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Messages - mahesh2k [ switch to compact view ]

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AutoHotkey / AutoHotkey- alternative?
« on: May 30, 2007, 09:36 AM »
AHK can be only used on windows.Is there any alternative which is as easy as AHK and is cross platform?

I mean as ahk is so easy that any non coding person can start to code in few weeks.What u think?is there any chance that ahk becomes cross platform.

Ok.I agree.But point is whenever i tried to do something with it,get frsustrated & i  even don't have anyone arround to ask for help or share the frustration.So i came up with these question so that a guy like me somewhere on planet can get a help. :Thmbsup:

1. maybe you don't like the  way i work.I don't mind.But sorry to say i tried google,msn and got very few resources for Borland.

2. Help file can answer some of my questions but like 1. :i have found two ways to add menu into the form but i unbale to find out how to add actions to it,I have added the addmenubar from the win32 component list.even reading the help file two three times,i'm not getting the right path for it.

3. I have searched the net for Borlands book but due to unavailablity of credit crad i can't order them.also they are not available locally in town.I 'm asking for ebook from my friend if it is availbale.

I'm looking for Borland C++ builder 6 devlopers guide by herbert schildt.please pm me if you have link to ebook.

Hope my question/reply doesn't hurt anybody personally.

Thanks anyway.

Why Not some Howto tutorials for programming apps that done here say explaination for each line in code like one done at this could help others.what you think.

That's right mouser.I have tried some of the things and i'm stuck on it.I;m surreounded by poeples who dont know abt cpp builder its projects in my college.with trial n err i have come this close.please help me atleast with instructions.

Here is question set that most of the newbies came up while using builder.Some questions may sound absurd but i m presenting in such way that answers to these will be a complete help file for any newbie.Please do take time to answer,some answers are in the help file but they sound too technical too understand for newbies.Consider text editor example and please take look at some questions:

1.How to read the whole project in terms of which files are meant for what purpose in C++ builder?(e.g form file,main1.cpp etc)

2.How to add standard menus to application(e.g. File | Edit | Help) ?

3.How to add action associated to these menus?

4.How to create Tabbed interface for opening multiple files(Consider text editor in thsi case)

5.How to add another wordspace area apart from Text editing area (Look at skyide that has left pane for project file browsing and another for editing).

6.How to add line numbers & line highlighting in text edit section?

Please add screenshots & code if possible or needed.Edit this post if you want to put it as tutorial or guide.If any thing requires additional componenet installation please explain in abt that component's installation in C++ builder.

Please do take some time to answer the question.Your help is much valuable to programmer newbie like me and many others.Thanking in advance.

Your help is much appreciated.

Developer's Corner / Re: Borland c++ BUILDER tutorials?
« on: May 29, 2007, 06:41 AM »
Thanks SkyIDE.I'll open up another thread so that this thread dont't get flood with code stuff.Please help me with few things,i m passing few question in such manner that any newbie with C++ Builder learn from question that i'm about to post now.please do take some time to answer them.thanking u in advance.

Developer's Corner / Re: Borland c++ BUILDER tutorials?
« on: May 28, 2007, 10:43 AM »

You described me about the compiler error highlighting,which is not what i want.I 'm looking for the line number highlighting that u added to editor.Say when u open up the skyIDE it will open a blank document that has line numbers 1 to so on.. also when you write program and click perticular line it gets highlighted.i want to achive these two effects.

Developer's Corner / Re: Borland c++ BUILDER tutorials?
« on: May 25, 2007, 09:13 AM »
Thanks for the help.Anyone knows how to count the line numbers as most of developer text editor do it.Also how can i do the mouse click Highlightcolor effect .if you have tried the SkyIDE then you can understand what i want to say, it has the seperate tabs for each file opened & can count no of line and highlights the line when mouse click is done.

Developer's Corner / Re: Some questions abt coders
« on: May 20, 2007, 10:54 AM »
What do u think abt QT is it worth to learn it?

Developer's Corner / Borland c++ BUILDER tutorials?
« on: May 20, 2007, 10:46 AM »
Hi i 'm looking for some of the Borland C++ builder tutorials.I have borland C++ builder personal.And i have very limited expereince with it.I want to start with some good tutorials like creating text editor or to soem in depth tutorials.Do you know any place where i can get one.?

If you have any expereince with borland then please let me know how can i proceed with it?i tried google and some other Searches but borland have very limited material on the internet.& u know help isn't good otion with borland.DO u know any place where there is open source code for borland C++ builder made applications examples?

Developer's Corner / Re: Some questions abt coders
« on: April 20, 2007, 03:45 AM »
Thanks for the compressions question. Do these softwares are designed in Autohotkey or something else? which IDE or compiler is used to create these softwares? How & where can i look in order to create rich small apps like one skrommel did?

Another question is there any tool that works like autohotkey and is cross paltform.

Developer's Corner / Some questions abt coders
« on: April 18, 2007, 09:23 AM »
I have some questions for you.

1) I want to know how u guys write such small utilities that are less than 1MB.Sometimes it includes even the installers.

2) Which programming language you use to develop the software or small utilities? whihc IDE?Please explain in brief.

thanks in advance.please answer my queries.

IS there any way i can change the picture of the taskbar without any use of registry,or to change the name?

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