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Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: October 08, 2007, 06:18 PM »
To:  skywalka
From: TWmailrec
RE:   CLIPSTEP (ClipSeek)

Further to last posting, I am now attaching the LATEST modified CLIPSTEP and NEW CLIPSEEK

CLIPSTEP is a modified version of Skrommel's Clipstep, which is a clipboard extension app which only uses [Control]+v and [Control]+c and [Control]+x to allow clips to be stored as .CLIP files, and allows selection of stored clips for Re-Pasting.
It is now modified to work with CLIPSEEK, a new program (modified form of Seek from Phi) which has two different modes of operation:

  - Displays large table of clipboard CLIPs and shows Clip content
  - Predefine a Permanent directory for preconfigured applications to store clips
  - Allows Selection criteria to preselect clips, many modes offered
  - Provides alternative Pasting options and other functions
  - Can add comments to individual clips, mark clips to preserve/display at top of list etc.

CLIPSEEK Directory Mode:
  - Displays (Recursed) list of files (and directories), and shows contents/properies/icons for common file-types and common grahics.
  - Allows Selection criteria for filename AND contents to preselect files for display, many modes offered.
  - Can preconfigure settings for Active programs/Apps/extensions, which are automatically selected by ClipSeek when run, or can be manually selected, once .ini is modified.
  - Various display options
  - Allows files to be run (if File association exists)/ or Directories to be selected.
  - Can allow MS Word (2000) Document files to be listed with block of contents, on which Selective search can restrict list, to aid file selection, and run MSWORD with selected file(s).
  - Allows listing of Apps (Link files etc) in StartMenu and StartMenuCommon, to search for and run required application.

Tiny Update in second Zip; Download 2nd ZIP
Excuse the errors if there are any. It all works fine on my system.


Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: October 06, 2007, 07:46 PM »
To skywalka
From TWmailrec

Once again, this time with altered ini file

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: October 06, 2007, 06:35 PM »
To: skywalka,

Further to last posting, I am now attaching the modified CLIPSTEP and NEW CLIPSEEK programs for you to play with. Readme.txt.file gives info.

If you think this of any interest, perhaps you can suggest improvements?
Excuse the errors if there are any. It all works fine on my system.


Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: August 24, 2007, 09:03 PM »
I already tried re-writing to Progress window, and it wont improve anything.
I shall have to replace Progress with a ListBox and do a Guicontrol
content update; if that helps.

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: August 19, 2007, 10:53 PM »

It occurs to me that the program automatically clears the display
with a "Progress, off" when theres a keypress. I seem to remember that only one Progress window is allowed per script. Ill check on that
and attempt a rewrite to existing window without shutting it down and re-opening. Ive put it on my list. If its possible, that should help.

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: August 16, 2007, 06:30 PM »
I havent got any flickering on my screen! what display are you using?
mine is a CRT; with image persistance the CRT shows no flicker perhaps.

"I said the clip filename can be the same as the "sort number" so they should be"

This goes back to the way clipstep was originally written.
the "1" refers to the index no in an array. As you say it doesnt need to be displayed. If I remeber Ill remove it

"By opening ClipStep's display you have sent ClipStep's contents to the clipboard (even though you cancelled)"

I hadnt noticed that! - I nearly always Assign:
ClipboardPrev:=clipboard. Ill see if the reassign got missed off, after
abhort s/r.

I still have a tedious help file to write for the new program so it may be a week or two

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: August 15, 2007, 05:56 PM »
I changed from tooltip because unless your eyesight is good, it isnt clear what youre looking at; also, it is confusing if youre not looking at the clip you want, whether you should go backwards, or forwards, so presenting a view of previous, & current & next clip helps to suggest whether ^v or ^c is the right key. It is easy to change the display back to the original though, it is still in the program under the label SHOWCLIP0:. The active s/routine is

The new program does more than just present a list of all the clips that can fit on screen & the selection moves through them with a colored highlight. It offers proper search and a lot besides.

As for the heading, 13 - - 1 of 13 , this shows the clip filename, which can be very useful, especially if it goes into high nos. It is a bonus which can be easily removed.

Ive had a quick look at cut & paste with the mouse and found no problem, but then if I cut/copy with the mouse, I paste with the mouse too.

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: August 14, 2007, 11:45 AM »
Query from skywalka:
Did you manage to fix the bug in the original ClipStep?

Probably. Im now completing a major new complementary+standalone program for clipstep. It will offer many more facilities. Ill upload in a short while.

Anyway, I am not aware of any bug in the new version.

Coding Snacks / Re: CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: July 20, 2007, 04:03 PM »
To Skrommel
From TWmailrec

Have now corrected last version, and added Search facility to locate clips,
and other stuff. - see what you think?

when I have time Ill work on a proper gui clipviewer.

Coding Snacks / CLIPSTEP from Skrommel; Script MOD
« on: July 04, 2007, 11:02 PM »
To:  Skrommel
From: TWmailrec

Further to last post, I have now completed CLIPSTEP mods that improve usability and add functions:
  Ctrl-Alt-V added to Toggle Current (%A_WorkingDir%) & Permanent dir: .\Perm
      This option only available after SHOWCLIP initiated.
  Ctrl-Alt-C added to COPY current clip(%A_WorkingDir%) TO: Permanent Dir .\Perm
      This option only available after SHOWCLIP initiated, if current dir is default
  SHOWCLIP (^V) uses Progress for readability and shows Previous & Next clip
      as well as showing current clip filename, "No." of "Total clips",
      and if clip is "FILE" / "Address"
Also corrected fault in version sent before with filecopy

If you think this of any interest, perhaps you can suggest improvements?
Excuse the errors if there are any. I think these MODS make it more user friendly.
Would welcome any comments!

Skrommel's Software / Clipstep - Improvements
« on: June 23, 2007, 08:19 PM »
To Skrommel
From TWmailrec

You may recall we spoke about Capshift some time ago.

Since finding most of my clipboard Managers break the Clipboard chain (eg ARSCLIP) and interfere with a persistant .ahk program I run, I started to use Clipstep.

I made some MODS to improve appearance/readability and function, viz:
 MOD: Ctrl-Alt-V added to Create & Toggle Current (%A_WorkingDir%) & Permanent directory (.\Perm) to store permanent clips. This option only available after ^V pressed to allow other programs to use Ctrl-Alt-V
 MOD: SHOWCLIP (^V) uses Progress for readability and shows Previous & Next clip

Excuse the errors if there are any. I think these MODS make it more user friendly.
Would welcome any comments!

How about adding a Search facility??

[email protected]

Skrommel's Software / Re: Key Macros for MS WORD
« on: July 04, 2006, 09:46 AM »
So far, have only used suspend on TRAYMENU:.
I will try using it to kill previous Hotkey assignments.

Many thanks

Skrommel's Software / Re: Key Macros for MS WORD
« on: June 17, 2006, 07:43 PM »
 :)Hi Skrommel

I noticed that MSWord 2000 which came with Win98, will not handle
   #IfWinActive Microsoft Word
All "#IfWinActive" stats are ignored so I have just corrected problem by swapping macro program with one containing only WORD macros and ShiftOff:

; -------------------------------------------------------
; Configuration:
DetectHiddenWindows, On
SetTitleMatchMode, 2  ; In case it's 3. This setting is in effect only for this thread.
SetKeyDelay, 0
#SingleInstance force
Thread, interrupt, 0 ; Make all threads always-interruptible
SetTimer, Progchk, 1000
ShiftOff S/routine
; -------------------------------------------------------

; Active window check:  ;;

SetTitleMatchMode, 2  ; In case it's 3. This setting is in effect only
                                ;for this thread.
WinGetActiveTitle, ActiveTitle

IfInString, ActiveTitle, soft%A_Space%Word
   Goto, msWord


IfInString, ActiveTitle, PowerDesk
   Goto, PwDeskAct
IfNotInString, ActiveTitle, %I_Editor%

; -------------------------------------------------------

run, %I_Macrerun%\CapXShft.exe    ;Macro program for WORD only &
;                                                  ShiftOff s/r

; ... remaining hotkeys
; -------------------------------------------------------

It now works great for WINXP, but ShiftOff wont work under WIN98 which seems to ignores all "Hotkey, Key, Label"  statements. in MSWORD, so parsing ini file to create Hotkey assignments fails.
Hotkey assignmnets work under 98 for all other programs??

Since almost nobody else uses WIN98, this shouldnt matter!

Is there a better way to clear all previous "Hotkey, Key, Label" assignmnets when swithing programs aside from my method of rerunning macro .exe (ahk) program? It seems clumsy.


Skrommel's Software / Key Macros for MS WORD
« on: June 02, 2006, 08:44 PM »
In order to standardise numerous functions like 'Edit new file' or various cut/paste functions for many different applications, I tried to add key macros to  Skrommels "ShiftOff" program which is automatically run at startup

This works fine for all programs EXCEPT MSWORD! In MSWORD 2000, no programed key macros work when following code is added to CAPXShft.ahk




WinGetActiveTitle, ActiveTitle
;      MsgBox , 0, Warning, ActiveTitle is "%ActiveTitle%" /I_Editor=%I_Editor%, 5

IfInString, ActiveTitle, soft%A_Space%Word
   Goto msWord
IfInString, ActiveTitle, PowerDesk
   Goto PwDeskAct

IfNotInString, ActiveTitle, %I_Editor%

It works fine with powerdesk & EditPad Pro, but the macro section, when coded as a stand-alone exe also doesnt work in MSWord.
Is there some error in programming?
I have included a trimmed down version of CapXShft as a downloaded ZIP file

[email protected]

To jgpaiva Charter Member, RepeatedEntries.ahk

   Re: DONE: Delete double lines (all but the first) in a text file
Program is now perfect!
(I added back in the %1% check for drag
and drop and command line parameter.)

Many thanks

To Skrommel

Great idea.
1st attempt revealed error key Æ, so I removed ÆØÅ from ini file
and program works well. I dont know why these keys are rejected


 Re: DONE: If Caps Shift ALREADY ON, pressing Shift key unsets Caps-Shift

Latest code from Skrommel works great - but original exe prog needed
adjustment as caused error:
    Error at line 26             (& Line 27)
    Linetext  +/E  Up
    Error Invalid Hotkey
    The program will exit

So I REMd lines 26,27 & 28 (which caused same error), and program now works well!
What functions of program are affected??


Re: IDEA: If Caps Shift ALREADY ON, pressing Shift key unsets Caps-Shift BY Skrommel
One unfortunate byproduct of this program is that if Caps Shift is on
intentionally, and raised keys accessed (eg !"£$%^&*()}{~@:),
Caps Shift is reset by the program.
This would also apply to Shift+:{F1}-{F12},
Ctrl-Shift+: keys, Alt-shift keys, [used in WORD macros]
Shift+::{Delete}{Insert}{Up}{Down}{Left}{Right}{Home}{End} etc
Shift+::{Ctrl}{Alt}{LWin}{RWin}{AppsKey} &

Is there any way to restrict macro to letters A to Z, & a to z ??

TWmailrec :'( :'(

To jgpaiva from TW

No, what I meant was the message box now works fine,
but the blank lines are still stripped out of the output file.
Was this supposed to happen?
I was hoping to preserve the blank lines in the output file, (repeated or not). I cant see why they are stripped out but they are:


Many thanks to jgpaiva for the new program mod.
The repeated strings msgbox now works well, but the output file
did not copy blank lines.
Is there any way to replicate the blank lines in the output file?
Im new to Autohotkey program language & cant cope with loops.


Re: IDEA: Delete double Lines (all but the first) in a Text-File

The solution from jgpaiva (RepeatedEntries.ahk) solves a problem I had, but can it be modified to ignore blank lines ( CR only to aid intelligability)??

 IDEA: Text file to list correct drive free-space under XP

Many thanks to everyone  who posted suggestions:
Post from wr975:
I found that XSET DISKFREE still reports erroneous size on XP, Produces same errors (only least signifant byte word) as DOS shell from XP but contains other useful functions that do work
Post from Sinum
4NT7 (Alternative SHELL sim. cmd.exe prompt) cannot run original (DOS) Batch files wihout requiring extensive rewrite  but Take Command runs my DOS Batch files OK but provides
GUI interface for DOS!

The code from Skrommel works perfectly, creating a text file which a "type" command from a batch file displays showing free space on a named backup drive; To get the named drive only, I modified the code:

; Writes free drive space to a text file, - drives C: to Z: / or %1
;     (e.g. %1=L:)
; text file specified is C:\temp\_tmpfree.txt, space in MB
; To run, download and install AutoHotkey from
;Skrommel @2006


if 0 < 1  ; if PARAMETER empty
;   MsgBox This script requires at least 1 incoming parameters
;              but it only received %0%.
;   ExitApp
  Loop,% Asc("Z")-Asc("C")
        FileAppend,%drivechar%: %space%`r`n,%outfile%
FileAppend,%1% %space% MB Free `r`n,%outfile%
Many thanks again for all the help from everybody and especially to Skrommel.

I didnt realise  it was that easy!

Many thanks for the code - Ill try it out

Many thanks for the great suggestions;

I have downloaded XSET & 4NT and will explore possibilities.

I am new to Autohotkey programming, but prog from Skrommel looks very interesting, especially if it can be modified to take drive designated by command parameter; perhaps:

; Writes free drive space to a text file.
; To run, download and install AutoHotkey from
;Skrommel @2006



  FileAppend,%drivechar%: %space%`n,%outfile%

Hi Kayslover,
The program you are looking for is HyperOs. I have used it for years.
As previous replies indicate, under WIN98 the program automatically performs DOS drive 'Subst' in Autoexec allowing every windows partition to run as Drive D:
Under XP, HyperOs adjusts REGISTRY entries to point to new drive
(Command: WINMOVE), and adjusts links & .ini files as well
All XP systems I find work perfectly in any parition (except that individual program cannot be uninstalled from a copied partition)
I am still using HyperOs 2003 although I did purchase later versions there was no need to try them (I have amended the Batch files for my own progs)
I have been unable more recently to contact Gordon Ritchie at HyperOs Systems. - his old address and email are no longer valid!

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