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Messages - pyrohacker [ switch to compact view ]

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N.A.N.Y. 2014 / Re: NANY 2014 Pledge: Bug Reporting Utility
« on: January 06, 2014, 06:07 PM »
Correct; I did not finish it in time. I'll let DC know when I do, though! Same goes for my text analysis pledge.

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / NANY 2014 Pledge: Text Analysis App
« on: December 13, 2013, 09:15 PM »
Text Analysis App

This app will make it easier to analyze a chunk of text and see useful information. Its focus is analysis rather than manipulation.

I've been dealing with some rather large log files at work lately, and I find myself dissatisfied with my ability to extract useful information from large bodies of text. Crafting find-and-replace queries, importing to Excel, and visually scanning for data are all tedious processes that dance around the goal: gathering information and answering questions. This tool will be different. Somehow.

N.A.N.Y. 2014 / NANY 2014 Pledge: Bug Reporting Utility
« on: December 12, 2013, 08:26 PM »
Bug Reporting Utility

This utility will make it easier to submit helpful, consistent bug reports to any developer or project.

User feedback is valuable, but much of it is hastily written, inconsistent, or never sent at all. Testers and users often find it tedious to log all of the little details and ideas they encounter, so the developers don't get the best feedback possible. This is a tool to keep those thoughts from being lost. A user will make a list of apps, and each one will be associated with information like an email address, support website, or log folder. I'm still fleshing out the ideas, so I'd really love suggestions and ideas. Look forward to it!

N.A.N.Y. 2010 / Re: NANY 2010 Final Release: SubDiv
« on: November 02, 2013, 06:26 PM »
I'm reviving this thread to ask for help. I have lost SubDiv, both source and executable. A user has expressed interest in finding it, and I'm hoping that someone still has some part of it.

My apologies for raising the dead. If anyone has the executable or source code for SubDiv — any version number — please either post it or send it to me (email visible on profile page).

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / Re: CANCELED: Shelves
« on: January 01, 2012, 10:20 PM »
My apologies for not getting Shelves finished in time for NANY. It's in a state where I can build it, and I believe it's ready for an initial release, but I have not yet developed a means of testing it. Other priorities came first this year, and it simply didn't get finished. (As far as screencasting goes, there wouldn't be much. Shelves doesn't even have a user interface; it's just an API.)

I know that Shelves will eventually be released, as I need it for further development of Goodness. Now just isn't the time for that release.

N.A.N.Y. 2012 / CANCELED: Shelves
« on: December 06, 2011, 07:18 PM »
Shelves is a concept extension for Google Chrome that's been jumping around in the back of my mind for a long time now. I've been waiting for NANY to find the motivation to work on it, though (and waiting for Christmas Break to find the time!).

The catch is this:  Even though Shelves would be a great thing to have, it's not a very exciting product. Most people won't really care about it. That's perfectly fine, because most people aren't part of its target audience anyway. But I want to release something broader for NANY if I can.

So this is my pledge:
I will dig deep into my dusty old list of programming ideas. If I can find one that's got more oomph and if I can complete it in time, you'll see something besides Shelves here. If not, then Shelves it is, and a few Chrome extension developers will get a late Christmas present.

General Software Discussion / Re: Subdiv question. . .
« on: September 23, 2011, 12:20 AM »
I realize this is an old topic, but it's partially unanswered, so I'll chip in as the developer of SubDiv.

It isn't really in SubDiv's scope to have this kind of feature, but there is a simple way to view all of the files and folders in a directory at once. Under Windows 7 (and most likely Vista), navigate to the directory -- in this case, the folder for each year -- and perform a search for *.* . That'll show every folder in the directory, and also list each of the files following their containing folders. That's a tricky explanation, so try it out and you'll see what I mean.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Goodness
« on: January 10, 2011, 06:35 PM »
Good news:  Goodness is back up and running with version 

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Release: Goodness
« on: January 09, 2011, 11:28 PM »
I am truly sorry for the problems.  Yesterday, I located a bug in Goodness's regular expression that wouldn't allow it to save phrases or urls with periods in them.  Thinking I had resolved the issue, I posted an update which, in fact, broke Goodness further.  I have temporarily removed it from the Chrome Web Store until this bug can be fixed, or the page reverted to an earlier version.

Unfortunately, since I choose not to work on Sundays, the earliest this can happen is tomorrow.  Again, I'm very sorry.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: Goodness
« on: December 30, 2010, 08:44 PM »
Ah, thanks, Perry.  I'll hurry and fix that now.  Should I post a download link now, or on New Year's?

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: Goodness
« on: December 30, 2010, 07:09 PM »
Goodness is in a state that is ready to be released (version 0.2.7).  Currently, its only feature is a customizable filter that can block pages based on phrases in the title or in the url.  I'm working on making a roadmap for future development.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / Re: NANY 2011 Pledge: Goodness
« on: December 28, 2010, 10:21 AM »
I'm sorry to say this, but Search Packer has been put on hold.  This year, NANY will see me release Goodness ( :D ). 

Just a fair warning - Web Development can be ADDICTING.
I have to wholeheartedly agree with this.  It's unhealthy at times, but it's true.

Just to let you know who this is coming from:  I am a visual person as well, and I do lots of hobby work with graphic design and typography.   I consider myself a web programmer and I was 100% able to teach myself web programming.

As far as web applications go, HTML is for structuring the page, CSS is for designing the page (the visual part; you should like this), and JavaScript is for powering the page.  They're all fairly simple languages, and it's incredible how well they integrate and work together.  You have to expect that, though, since they were designed to work together.

I would suggest you start off learning HTML in whatever way you feel is best, be it books, online tutorials, or just jumping right in.  (HTML5 is just an extension of basic HTML, and you won't need to know much about it while you are learning.)

I'd like to showcase as a wonderful JavaScript tutorial and reference.  It's where I learned JavaScript, and it's great for anyone who wants to learn.  It's especially satisfying if you understand cultural references.  :D is also a great tool, and I learned how to use CSS there.  But I now use it as more of a reference than a tutorial, due to the fact that it's, well, reference-like.  Great site, though.

Good luck, Proximo!

Living Room / Re: I'm thinking about learning how to program.
« on: November 02, 2010, 09:19 PM »
I suppose I'll throw a couple pennies in.

I started "programming" with windows .BAT files, and I had fun.  I liked doing it, so I learned more and I continued.  After a while, I wanted to make "real" programs, so I went to and learned.  I never really had any fun with C++, though.  At one point, I looked into making GUI programs instead of simple command line tools, and I got the pants scared offa me.

I've always liked programming, but it wasn't until I did some web coding that I fell in love with it.  (I'm talking client-side here, not PHP--though I am curious.)  My favorite thing about web coding is the fact that it isn't done in just one language.  They're conceptually separated, and I love that.  When you want to make content, you use HTML.  When you want to change how it looks, you use CSS.  When you want to make it do stuff, you use JavaScript.  Granted, it means you have to learn three different languages, but I never thought they were at all difficult to learn.

Even though this thread really isn't about environment, I'll chip in here, too.  I use two different windows:  Chrome, and Notepad++.  It's simple, it's effective, and it works for me.

Do what works for you.   :)

doctorfrog, I'm sorry I haven't been working on it.  As soon as school started, I really fell behind on most of my coding.  I should have let you know beforehand.

I intend to work on and finish it today, though.  It will have a config file for settings (for portability and ease of coding).

The first working version is now available.  Host Page

I'm 99% sure AutoHotkey could do this. 


After looking at the help file, I'm 100% sure AutoHotkey can do this.  And even though I'll probably get 1-upped by someone better (Skrommel, this means you), I'll give it a go.

I was very intrigued by the iPad when it first came out.  An instant-on portable computer seemed like a gift from heaven to me.  Slap on a Bluetooth keyboard and you're set.  Then I started thinking.  And the more I thought about it, the less I loved the iPad.  I'm a coder, and not one on a high budget, so I can't afford to buy more than one computer.  The iPad wouldn't let me do any type of code development at all, and that cleared the hype-vision.

One thing that really caught my eye afterwards (and that I haven't seen mentioned here) are 'netvertibles'.  Remember way back when companies (predominantly Fujitsu, I think) were offering laptops whose touchscreens could swivel around and basically become tablets?  Well, the concept fell from the face of the earth (or at least the public eye), but with the rise of the netbook, we've seen the same type of idea floating around, but using a netbook form factor (10" screen, smaller body) instead of a traditional laptop one.

This idea seems great for me, and it's 1/2 Google's fault.  My plan is to use a netvertible with two OS's - A 'full-featured' OS such as Win 7 or Ubuntu, and Chrome OS.  Because Chrome OS can boot within about 7 seconds and is planning to offer a tablet interface, it would fullfill the part of instant-on computer.  Any task that can't (or shouldn't) be accomplished using web apps would be handled by the traditional OS.  This enables me to have a quick touchscreen computer for reading and browsing, and a regular (albeit underpowered) computer for coding.  And most netvertibles hit right around the $500 price point.  Though the Viliv S10 Blade is an exception, since it appears to be a much higher-end device.

This fits for me, but it's not the universal solution.  Everyone has different needs, and should fulfill them in the best way possible.

N.A.N.Y. 2011 / NANY 2011 Release: Goodness
« on: June 18, 2010, 11:36 AM »
NANY 2011 Entry Information

Application Name Goodness
Version (released at v0.2.8)
Short Description A Google Chrome extension to help keep you safer on the internet
Supported OSes All OSes supported by Google Chrome (Windows, Mac, Linux)
Web Page Code Haven > Chrome > Goodness
Download Link

Search Packer is a brainchild of mine that I've been wanting to get published for a while, but only recently begun work on.  It's an extension that lets the user combine different search engines (by entering URLs that can accept parameters) and thereby launch several related searches at the same time, for the same query.

I'm coming along fairly quickly, so I'll probably have a 1.0 version far before 2011 rolls around.  If that comes too quickly, I might release it early and bring to fruition one of my other projects I'm keeping cooped up inside my head.  If I can, though, I'll bring in some more ambitious features and let this project loose during NANY.  

School's started, and so development is taking a big hit.  I'm getting swamped with work, and Search Packer, one of my favorite projects, is being forced onto the back burner.  Nevertheless, I intend to have a working version out for NANY!  Late nights are no match for a coder's spirit, and I'm going to have something released even if it means consuming my Christmas Break with coding.  Incidentally, I'd probably be coding anyway, so it's not a huge deal.  Oh, well.  It shall be done.

I'm not coming along at all anymore.  School got too crazy for me to code at all before the break, and Search Packer is too big for me to finish it in the time remaining.  I still really want to make Search Packer a reality, but now is not the time for that.  I have changed my submission to another pet project I've had for a while, and it's called Goodness (until someone can suggest a better name).

Goodness is a Chrome extension designed to strengthen users of the internet.   And by "strengthen," I mean religiously.  I belong to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, and I want to help people.  Specifically people who are recovering from a pornography addiction, but I feel like this could help anybody.

The web page listed for Goodness above will be updated once the extension is released, but for now, this page is the main discussion and information point for Goodness.

Developer's Corner / Re: "Rites of Passage" applications
« on: June 18, 2010, 10:34 AM »
How about this chap  ;D

mnemonic, that link was great!  Man, I love coding humor and traditions.

Developer's Corner / Re: "Rites of Passage" applications
« on: June 12, 2010, 08:19 PM »
Yeah, you've always gotta have the "Hello, World!" in there somewhere.  I wonder if anyone ever publishes any of them, though...  :-\

Hmm.  Maybe for NANY, I could...   :D

General Software Discussion / Re: Windows 7 - Hidden Tool
« on: April 14, 2010, 10:32 PM »
I'm gonna be honest here. 

That scared me, josh.  That scared me a lot.  (Though I've barely been around that long myself!)

General Software Discussion / Windows 7 - Hidden Tool
« on: April 12, 2010, 08:49 PM »
I dunno if I'm just slow, or if I've discovered a secret gem that the Devs at Microsoft threw in for fun (the first seems more likely), but I just noticed a few days ago that Windows 7 has a nifty tool for viewing folders - I'd call it something like inline filtering.

On the bars above a file list, there are the regular options to enable you to sort the items you're viewing, but up 'till now I didn't notice the arrows on the right.  These bring forth pop-up boxes to enable you to quickly filter the files by the same categories you can sort them by.  

Of course, a picture is worth a thousand words.



Laugh at me, please, if this has been around since Vista.  :'(
If this feature existed during the days of XP, I'll beat myself with a fish.    :trout:

Okay, so I was kind of shocked when I searched DC for this topic a moment ago, and I found nothing.  This really surprises me, since DC is usually the best place to go for info on all the best software.  Therefore, I feel compelled to bring to light a certain extension that has totally and completely enhanced my web browsing in the space of only a couple days.  Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome:  gleeBox.

This tool is the resurrected form of the command line, an ancient interface that is only used today by the most savvy of technology users.  This command line is different, however, because of the great and spacious domain it commands:  The Internet.  That's right, a command line for your web browser.  Mostly.

GleeBox is many things.  It is a way to navigate webpages, sans mouse.  It is a YubNub command interpreter.  It can be a bookmark search, a JavaScript launcher, a sharing tool, and virtually everything else you can do on the Web.  It can nearly replace your address bar, your search bar, and your tab bar.  Sounds great, eh?  Well, I'm probably playing it up a few dozen notches, but nothing I've said here is in any way completely false.


I'm going to provide an inadequate list of some of the best ways that I use gleeBox:
  • !read command:  Extracts text from a page and makes it readable.
  • !login command:  Used with a LastPass bookmarklet, logs you into a page.
  • !later command:  Used with the Instapaper bookmarklet to save a page for later.
  • !set <option> :  Lets you alter settings without visiting the Options page.
  • :wa command:  Creates a Wolfram|Alpha search through YubNub.

I'm only just kidding when I say that I don't think I can go back to the Internet without gleeBox; it's become that indispensable to me.  I've been coming up with some nifty ESP Visions (wonderful feature, see User Manual), and I've put most of them on the TipJar site.  Look for pyrohacker's posts.  

Living Room / Re: Browser Wars: Why did you choose yours?
« on: March 04, 2010, 10:06 PM »
Seems to me that the minefield is this thread!
"Watch your step, soldier.  You never know when you'll activate a hidden flamethrower..."

Boy, when it comes to browsers, I've tried most of them at one point in my life, and I think I can honestly say that I was a die-hard fan of that browser during my time of use.  Except IE.  Never was crazy for that one.

I'll just say it out loud so nobody is confused:  I use and love Chrome, I like Opera, I appreciate Firefox, and I ... recognize ... Internet Explorer.

Chrome is (currently) my favorite browser, mainly because it has the best extension handling in any browser I've seen.  Automatic updates, a centralized point of acquisition, and a standardized extension creation system.  By that I mean that extensions are coded in standard, everyday JavaScript and HTML.  And yeah, its flippin' fast.  I find Chrome to be better for browsing the web like people (read: I) do today.  Chrome is a relatively new browser; it was built during the time of web apps and flash.  It's good at it.  It's also got a really non-invasive interface, and that idea has even carried over to the extensions.

I've recently been trying out Opera 10.50 (which was just bumped up to release build) and I am really quite impressed. Its speed is on par with Chrome, its feature set is out-of-this-world, and it's got large amounts of settings for great tweakability. Really, the only issue that I have with Opera is that it doesn't support extensions.  Philosophically, I'm okay with that.  The dang thing does so much already, it barely needs 'em.  And I suppose that you could perhaps code something akin to an extension using a widget...  But things like LastPass are really useful, and Opera only supports them through bookmarklets.

Firefox, in my opinion, has fallen from its previous standings.  It used to be a blank canvas that you could paint your extensions onto to create a personalized browsing experience.  And it still is a fairly blank canvas.  So why does that still-blank piece of cloth suddenly take twice as long to run?  I haven't seen any breakthrough features, I haven't seen any big improvements, and yet I've still seen it slow down and down and down...  Why?  I don't know.  But even if the idea of an open, third-party extension system did come from Firefox -- Chrome does it better.

On the subject of Internet Explorer:  Well, not much news.  Still pretty much the same as it was four years ago.  As for innovations, we've seen what?  InPrivate browsing and Accelerators?  You mean, the same type of things that other browsers are doing better?  Oh.  I do appreciate what IE has done for the Net, really, I do.  Standards in web page coding, standards in JavaScript functions, and an omnipresent animation/interface system.  Wait, IE didn't do those, either.  In my eyes, Internet Explorer set the bar years ago.  Other browsers surpassed it (as a capitalist market should expect), and IE sort of just sat there.

In my eyes: Chrome is in the lead, with Opera steadily gaining speed.  Firefox used up too much steam at the start of the race, and IE is standing at the starting line, thinking that the race is already over.

Jeez, I oughta copyright that post.  Or is it more of an autobiography?

Developer's Corner / Re: Resurrecting Ubiquity for Chrome
« on: February 15, 2010, 10:41 PM »
Well, good to know.  I never actually looked into the dev status, myself.   :-[  I suppose I just assumed it was dead since it hasn't really been widely publicized, and it's still in alpha development.

Mistake on my part, sorry.

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