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Messages - chrisk [ switch to compact view ]

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FARR Plugins and Aliases / Re: Character Table
« on: May 11, 2008, 03:14 AM »
hi all,
wonderful plugin, thanks czechboy!
my question:
is there any way to "edit" the available characters (i.e. - in my case, as i already have a multilingual "personal" keyboard mapping running, to "throw out" certain characters, maybe even to reduce the available list to a very few)?
thanks for your help,

DcUpdater / Re: Extra Update Files
« on: August 21, 2007, 08:38 AM »
dear mouser,

thanks for the explanation...pity!!!! (i was hoping that maybe notepad editing of the dcupdate files would do much for technical ignorance)
oh well.
thanks for all,

DcUpdater / Extra Update Files
« on: August 18, 2007, 08:55 AM »
hi mouser and all,
well, i must once again be struck by typical blindness...i dragged/dropped the folder paths (example: C:\Program Files\Clipboard Help+Spell\  or  C:\Program Files\ComponentSoftware\CSDiff5\) onto the options window for "extra update files"...and nothing. this, although CHS is running and CSDiff5 was started, respectively; although i closed down DcUpdater in between; the added programs never appear, neither on the "installed packages" nor the "available for installation" tabs.

so, please bear with me: what am i doing wrong?

thanks for any help and suggestion for getting this wonderful program to work.


ProcessTamer / Re: MS Word2000?
« on: February 21, 2007, 04:54 AM »
hi all,
...well, i have, quite honestly, simply never looked into it in detail, just learned to live with it (can't be bothered to fiddle around with billy gates' the worst cases, i simply switch over to OpenOffice).
so, sorry, i'm still wondering whether maybe one of the other ProcessTamer users _has_ some settings for MS Word2000 which work.
thanks for any advice,

ProcessTamer / Re: MS Word2000?
« on: February 20, 2007, 05:26 AM »
well, simply:
when W2K jacks up CPU to 100%, no "force to xyz"  setting of ProcessTamer seems to do anything at all.

ProcessTamer / MS Word2000?
« on: February 20, 2007, 04:01 AM »
hi all,
has anybody out there had success "taming" MS Word2000?
would much appreciate to hear which settings work.

thank you for help and advice,

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: November 11, 2006, 02:51 AM »
ah, good, thanks for the pointer.
and then:
do you, does anyone, know how to _add_ things one would wish LabelControl to recognize??
thanks for all,

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: November 09, 2006, 03:44 AM »
hi jgpaiva,
aha!!! we're inching closer. :)

so these are autohotkey scripts (i was wondering what the choice between an exe and an ahk version was all about, and the disabled systray icon vaguely reminded me of something...).

may i ask you and others "out there" whether they've already maybe "tinkered" with this app (ie whether they've managed to _extend_ or somehow _modify_ the default settings)???? [it would save me, i'm sure, an enormous amount of time, coz otherwise here i am having to learn ahk :-[ !!!)

thanks for any further pointers,

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: November 08, 2006, 02:32 AM »
hi again and thx.
let me please ask again: what do you mean by "just insert the controls you'd like to be able to use"??
(seems to me that this is the real crux here...even skrommel himself, in a way, asked this when he said "And if someone knows how to extract the buttons from toolbars, the contents of Internet Explorer windows, and more, please let me know!" in the original thread

'nother way of saying this:
what _are_ these entries in the settings dialogue??? how does one add to them, or take stuff out?
(as far as app specific settings not being possible is concerned, well, no problem for the moment...maybe later we'll discover ways)

thanks again, chrisk

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: November 07, 2006, 08:05 AM »
thanks jgpaiva, what a wonderful surprise!!

got your pointer re the settings dialogue (is ""listviews" the last entry category?) and the "mouse" checkbox.

the really fundamental (and, i'm afraid, very pedestrian) question i have is this:
how does one enter, what does one enter, according to what rule/syntax etc, into the different settings dialogue categories (that's the way, isn't it, to control what one manages to activate, in a given app, from the keyboard).

two simple examples:
with the default settings, Labelcontrol activates in Opera9 nothing else but the page caption boxes...and, unfortunately, in view of the fact that Ctrl+xyz are "reserved" hotkeys in Opera, then proceeds to do all kinds of things (ie it cancels out Labelcontrol). what now?
another ex.:
in Foxmail, all kinds of "good" things can be activated, but not the toolbar buttons...what now?

let's start with these simple issues, please (no need, obviously, to focus on the examples i'm using here, just some direction on where i could read up on how to control Labelcontrol through the settings would be GREAT).

thanks for your help!

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: November 01, 2006, 10:27 AM »
no, unfortunately, still no answer...real pity, i took the people of donationcoder to be serious enough so i contributed (though i'm far from rich)...
oh well, hope never dies

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: September 26, 2006, 07:44 PM »
thanks for your reply, mouser!
no problem, now that i know..
much looking forward to further news!

Skrommel's Software / Re: LabelControl
« on: September 26, 2006, 06:32 PM »
is there really nobody coming by this forum (let alone replying)?

to give an example of what i am looking for:
*can* one edit the Labelcontrol settings? how does one edit them for instance so that *toolbar*  items will be labeled (reachable via keyboard) on apps where menu bar items (those reachable via ALT+) are labeled, but nothing else (in my case: Foxmail)? what is "move the mouse" supposed to do?

thanks for any assistance for really using this potentially wonderful little program!!

Skrommel's Software / LabelControl
« on: September 17, 2006, 05:41 PM »
hi all,
i discovered LabelControl in the post/review on mouseless browsing.

I am just starting to explore and understand and wonder whether there's any place where instructions for modifying/extending the settings can be found. any practical instructions?

thanks for any help,

no no, i meant LabelControl by Skrommel!!!
my questions pertain to LabelControl!!!
should i be posting this somewhere else?

this sounds wonderful, and the screenshots look interesting...but here i am, i DL the program...and then: nothing? (i conclude from the remarks in this thread that i does not work in Opera...but where *does*  it work?). and how does one set the settings, by what rules/instructions?
much obliged for any help,

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: SpellWindows Object
« on: March 09, 2006, 09:01 AM »
thanks, mouser....will wait patiently.

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: SpellWindows Object
« on: March 08, 2006, 11:20 AM »

Clipboard Help+Spell / SpellWindows Object
« on: February 17, 2006, 02:39 PM »
(first: i apologize to make this the topic of a separate thread, after already having asked this question in another thread...where it has unfortunately disappeared in the "fog" of several other issues which i tried to raise all at the same mistake)

I have specified a hotkey for SpellObject Windows. i then experimented in 4 principal applications which i use for text input:
Metapad (txt)
ETabula (rtf)
Foxmail Compose (email client)
Opera (browser)

..and it works flawlessly in Notepad (Metapad), a bit so-so in a rtf editor (ETabula), and not at all in "compose" windows of Foxmail (email client) nor in Opera (input windows).

in the first case, _without any selecting of text_, i get (upon hitting the hotkey) correct highlighting of misspelled words and correctly functioning spellchecker.

in the second case (ETablua), i get three "access violation errors" (i assume that is the correct english translation for "zugriffsverletzung")...which i can "click through"...and then end up with a correct misspelled-words highlighting and a functioning spellchecker. this happens both with, and without, selecting of text.

in the third and fourth case, _without selecting of text_, i get an error message
"the selection has been checked. would you like to check the remainder of the document?".
answering yes or no makes no highlighting of misspelled words, no spellchecking, no clippping to CHS happens.
if i _select/highlight_  text (in a Compose(Foxmail) or in Opera) and attempt to go directly to spellcheck via the SpellWindows Object hotkey, same result as above, ie nothing.
if i _select/highlight-  text and use the CHS hotkey (Ctrl+Alt+V), the CHS main window will come to the foreground, misspelled words will be underlined red, spellchecking functions properly, and pasting back works OK.
(however, is it possible to change fontsize in the CHS text window? and is it possible to not _underline_ red but to highlight, the same way as in Notepad?)

is there anything i can/should do to "enable" direct spellchecking (in the second case without access violations, in the third without having to go via CHS editing window)???
is this a dll problem?
how do i find out whether/which files may be missing in my OS?

thanks for any help!

Clipboard Help+Spell / Re: First discoveries/Customizations
« on: February 12, 2006, 03:16 PM »
thanks for your attention, mouser (and sorry for bunching several topics together here)

clarification re (1):
i have, according to instructions and posts, set a SpellWindowsObject works fine with Notepad but does not do anything when i compose an email text in Foxmail. (for some strange reason, i get a dialog box saying "selection has been checked. would you like to..." although i did not select anything, as it also is not necessary to select in Notepad...doubly puzzling!)
i was therefore wondering if there was any special thing i had to/could do to make the spellcheck activate in Foxmail (or, for that matter, in other applications where spellcheck does not seem to be triggered via the hotkey, eg Opera)??

clarification re (2):
yes, i understand "where" things/settings concerning ther spellcheck dictionaries have to be done, but here is my problem:
i have installed 2 additional dictionaries (ah, the beauty of doing spellchecks in several languages without having to switch!!) and CHS has automatically created a custom dictionary "chris.adu". for "experimental" purposes i tried "adding" specific spellchecks...which are integrated into "chris.adu"...and now i wish to "clean up" this file...question: i observe that if i _delete_  it, the program does not seem to recreate a fresh "chris.adu" do i therefore erase entries made into it? or, alternatively: how do i myself create a new ("empty") "chris.adu"?

re (3):
thanks for pointing out that "Favorites" can be the way to implement _persistant_ QuickPaste items (it wasn't clear to me that it would override the Backup settings which specify time limits beyond which clips go into Recycle bin).

re (4):
it would really be _great_ if there were a thread/download section devoted to expert uses, nifty tricks etc!!

thanks for help and advice,

Clipboard Help+Spell / First discoveries/Customizations
« on: February 11, 2006, 07:45 PM »
hi mouser+all,

now that i've gotten over my first difficulties (see post re foreign language dictionaries) - thanks again!!!- here are a few more "first observations" and related questions:

(a) i'd _strongly_ suggest for the future updated help file that it be made _very clear_  that all option settings/customizations must be followed by a shutdown from the systray...any and all fumbling mistakes ending up in other forms of closedown always lead to having to entirely redo all settings!

(b) i've dutifully read the majority of all the posts in this forum section and i'm aware that CHS has many appealing functions...out of which only a few are (at least at this point in time) of primary interest for my purposes, namely: the spellcheck (especially simple multi-lingual without switching of dictionaries) and the quickpaste function on the basis of sql virtual folder definition.
my immediate questions in this context are (and my apologies, but i couldn't find any clear help on these things):

1) what steps _can_  one take to foster (if at all) the integration between CHS and given Windows programs, in my case: Foxmail??? (ie the hotkey trigger does not "call" the spellchecker...)
2) how does one correct/replace/eliminate/renew custom spellcheck dictionaries (eg "chris.adu")?
3) if i create a new folder (in addition to "Old" and "New") of _persistant_ "Personal" clips (which i intend to use as text macros, for instance), how do i have to reformulate the quickpaste virtual folder sql definition of the database filter so that the contents of this "Personal" folder will be permanently in the quickpaste set?

(c) would it be possible to have other, experienced CHS users "describe" their tricks-of-the-trade, customizations, scripts etc??
(i am sure that those who know about sql and regex have all kinds of nifty discoveries...and for the less technically experienced this would be of considerable value!!!!)

thanks for all and any help and advice,

hi mouser, nearly "got" me there, with the beginning of your reply... :D

yep, it sure helps to have your input..thanks!!!

and now that this works, my exploration can expect to hear further cries for help when i get lost!!

wonderful app, from the little i understand it by now!!!
thank you.

as a fan of some of your other apps, i am presently trying to explore CHS...but installing additional dictionaries somehow doesn't seem to come "intuitively" to me, sorry.
could you please jot down the necessary steps with, say (as an example) and (from the above website).
thank you so much!

Find And Run Robot / Re: Examples
« on: October 06, 2005, 09:27 AM »
hi mouser,

thanks for the reply...and, indeed, great coincidence re your plans, much looking forward to examples/clips/etc.

the reason F&R very immediately, though purely intuitively, appealed to me as soon as i came upon it, is that i've always been "fiddling" with the "machine interface", ie the way to get to the largest variety of "stuff" with the least complication, waste of time etc. i had developped a kind of "model" whereby there were "levels" of immediacy of access to applications/folders/files, ie some things were accessed via the systray, some launched via quicklaunch (on a hidden toolbar), some via the (unfortunately hard to find) danish Quickmenu (*really* excellent!!), the rest via an entirely reorganized personalized StartMenu etc.
and with F&R, even though i have at this point in time only set up a few very humble alias groups, already no more need for quicklaunch nor, in most cases, for wading through the start menu or through windows explorer. daily work now gets done nearly exclusively with coldswitch/quickmenu/F&R.

very much looking forward to ideas and examples for further finetuning!!
thanks for a wonderful piece of work.

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