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Messages - tslim [ switch to compact view ]

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I need a wav and mp3 files management software
1) Unicode aware
2) Powerful mp3 tag info edit
3) Rip Audio CD and convert to MP3 format.
4) Normalize volumn levels of a group of MP3 files and burn a MP3 CD/DVD so that I can play in DVD player at home or in my car (which support MP3)

I have difficulty navigating (very slow) the mediamonkey website and I can't register as member for their forum.
Any mediamonkey user? Is this software good?

Or do you have a software better than MediaMonkey to recommand?

General Software Discussion / Re: PC Upgrade - A few questions
« on: August 27, 2008, 09:43 AM »
ah Ha,
Your case is definitely different.
Who cares about a product due next year?

General Software Discussion / Re: PC Upgrade - A few questions
« on: August 27, 2008, 08:44 AM »
Yep, the waiting game can be played infinitely, can't it?

I understand what you mean by the waiting game. Trust me, I am quite crazy in PC upgrade. I have the game played almost every half a year for quite some time ... and I seldom wait.

Seriously, my wait this time is not a typical wait. This time it is like a global revolution taking place, generally PC buyer can:

Opt for Core2Quad rather than Core2Duo (when many are still in the era of pre Core2Duo)
Opt for RAID rather than buying a 10000RPM HDD (which never get commonplace)
Opt for DDR3 rather than DDR2
Power supply has to support the new PCIE-card's power socket.
I heard Bios are having big revolution as well.

All the above happen and most importantly become a norm in a short range of time. Yes I agree technology advances everyday, but I have never seen so many changes all within a short period... better think twice for what is your next PC build.

tslim, there are boards that support both DDR2 & DDR3 but I assume you meant they can't be run concurrently.
Seriously, I never come across one. May be it is because I am too much a ASUS mobo fan, which make me seldom visit other sites for mobo.
Could you please quote me few mobo which support both DDR2 and DDR3, I have great interest, but I need to know their chipset as well.

General Software Discussion / Re: PC Upgrade - A few questions
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:50 PM »
I am now using a Core2Duo with DDR2.

About 2 weeks ago, I just sold my DELL XPS420 which is a Core2Quad with intel X38 chipset, well also with DDR2. (I was frustrated with its mobo design - only can fit in a PC case which open on the right)

Just a different in CPU of the above, I can feel (no need for a benchmark tool) the boost of perfomace... a real diffenrence.

The reason I urge you to wait is not for big diff in DDR3 compare to DDR2... it is the CPU. But if one is getting a Core2Quad, with those Core2Quad mobo already supports DDR3, I see no reason in using DDR2. The problem is, even though you claim DDR3 has drop price, but I think its price is still too much. (I am talking about DDR3-1600 or above)

I remember reading an article, kind of benchmark lab testing, a DDR3-1600 or above does make a big different compare to even a very fast DDR2... though I have not personally experience it.

To be frank, I am waiting.

General Software Discussion / Re: PC Upgrade - A few questions
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:15 AM »
Unless you absolutely need to buy a new PC quickly, I will advise you to wait.

A Core2Quad CPU + a mobo with DDR3 is going to be the main trend in no time.
Especially on the memory consideration, due to their socket design, a mobo can only support one of them, either DDR2 or DDR3 (not both). My main concern is all major mobo manufacturers are pushing out new ver of mobo on DDR3. Take a look at my dream mobo: Asus P5E3 WS Pro this guy is all there for I/O performance.

As for HDD, I have bad experience with Seagates. I will advise you to get WD harddisk, take two 500GB HDD seems to be a better choice then 1 TB HDD. The 2 unit of the former is cheaper than 1 unit of the latter and you can raid them to gain higher performance.

Btw, you can't mirror (Raid 1) a 300GB HDD with a 1TB HDD with hardware RAID

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 25, 2008, 01:53 PM »
) Transfer application settings from 1 PC to the other PC. Of course this sometime won't work, but most of the time a backup from PC A follow by a Restore on PC B works.

This wouldn't work for a lot of software because of the nature of the settings.
I would say it depends. The chance of a successful transfer is greatly boosted base on 2 factors:
1) How smart one guess what is the purpose of a setting in the registry, since there won't be documentation for 99% of programs.
2) How you restore settings in target PC. One example is restore all settings and tweak the one or two which give trouble. That is it.

Of course, the fundamental requirement is you know where in the registry the settings are stored. (Use Total Uninstall will be of great help)

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 25, 2008, 09:46 AM »
I'll suggest this to our developers, but I don't see how useful would it be to have the exact backup job in two different groups and have them both sharing the same centralized settings. If that source is important and want to be sure it gets backed up, you can set up a scheduler for it.
It is for the sake of easy maintenance and flexibility when setting up manual/timed schedules of backup. I have never thought about using it "just to ensure a source gets backup". Neither have I expected you to think along this direction and I feel disappointed for you can't see the usefulness of sharing job definition...

I hope the below will reach the developer of Backup4All:
Do you find "clone job" a useful function?
I suppose you do, because it is in Backup4All.
By providing the "clone job" function, I know you are expecting users will use it to create exact copies or variant copies of a job.
But what if the "common part" of multiple replica/variant needs a change? Don't you find changing every copy of them a pain?

The registry backup feature has lower priority compared with other features we want to implement, because other than using it for backing up applications (which can be done with plugins too) it doesn't have much applicability.
1) Clone job function is to clone a job (1 purpose)
2) The zip engine is to compress the backup source (1 purpose)
3) The scheduler is to create backup schedule (1 purpose)

I can find a lot of features in Backup4all all serves a specific purpose just like the "Backup registry key" feature. In term of applicability, why do you/ what makes you find the others serve more than "Backup registry key" function? After all, they all serve only a specific function, right?

One can use "Backup registry key" function to backup application settings for:
a) Rebuild Windows from scratch, and therefore reinstall application and use the backup to quickly restore its previous settings.

b) Test an upgrade version of a utility. Regret? Uninstall and reinstall the previous ver. If settings are gone, then take them back from the backup.

c) Transfer application settings from 1 PC to the other PC. Of course this sometime won't work, but most of the time a backup from PC A follow by a Restore on PC B works.

As you can see, though it only does 1 thing, but it might come to help in many different scenarios. I see great applicability in it.

Nice to meet you here Softland.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:15 PM »
Agreed; I've given up cloning. Not so sure about the advantages of RAID. I have it on a network drive, but will it work if there is a crash? I don't know - so I can't really rely on it - too many reports of it not having been in working order when needed.
Lets say you got a mobo with RAID ready.
1) Find 2 160GB SATA HDD raid them 0, I can assure you a great feel of performance boost.
2) Try them for Raid 1, get yourself some confidence of how a mirror system can help, just unplug one of them while Windows is running.
Go buy 4 500GB SATA HDD and build your ultimate Raid 1+0 system, you are fast and safe by then.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:00 PM »
By archiving, I meant that it is stuff that you want to keep safe permanently, with limited changes but more frequent additions.
Ok, I see.

Not really worried at all about reinstating my system. I redo that from scratch every few years anyway.
I can't afford to lost utility data for quite a number of programs: like ACDsee database, MacroExpress macros, True LaunchBar's bar sets etc.

For general application settings, I have to admit, they won't be a concern for most people. It is sort of my hobby - I mean I enjoy very much by setting utilities in Windows... kind of playing empire building game... :)

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 11:12 AM »

I have been using Ghost imaging to backup for years.
But nowadays, newer HDD's capasity is growing much faster than their speed ...
Everything is becoming bigger and bigger and it takes longer and longer to clone a full disk.
I think is time to resort to RAID 1 or RAID 1+0 if hardware budget is not tight.
New mobo bios nowadays is normally RAID ready and HDD is becoming cheaper and cheaper...

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 09:08 AM »
One thing I would say from your list of things to backup is that some of them are really for Archiving rather than (or as well as) Backup.
Not "some", but only "one" of them that is the first item. When I say "A modern and fast backup engine" I do mean a decent Archiving engine. The other 6 items are not pure archive related. The requirements of efficient filtering mechanism, aware of unicode, capable of handling ADS and folder junctions, all these still apply even if we are talking about a simple copy action (without compression).

I also distinguish stuff I will do file sync with from the stuff I backup.
I don't distinguish "synchronizing" from typical "backup" by the stuff they act on.

Be it a copy of compress zip:
I think the main difference between the two is, the former checks both source and target to determine what to copy but the latter only checks on source and thus the former might copy in both direction but the latter only copy from source to target.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 05:22 AM »
To me it seems simple no matter what the output is.

First you could put your backup program in your safe backup destination or more destinations if it's on the same computer, so it will stay operational when needed.

Relocate your output folders to My Documents.
If possible put the .ini files and reg files there also, in separate folders, and point the program to it.

Or use Titan or whatever you have to backup the .ini's and registry settings to folders marked for each program.

You could also group the folders in My Documents.
As per your list and make a folder each type and another to put it all in. So you won't be looking at hundreds of folders right off but groups of them within one.

Once each backup is made, which could be in the hundreds, then they are done. Name the backups respective to the programs and contents. I don't believe there is a limit to how many separate backups can be made.

But anyway, once they are done, it would be simple to run any selected backup or a smaller group, if it was backed up that way, or all of them, dated sets, incremental or full for each one. Have all these types of backups setup. Without having to set them up again. Cuz they are already setup to run automatically when choosing to backup or restore.

Then simply backup My Documents to another destination or more where they will be safe. If My Documents gets corrupted for some reason, you could restore the whole thing.

I'm not sure if some of these backup programs can make the backups self executing without the program that made the backup. Depends on the backup program.

Basically. use My Documents as your main backup folder.
So you don't have to search all over the place for these backups.
Which makes it simple in many ways.

Everything I need backed up is in My Documents, so even in the event of a system failure. I have that folder somewhere else that is separate from the main OS and program files and the rest.

I have what I need backed up to a slave drive, another computer on your network and an online backup. All with simply clicking backup all or incremental, since it's setup.You could also add an External Hard drive and just shut it off when not in use, pretty much assurance of it being there when needed.

Of course the tedious part would be to setup your plan.
But once it's set, it doesn't have to be reset.

With as many programs as you have, an external terabyte drive seems to be in order. Unless you have a separate internal drive big enough to handle what you are trying to accomplish.

So keeping needed stuff in one central location has been my plan, maybe it will work for you. Time consuming initially but it works for me.

So......Whatever the program-A, the backup B can still be independently configured or grouped. I would do both for the options.

I'm not sure if all that is clear, but it's the idea and implementation that actually works.


But I don't have problem planning my backup strategy, nor have I any problem to come up with workaround for what my backup utility can't help.

Put in another way round,

I am not here to find a solution to how should I backup my data nor do I have any interest in how should a workaround can help me backup my data.

I am looking for a good backup utility which provides as many as possible or even all the 7 requirements that I have listed.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 03:06 AM »
I have no idea what some of the 7 are even talking about.
Why don't you ask for clarification?

That's why I asked what it is you are backing up.
Asking B when what you don't understanding is A could easily worsen the subject.

What kind of data are you speaking of?
Just a brief of data I have:
Family photo - especially those that I don't develop them physically (I have more than 4 thousand photos tag with ADS)
Family digital video/clips - more than a thousand of them.
Utility settings (ini file or registry keys)
Program's output documents: e.g. MS word's document, Games's score file.
Program's working data set: e.g. True Launchbar 's bar set files, Outlook express's emails
Program's working data's database: e.g. ACDSee's database, GBM pro's database
Graphic files - those that I have used or might use to create icons.
Audio files - which I use to create sound effect for my application. (Btw I am a programmer who develop commercial software like accounting system)
My programming source codes - which I keep rolling within 52 sets for 52 ver. (One set per week)
and so on, I am sorry, I am too tired to complete the listing.
The point is, overall, I am just a normal human being like you and the rest. My need of backup is also as normal as I am.

I have about 150 program installed in my working PC.
Let say 60% of them will require backup of their data in one of the listed type above.
My backup strategy is to create backup job per application (application orientated) and to group them:
a) by the frequency of their data changes or
b) by nature of their data type, so that I could manually trigger backup in case there is a need.

Does the above good enough to describe my backup stuff?

In fact I've heard that some data can be missed with any 'normal' backup procedures. And I've seen the threads of such problems.
That could probably be the item 7 of my requirements.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 01:27 AM »

What kind of 'stuff' are you backing up and what would you restore it to?

Maybe that would help. Or not.
I don't quite understand your question.
I don't have any alien objects on my HDD nor do I utiltize a backup data in any way different than others. I mean I will restore data backup only in case I need to claim back older ver of data or when data get corrupted.
Is my list of the 7 items extraordinary/abnormal?

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 01:02 AM »
Unfortunately, it does not support unicode at all. Well, you are able to select the folders/files but they won't be backed up if they contain Japanese/Chinese/Korean (what I used for my tests) characters. Doesn't matter if you just use the program to copy files from location A to B on the same filesystem, it still can't handle them, and if you use the zip functionality it creates broken archives.
Too BAD!

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 24, 2008, 12:53 AM »
in an "ideal" backup programme It would be great to be able to simply Control+DragDrop to create a copy of a backup.
SFFS offers a "save as" option for backup "profiles".
Genie backup manager pro too has a "Clone job" function in its job manager.

That is from one of its pulldown menu option. If one only use it wizard to do backup, he/she could never discover that. That is one of the reason I dislike wizard. It always says "heh idiot, here is what you can/should do next"...

Duplicating backup job, IMO, is very useful when one need to create a variant of a backup job definition, i.e. a job which is slightly different from an existing one. Cloning exact copy of backup jobs and use them under different grouping like that offer by Backup4All) does not sound right.

My ideal backup job management is one step further than that. A job group is supposed to be a container and a backup job is a token inside. Sharing means actual sharing not duplicating a job N time just to make it look like being shared by N groups.

btw, Slim, you mention Genie backup manager pro - the advantage of Backup4all and SFFS is that they backup to zip - AFAIK Genie doesnt (?) - not sure about Titan either but think it does zip compression
Not true!
GBM pro does create zip. Its gbp file is actually a zip file, just with the extension gbp. e.g. I can even open its gbp file with Total Commander and manipulate its content, just press CTRL+PageDown on a GBM's gbp file, and you will see the content, typically something like the below (all in a single zip or gbp file):

file N

Where the folder
[MF] contains sub folders, each for particular drive of the source being backup.
[MFStreams] stores ADS
[Reg] stores reg file (if a backup involve registry keys)
file1...fileN are configuration files
and of course the above folders might be absent when not needed.

In fact GBM pro has a good zip engine! and excuse me, please let me moan one more time (loudy):

This gargoyle has everything underneath powerful and superior, just that everything else on surface is too ugly and intolerable. I have no hesitation in voting its interface as the world worst user interface ever designed. Imagine every time you need to move back to the main page, even when you have not change anything in current step, that is when there is nothing pending to be saved, still it prompts you a confirmation dialog to go home... ugh!!!

(another btw, did you get to try SFFS or does the lack of registry/keys stop you ?)
Make it this way, I have listed my 7 requirements right at the very first post of this thread.
I am looking for a backup utility which can at least do more than GBM Pro does, if not all of the 7 as listed.

"wizard" means step by step options interface - it doesnt necessarily mean less options or less advanced - it normally means this, but only in the context where there is also an advanced options interface on offer (i.e. dont get too bogged down on what it's called - give it a try - disclaimer, I havent tried Titan- but then I'm happy with what I have :P :))
Trust me, I know what a wizard mean in the computer world and I don't only find it useless.

I think modern application run under an OOP type of O/S will run more smoothly if it let a user pick an item (in Backup utility, that means pick a group or job) then determine the action to apply. (backup, restore, clone, delete, edit, check log file, etc)

For me, select a job or group of jobs on a explorer like treeview (1 click), click on a toolbar button for what to do (another click), that is something can not be further simplified, don't you agree?
And I always believe something can not be further simplified means ultimate efficiency.

An example on user interface: http://english.xpert.../screenshots_bxp.php that I like a lot.
Note: Please look at the interface only, I am not sure about unicode support and zip engine power of this guy

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 23, 2008, 07:36 AM »
Another thumbs up for Backup4all from me as well. In particular I find the interface really easy to use. A strong vote from me for registry backup though. The lack of that is the only reason I keep looking elsewhere for backup.   

Technically, it is unicode support that is difficult for Backup4All to achieve, because it almost always means a change to more decent development tool. Softland says they rely on third party for the unicode function, I suppose he means the zip engine, but then what about log file and reports, they also need to be unicode aware. In fact even the main interface, the tree-structure that holds the group of jobs need to be unicde aware as well.
As for registry key(s) function, I think it is much simlper, it only depends on how willing the developer is to implement it. If you are a legitimate user, just press a little harder on the author, I believe you can get it in no time.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 23, 2008, 03:09 AM »
So I would not be too quick to give up on this program with direct input from it's developer.

And not to count out Titan either. If they were aware of this conversation they might have some input as well.
I hope they really will.

BTW, I just read the blog of TitantBackup and about their future direction:
1) Backup to online storage - That is a good one. Anyway GBM already does that.
2) Imaging or cloning like Ghost - This one I think is NO GOOD. I don't see a great future for this, knowing nowadays the HDD size is growing faster than human population, TB HDD has enter the market... and knowing there are more and more mobo equiped with onboard RAID capability, one might as well use RAID to mirror.
3) User Forum - This is great! They should have put this in the highest priority. This one is definitely not for a product where the development team does not has enough guts to face challenges.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 22, 2008, 08:25 PM »
Hi cmpm,

You may call it a wizard interface.
But there has to be a way to choose what you want backed up.
The TitanBackup website states that the product is wizard-driven - first item in its "Main Features"

Are you trying to be able to find a backup program and have the backup program automatically select the files and registry keys and dependencies for you?
No, I am not.
I monitor all application installations (including hardware drivers's) with Total Uninstall, well, most of the time, with the intention to learn what the setup copies to my HDD and writes to the registry. My finding tells, there are so many that utilize registry to store settings and other info and that is why I eagerly want my backup utility to be able to backup registry keys.

Btw, I review the series of screen shots by Dirhael and I find TitanBackup supports grouping.
Ah, why didn't you tell me at the beginning...

Seriously, do you know whether is it unicode aware and able to backup ADS?
If so, then it is one big step closer to my 7 needs, I wonder if the company gives discount to user who switch from their competitors...:)

Anyway, I will download it and flip through its features, thank you.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 22, 2008, 07:29 PM »
You can have the same backup job in several backup groups, as long as you have a different name for the backup job (but it can have the same sources and destination). So your scenario works with Backup4all, and as mentioned above if you create a backup plugin for an application you can select its registry keys to be backed up too.
I can't quite understand what you have stated about the job sharing. Lets say I want a backup job A to be shared by N backup groups, do you mean: 
1) Those N groups can share the same piece of job A definition, but Backup4All requires different name in each group
2) I will need to repeat the same job A setup in each of the N group and each time with a different name
I hope you mean the 1) not 2).
If a job to be shared is complex, repeating the same definition in many groups is a waste of time and future change/remove of such job will become very difficult, because any change will have to be repeated in all the N groups and that is provided one can still remember exactly what are the groups that need to be changed.

Backup4all can already back up selective key(s) as part of the plugin system. So if you define a backup plugin for application A, you can add registry keys for that application and they will be restored when you perform a restore (there's already a list of plugins created for several applications, and there's a tutorial on creating a plugin here http://www.backup4al...ckup-plugin-161.html).
If Backup4All strictly requires one to create plugin first in order to backup selective registry key(s), then that is too bad. I don't even agree with any claim that it supports registry key(s) backup. I can easily quote you an example which also sounds like a trick or workaround than a real support of such feature:

For any backup utility that supports pre and post backup commands, I can define a job, whose Pre-backup-action - a script/batch file calls another registry program (e.g. Resplendent Registrar) to export selective registry key(s) to a file. I then include that file in the backup job. Does that mean that backup utility supports selective registry backup?
Definitely NO, because it does it indirectly and with condition - that is not an ordinary feature of a backup utility.

GBM does not require one to create plugin in order to backup registry key(s), though I have to say, its registry key picklist is difficult to use, try it and you will know what I mean. Anyway, that is understood, anything involve user-interface (such as picklist) in GBM is lousy!
(Edited: I just try it again, for the latest ver, the picklist window is now resizable and it seems find. What a long wait... a surprise to me)

As from the screen capture of cmpm, TitanBackup's registry key(s) backup feature also does not make plugin as a pre-requisite. You can click to enlarge the screen shot, it is very clear.
Nice capture cmpm!

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 22, 2008, 02:47 AM »
We hope to have Backup4all 4.1 fully Unicode (we're depending on a 3rd party, so it might be sooner).
The sooner the better.

Regarding the registry backup, Backup4all has the ability to do that but we haven't made this public because we consider this a rather dangerous thing if it's not used by powerusers. ...
Are we talking about backing up the whole registry or just selective key(s)?
Let's take GBM's registry key(s) backup as example, the selected registry key(s) are simply part of a backup job, i.e. when I setup a backup job to backup data of an application I could also pick few registry keys (where the application's settings are stored). So whenever the backup job is run, everything defined therein will be backup, I don't see how could I miss/ forget to backup the registry keys that are defined in a job. (be it incremental or not).
Btw, GBM's registry keys (and/or its plugins) backup can be added as part of a job, they don't have to stand by themselves...

I mean, I couldn't understand your logic of error/problem in registry is more dangerous then in ordinary data. A mistake in backup (or restore) of ordinary data could also cause big problem, then why only the former is being hidden from the users? You mean you hide the feature just because you think user might make mistake? I don't see that a reasonable thought or logical factor in software design.
Say I am a Backup4All user, and I forget to turn on my Backup4all scheduled backup for half a year which then cause me to loss everything when I got a bad HDD, does that cause you to cut the schedule function from Backup4All?

Btw, I do not create a gigantic job to backup several applications or EVERYTHING. I create job on per application basic and then group them. e.g. I could group A, B, C and D in a group called "daily backup" simply because they change a lot of data everyday. And I could have another group named "Graphic utilities" where it contains A, X, Y and Z applications. Note that A is also present here in this group because it is a graphic utility. So whichever group I run the backup, the A's sources are backup to the same target as defined in job A.

I am sorry I can no more remember the group feature in Backup4All in detail. I know it has tree-like presentation of jobs, but are the grouping a real grouping where groups can share a single job?

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 22, 2008, 01:22 AM »
I tried....

You seem to be at a point of moving into much more complex backups.
If I could even call it that at this point.

Most of the features that I have listed are fundamental features, they are suppose to be present in a backup utility irregardless of how simple/complex the backup task it will handle.

Hence, the phase "much more complex backups" is over emphasized.

If you look at all my 7 requirements, you should notice that, except for the 2 items: "Registry key(s)" and "ADS Stream and Folder junction" which I think not everyone will have interest, but the rest of the features are of universal nature, I mean any user of a backup utility will love to have them and will use them.

If one find he/she does not need many of the features that I have listed, chances is he/she does not need backup at all or may be just buy WinRar, setup few profiles to backup personal documents/data, e.g. those in MyDcoument folder, that it is, why bother to use a backup utility?

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 21, 2008, 01:58 PM »

It could be considered wizard like but it's not imo. It's more a step by step process type deal where I would have to do a backup and take screenshots at each step.

In other words it will not show the details of each step without actually taking action in each step.

That is exactly what a wizard-like interface shall look like. I don't see anything from your screen captures that make it a bit non-wizard-like.

FYI, I do not against Wizard-like interface being provided in any utility/application. But that should be an optional mean of introduction or a guide for newbies to gain experience. As users become more and more familiar with what the program can do, shouldn't there be an object oriented way, something flexible and efficient. Wizard-like is task-orientated and worse still, the process is sequential...

To be frank, I own a license of Genie Backup Manager Pro and am still using it (the latest ver)... but I don't like it. I use it, NOT because it is good, but its competitors are worse. I can't find one better than it wrt to my 7 requirements.

The GBM Pro is the world most extreme software. It has fast zip engine, it is unicode aware, has treeview to select source items plus wildcard filter and it can backup registry keys and ADS streams. In brief, the engine, the internal organs of this gargoyle is extremely decent and powerful. But its interface design... uh!!! is extremely inefficient, inconsistent, brainless, ... Btw, from the screen captures, I think titanBackup wizard is a better wizard than the GBM's, though they both are wizard that I dislike.

If you don't mind my long-winded story, please read the below, the world most incredible backup achievement in 21st century:

GBM does not support job grouping nor does it provide anything that help one to quickly backup several jobs. So my wish to prepare backup jobs then create different combinations of jobs (groups) and schedule group instead of jobs is too big a dream for the developer of GBM. I decide to DIY - I use LS to prepare a list of GBM jobs (they are physical files in a folder, anyway) into a plain text file, I then use MacroExpress to process that text file line by line (after some trimming, each line becomes a job name) and these job names are supplied (as command-line parameter) to GBM (one at a time) in order to group-run the jobs. Finally I add that macro to True Launchbar so that I can one-click run a group of jobs, I have about a dozen of such macro on the launchbar... what a solution in blood and sweat, isn't it? No, no, the story doesn't end here, not yet. When I run my macro, that is - running a series of backup jobs, for each job run, I see a dialog pop up with countdown counter, wait n seconds then only a job starts... (I can't even opt to have no countdown) wtfk kind of interface is that, ugh!!!

Believe me, all that has pushed me so hard that I am willing to burn my house in order to drop it, but I find no alternative, I have no choice... don't get me wrong, I mean ... I got no other place to stay :)

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 21, 2008, 09:03 AM »

Now, looking closer at my own utilities I find

supports registry operations as well as being a true backup utility.

Hi cmpm,
Can you post a screen shot on the main interface.
Is wizard like interface is the only choice (just like Genie Backup Manager), if so, I can save my time to try it.

General Software Discussion / Re: In search of ideal backup utility
« on: August 21, 2008, 08:53 AM »
4. Able to group backup jobs and act (backup/ restore) base on the group.

in SFFS, in order to do this you have to give the backups you want to group a prefix (with a space after it), e.g.
J Appbackups
J Paperwork
J Photos

They will then show as

and can be selected as a group by ticking "J"

That sounds more like a workaround than real grouping. I can immediately see a problem, how to have groups sharing particular job?

Btw, I read the help file of SFFS, it seems to have very limited explanation for zip package on the right side (destination)...
Is all the manual's explanation on file / folder settings also applied to those files/folders being zip in a zip package?
e.g. are the below also applied on a zip package backup:
On right side, create a new folder each time
Check Existence Of Destination File Again During Copying
Clear Archive Flags

Just a quick clue please:
It is possible to create a job, where each run will create a new xxx(n).zip on the right side, n is increment counter and had SFFS control how big n can go. That is if all the xxx(n).zip of a job are backup to a destination folder say Mybackup, I can set n=52, so Mybackup will holds no more than 52 zips and when n hits 52, that is after the xxx(52).zip is created, the n roll back to 1 and start all over?

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