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Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 13, 2012, 12:32 PM »

The Master Feature List is up -

PS. If you are on the mailing list, you'll get an email shortly with a link that lets you vote individual features up and down.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: April 19, 2012, 01:39 PM »
I got several things piled up last year and I am still digging my way out of it. There are several projects that I am working on, and I am actively trying to trim their number down to just two. One of them is Bvckup. Bvckup2 is a major rework of the code and I have done a fair amount of coding of the supporting libraries (the UI lib is done, the threading/tasklet engine is about half way through, and there are two other). Once libraries are done, I will be putting the actual v2 app together. Before that I am planning to release separate smaller demos for each library and for some combined functionality.

I might've mentioned before, the scanning module (the one that traverses the directory tree and collects the file information) is now redone to work in a highly parallel fashion, and it is incredibly fast. When scanning the local disk, it utilizes all available CPU cores to pipe the data out of the OS and into the app. Faster, but it's nothing compared to the remote share scans. These go over the network, so there's quite a bit of latency involved, and the app typically sits there idle waiting for the remote side to reply. By launching multiple queries in parallel, it's possible to speed to whole process up by a factor of 10 (!). The scan of my NAS used to take 40-45 seconds, now it's down to 2-3 seconds.

So bear with me, there's some really cool stuff in the works. You won't be disappointed :)

Just I thought I'd mention - - "Online backups for the truly paranoid"

Runs natively on Unixes, via CygWin on Windows. Naturally, it's command line only, because that's where all truly paranoids are :)

General Software Discussion / Re: website design
« on: February 15, 2012, 06:14 PM »
Btw, check out their new website for an upcoming version 2. Truly beautiful simplicity, even better than the original.

Thanks!  :-)

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:00 PM »
That's easy - I have just one contact using Jabber as opposed to everyone else being on ICQ :)

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 05, 2011, 12:57 AM »

"why write another one" is because I would rather spend time and write exactly what I need than put up with existing stuff that does quite not fit. There are always these little annoyances that stick out and that I wish I could fix. But if I were to start fixing them (assuming it's an open source client), then why not write from scratch? I also come from the network development background - I spent several years writing code for the firewall appliances, routers, load-balancers, etc - so (high-performance) protocol parsing and the client-server stuff in general is something that I feel very comfortable with.

That being said I don't actually manage to get to the writing part that often, at least not recently. I was this close to writing an IM client few years ago. Spec'ed it out, did some UI sketching and what not, but then we had a kid and it got shelved with a lot of other stuff. In any case, I made a fairly detailed list of what I wanted in the IM client, and here it is:

Must have (highest priority)

  •    ICQ support
  •    plain text messaging
  •    end-to-end security based on public key caching (SSH-style)
  •    password-protected, encrypted local configuration profiles
  •    simultaneous login under multiple accounts of the same service
  •    available, away, busy and "other" statuses
  •    support for new contact authorization

  •    simple, convenient and good-looking UI
  •    contact grouping (up to two levels in hierarchy)
  •    easy access to the list of the accounts and their online statuses
  •    full Unicode support

Need to have (high priority, this needs to be in a beta release)

  •    tracking contact’s status history (away/busy)
  •    contact notifications (away/offline -> available, etc)
  •    meta-contacts (merging 2+ contacts into a single UI entity)
  •    tabbed chat windows, consecutive message grouping
  •    modest UI skinning support
  •    visual nudging
  •    auto-away
  •    support for invisibility mode

Nice to have (post-1.0 releases, most important - first)

  •    AIM, Yahoo, MSN support
  •    Jabber support
  •    local contact discovery using Bonjour
  •    group chat
  •    some form of file sharing or file exchange
  •    support for blacklisting contacts

Not needed

These are features typically found in IM clients and that are essentially a result of IM vendors' evolution. These are either a fancy-schmancy stuff or they should be a part of a specialized application. Therefore they should be kept out of the Instant Messaging client.

  •    rich-text-format (pretty formatted) messaging
  •    graphical smiles and sounds
  •    buddy icons
  •    elaborate support for statuses other than available, away and busy
  •    multi-level contact grouping (not sure about this one actually)
  •    audio and video conferencing
  •    remote desktop access

To this list I would now also add chat continuity, which is probably THE most useful and natural feature to be missing from most of IM clients. That's it.

Pidgin / Miranda do not fit the bill - both in the security/privacy (OTR is a bit unorthodox, I would rather have more conventional encryption architecture) and in the UI/usability departments. Meebo is a no go for privacy reasons, though I have to say it is a nice proggy. Adium is very close, but it's Mac.

If you or anyone else has any thoughts on the list, I'd be curious to hear them. I realize, for example, that the privacy aspect does not matter much to a vast majority of IM users, and that ICQ is not the most popular IM medium... but this is not meant to be a commercial product (or at least not a highly profitable one).


General Software Discussion / Re: Realtime backups
« on: September 04, 2011, 11:56 AM »
oblivion : about the junctions, I found this thread on the Bvckup forum, I don't know if it will be of any help to you. BTW, if you're still trying Bvckup, how are you getting on with the filters ? I'm having problems including some files from a folder and excluding all others ...

Not to pollute the thread - redone filters and junction support are the part of v2. See here for details. Shoot me an email at ap-at-swapped-dot-cc and I will help you with v1 filters.

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 03, 2011, 11:51 AM »
@lanux128 - fwiw, ICQ is hugely popular in Russia. Or at the very least it was 10 years ago or so. It was the one true IM system. People would remember their ICQ UINs like they do the phone numbers. A 4 or 5 digit UIN was a status symbol and there was a secondary market for selling/buying these. So it is natural that ICQ got bought by Russians. I doubt the privacy issues now are any worse than when ICQ was under AOL, because there was never any privacy to begin with. The protocol is still unencrypted, so anyone who has an access to the network routes between the user and ICQ servers can easily do whatever "data retention". The actual server ownership matters very little. Caveat emptor and all that.

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 03, 2011, 02:09 AM »
Yep, Digsby is a no go. Thanks for the pointer though.

On a related note, I've been toying with an idea of writing an IM client, so I sat down and sketched a bit of a UI tonight. Just something to play with the look and feel rather than an actual window content and what not - What do you guys think? Is all this extensive skinning an overkill? Should the IM app really stick with a native appearance?

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 02, 2011, 08:14 PM »
Are the ads foisted on everyone? or just the free version?

There is only free version now from what I can see + some sort of paid service that implements the continuous client idea.

I just started the thing for the first time in about a year and it wants to update...I'm thinking perhaps not??

You perhaps most certainly right :) Do not upgrade.

Miranda does look interesting.

Well... hrm... I don't know. My hopes have sunk after seeing this:


It feels like it was done by a software developer for a software developer.

General Software Discussion / Re: Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 02, 2011, 04:54 PM »
Right on, guys. I completely forgot about Miranda. Now let's see if I can build it on my box so that I can tweak its UI to my liking :-)

General Software Discussion / Looking for very light IM (ICQ) client
« on: September 02, 2011, 02:30 PM »
Hola comrades, got a favour to ask.

I've been using Trillian since it was first released... and given its rather abysmal quality I don't really know why I did :) And now that they started to stuff ads into the IM stream it seems like a good time to part ways with it.

Can anyone suggest a light and decently designed IM client?

Something along the lines of Easy Message. I don't really care for anything, but just IM chat. No need for the video, file transfers, smiley packs, skins and what not. Something almost like micq, but as a native Windows app.


General Software Discussion / Re: Realtime backups
« on: September 02, 2011, 01:21 PM »
^ that I do :)

@oblivion - it's not "delta backups", it's "delta copying" -- it does not create an additional file that contains the delta change, it rather updates the actual backup copy of a file, but takes care to write in only changed parts. Here is a longer explanation just in case.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup
« on: July 06, 2011, 02:41 PM »
Yup, a bug.

The problem is in the code that creates a new backup job upon clicking "Create" in the "New Backup" dialog. It basically ignores the selection between "Everything with exceptions" and "Selected files and folders."

The problem is not there when existing backup job is modified, it correctly picks up the choice.

The workaround(s):

1. When adding a new backup job, configure everything except for the filters, set it to "run manually" (so that it won't run right away) and create it. Then open it for editing (right-click -> Properties), add filters and switch from manual to required running mode.

2. If the backup is already configured, then open Bvckup settings folder (Menu > Options > Preferences, click Open next to respective field), exit Bvckup, find the .ini corresponding to the backup job (open .ini's and look at the Name field), change FilterDef from 1 to 0, save, and restart Bvckup.

Thanks for the comments and the follow-up, Deozaan. Let me see if I can push out an update with the fix.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup
« on: July 06, 2011, 10:32 AM »
Weird. Let me reproduce it here.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup
« on: July 04, 2011, 07:49 PM »
That's because it is neither Data per se nor does it make sense to install into a system-wide admin-only directory when the installer is run under a regular user account. Unfortunately there is no standard directory for placing user's binary files, so I made a guess at what other devs like myself could use and settled on %UserProfile%/Program Files. It seemed like a reasonable location to drop binaries that would be used by the installing user only.

By the way, if the setup is run under the Admin account, it will default to C:\Program Files.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup
« on: July 04, 2011, 04:39 PM »
Am I the only one who can't ever get it to exclude the files I want it to?

For example, I'm backing up some files, but the program that creates the files automatically makes it's own backups filename.bak, so I want to exclude all *.bak files from all directories and subdirectories. But for some reason it keeps copying over the *.bak files.

Location needs to be * and the Name should be *.bak, like so:

Or do you have it set up like this and it is not working?

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:35 PM »
Additionally, I get a distinct 'the user is an idiot' feeling from the website; if they go to the website, nobody wants to waste 3s staring at a logo, then eventually figuring hey I have to scroll down despite having a gigantic screen that I got to minimize the need to scroll.

This is a very pragmatic way of looking at things. I am not really sure if I want to deal with people who get upset by their monitor real estate not being fully utilized by a web designer :)

Websites are intended to supply information; yours just gets in the way of its purpose in the same way those MPAA 'do not steal', FBI etc screens on a movie get in the way of what the (in that case legit!) user wants to do: watch their movie. The current website seems designed as if it were a presentation: because when someone is talking alongside sheets, you don't want tons of texts, and you have distinct screens to go with subjects.

It is a product announcement site. Consider it a more elaborate version of "Startup Xyz launching soon... <newsletter subscription form>" one-pager. If it were a real product site, it would have not most certainly have a splash page, nor it would've had copious amount of whitespace or trimmed down copy. It will be far more detailed, technical and in point. This will come, but the current site is a teaser and so it has an odd format geared towards generating interest rather then selling a product.

The point of a beta is to get feedback. Make beta licenses need some sort of feedback flag which you can trigger when you get feedback; for example through posting on your forum (although I wouldn't automate it or you only add spamming to your problem), or by having the license used for at least 24 hours or some other time-limit thing. Probably you want to combine them so the people that do not find any bugs don't get shafted by the concept. If you combine it with some basic IP checks, you can probably keep out most of the automated buggers.

Interesting idea. Noted.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 29, 2011, 05:27 PM »
Well, I hear you guys, but let me tell you my side of story.

Take a design, simplify it, strip all cruft, polish typography, add space, trim and trim again copy, add more space, split visually into sections and then make it marginally less flat. Guess what? It looks like something Apple would make.

They did not invent the style. It is a logical convergence point for many design styles that are iterated towards simpler versions. Apple popularized the style, that's for sure. And I fully understand that it is now associated with them, but do tell me what is it that non-Apple projects should do? Add color? Make things cramped and line-height smaller? I mean all those small things that comprise "Apple style" are based on fundamental design principles. And to ignore them just to be not mistaken for an Apple product - I am not sure if it's better than to have few fast-finger people leave due to confusion.


With regards to the scrolling thing and first page taking up full screen - again, this is unconventional on purpose. While this is an experiment, the idea is to make site's visitors stop and pay some attention. I am not after force-feeding 3 keywords in a terrible rush before he manages to escape from the page mere half second after loading it. I want more time, I want to form a memory.

PS. Just looked in the logs and it appears that the median time on site is well over half a minute. I think this is fan-tas-tic, Mac feel or not :)

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 29, 2011, 10:11 AM »
Ok, you're going to hate me for that, but here is another remark : I have a very wide screen (nowadays standard unfortunately), and the "More" is too far on the right, while my attention is on the center/bottom of the screen.  I might have missed it if I were not looking for it.  What about placing the "more" just below "coming this fall".  BTW, how did the guy on reddit got hand on V2 ???

Ok, fair point, not hating :) Placed it now 480px off center of the page. Any better?

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 29, 2011, 01:39 AM »
I think I clicked on Info, thus revealing the 2nd page, but didn't think I had to scroll down to see the rest. So it's the mix of click and scroll that confused me, I guess.
You're not alone... :huh: :D

Fixed it - Thanks for the nudge, gents.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 26, 2011, 06:08 PM »
I stopped using Bvckup v1 quite some time back; I remember it was in beta back then and I posted a bunch of findings and such on your forum. You replied to half of it I think, the other half never came (but I don't fault you for that; I know how easy it is to get busy and simply forget.)

Yep, I still have the thread with your UI comments open in one of my FF tabs, and I fully remember that I owe you a reply. The reason I haven't got to writing it is (a) I actually agree with a few of your points (b) I severely lack time to write well-argued, Wikipedia-style reply for points that I don't agree with and I don't want to just blurt something out.

The website feels way too Apple-ish to me, and to be honest I find it offputting. Bvckup (and I assume Bvckup2) are Windows Applications, and just looking at the website and its usage alone, I get a very strong iPhone or iTunes feel. And the latter has a very bad reputation on the Windows platform.

Ok, point taken. I can't judge objectively as it is my own design, but I don't think it is that reminiscent of Apple's design in anything other than having a certain degree of visual polish. To put it differently - can you think of a Windows product website that has a sense of style, but does not feel Apple-ish?

Another thing I noticed (geez, I'm full of criticism today) is that you seem to be calling it Bvckup2 now? Is this a permanent name or just a codename, and did the application itself not change versions?

It is a substantial rework of the program - both from the UI perspective and internally, so it is essentially a new product. With regards to upgrading from the beta license of v1 - the V2 will follow the same beta model whereby those who help with beta testing will be provided free or heavily discounted production licenses.

The reason I am considering the heavily discounted option is due to an incident I had not long ago. Someone was recommended downloading the program and hoarding v1 beta licenses so that they could later be exchanged for the production release licenses and (presumably) resold to others. I would be curious to know what your, guys, take on this would be. Is it worth introducing a small upgrade fee to curtail the beta license abuse? Or will it likely fire back?

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 26, 2011, 12:45 AM »
Hrm... OK, thanks, guys. For now I just added some code to track how people interact with the page and how many people do not scroll beyond second screenful. I will let it sit for few days and then check the mighty stats. See if you are the only bright ones on the Internet or not :D


Jibz, I made the logo clickable after your initial post (but before seeing it, I got the same suggestion elsewhere), so you were not imagining things.


Anyway, I find it more important to have an outstanding bvckup2 than an outstanding website
Well, I think that both should be outstanding :)

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Re: Bvckup 2
« on: June 23, 2011, 10:54 PM »
Thanks for the comments and kind words, guys. Much appreciated.

Merle, did you get confused by needing to click on the Info on the first screen or by needing to scroll further after clicking on Info? I will go through logs to see how many people did not click on the Info, it should be an interesting metric.

rsatrioadi, the problem is that the first screen is stretch to the browser's height, while no other part of the site is. What you see at the bottom of the second screenful might be just 2/3rds down for other people or vice verse. I guess I can add some sort of floating semi-transparent footer that says "scroll for more", but that's be ugly. I hear you though regarding this sort of thing being a larger problem in the program's UI. Point well taken, thanks.

Announce Your Software/Service/Product / Bvckup 2
« on: June 22, 2011, 05:43 PM »
Hi fellas,

I am very happy to announce the launch of the Bvckup 2 website, the real-time minimalistic backup for Windows -

While the site is a simple teaser, its main purpose is to showcase minimalistic design aesthetics employed in Bvckup 2. It is also my best webdesign work to date.

The product itself is a step up from the original version in all areas. I will be putting up some concrete speed improvement numbers in a bit, but to give a rough idea - the scan of directory tree on a network share is now under 3 seconds versus over 30 second taken by Windows Explorer. The scan of a tree on a local disk is about 5 times faster than in the original version, and this is largely thanks to a custom lock-free slab memory allocator used internally by the program. Note the lock-free part. If you are partial to programming, you may recognize this as fairly complicated stuff... and it is just that. But it yields 5x speed up, so it's worth an effort.

Previous DC thread on the original version is here. Technical details on the version 2 are here. The dev blog is here, and if you are truly bored, there are some bits and pieces of graphic design goodness on Dribbble.

Got a thought or an opinion? A snide remark, perhaps? Most excellent, I am all ears. Be it on the idea, design or the time it takes to get it done :)


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