You should look at JetToolbar - it is the best tabbed launcher I have ever tried (I try them all, too).


Download page:

It hasn't been updated since 2004!

One of the best things is that you can specify the command to run.  Anything you can run on a commandline can be run from the buttons on Jet Toolbar.  I also use an icon library (.icl) as the source for most icons.  It is drag and drop from Explorer to the toolbar to add an item.

You can't rearrange icons by dragging.
You can't rearrange tabs by dragging.
You can't disable tooltips on the tabs (even though there are options).
There are no skins.

N.A.N.Y. 2013 / Re: NANY Submission (another) - Tab Launcher
« on: January 02, 2013, 05:46 PM »
Can this thing dock to the screen?

I have been using JetToolbar, which is very similar, but the authour won't be contacted, and the app is getting pretty old.  It still works on Win7, but isn't portable.

Screenshot Captor / {escape} to cancel printscreen
« on: December 14, 2012, 10:24 AM »
In former versions of Screenshot Captor, if I initiated a screen capture (and have the crosshairs on the screen) but then want to cancel that action, I could push the escape key and it would cancel.  However, now I can't seem to do that - that is, escape doesn't do anything and I am forced to make some capture in order to continue.

Is there a setting for that or have I gotten my system out-of-whack somewhere?

SC v3.08.01 Windows7x64

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