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Living Room / Network peeps...? i need some help :(
« on: January 22, 2010, 11:42 PM »

XP laptop (using wireless EVDO card to connect to internet) as well as connected to the router via internal wireless
wireless router
2 other windows machines and ps3 connected to wireless router

i just need the other machines to connect to the internet thru the router.

first, i know there's a billion hits on google with this, mostly all with conflicting methods and opinions.  but let me tell you my bit.  at one time i had a normal setup. dsl modem plugged into wireless router, and all other machines could use the internet... simple, done!  then that hard-wired service went down, so i turned on ICS (internet connection sharing) on my XP laptop with the EVDO card and once again it just worked! simple! great! :)  the dsl service got flakey so i got rid of it and just used my shared laptop net access. time went on, kids moved out, etc. didn't use router for anything, didn't need to share a connection.  fast-forward to today, and now i need to do the same thing.  so i fired up the router, turned on ICS. all machines can see each other on the network... but no internet access! this has been bugging me for some time.  i've turned off firewalls, etc to see if that was the problem, but no-go :(

i'm sure this is a simple setup as it 'just worked' before, but can't seem to make it work again.  please help! :o

thanks :)

Living Room / Mac Mini audio weirdness
« on: January 10, 2010, 05:24 PM »
Hey all!

my mac mini has this peculiar habit of powering on/off the audio as it is requested by the OS.  if i play a movie or music or anything, it's fine. but once there's no audio request from the os for about a minute (maybe less) it powers down the output resulting in an annoying click or pop in the speakers (just like if you manually turn them off) and then when any other sound is played (either by clicking something, emptying trash... ANY sound) it clicks the output back ON which leads to yet another annoying click/pop from my speakers. thinking that this is some kind of 'green-friendly' power setting that shuts the port down while not being used, i tried snooping around the preferences to change such a setting to be ALWAYS ON as to eliminate this annoying popping/clicking of my speakers all day long.  i was unable to find any such thing.  i've tried googling this issue but haven't come up with much outside of ppl having NO SOUND issues due to a poorly seated plug, but as this is straight from the factory and the sound does work just fine while playing constant sources (music/videos) i doubt this is the case.

if anyone can help with this issue i'd be greatly appreciative as i'm completely new to this mac format.


this may be well known and frustrating for those of you who are adept in mac, but i'm just learning. i started poking around in these preference files (which are just xml files that hold individual app and systems prefs) haven't found anything yet, but i would think that if there is such an editable setting it'd either be in here or would need to be added into one of these files.  i've since learned of an app that reads all pref files in a nice little GUI called plist edit.  i actually broke down and called apple support.  they had no quick solution to this and told me i'd hear back from them within a couple days or so with a fix (hopefully).  i'll keep this thread updated if i get a solution

Living Room / Playstation 3 and Media Server Setup?
« on: January 03, 2009, 12:29 AM »
I've been looking around for something simple (cuz it should be), but i set up my ps3 and it connects to my router and thus to the net.  but, of course, i would like to have some sort of media server on the network that the ps3 can see so that i can watch my vids and listen to my music, etc.  any quick and easy tips, software/settings, etc to get this up and running?

i currently only have 2 other windowsXP machines on the network, so i'd need something that could run on XP systems.

TIA!!! :)

N.A.N.Y. 2009 / NANY 2009 Release: PESplash
« on: December 25, 2008, 10:08 PM »
NANY 2009 Entry Information

Application Name PESplash
Version v1.7.0.11
Short Description this tool will attempt to embed text information into a CODE section of
any PE file. it does so by finding valid opcode strings and replaces
them with "like-minded" opcodes therefore not changing the size or
operability of the file.
Supported OSes Windows 32-bit
Web Page
Download Link http://seedling.dcme...m/other/
not much, just Win32 OS
  • v1.7.10
       fixed a bug that would randomly corrupt text in both embedding and
       retrieving process
       improved the retrieving routine and can now get watermark text
       much faster!

       inserts a default 'save as' filename once the 'open' file is
       this could possibly cause problems since the routine
       uses the '.' as a deliminator and renames the file. an example
       of a problem would be in a path with '.' used in the name:
       would result in:
       since, by default, it simply adds a 'w' after the filename and
       then re-adds the extension
       added drag & drop support
    v1.6 RTM
       added a group box around the progress bar with changing caption
       text explaining basically what the bar is keeping track of

    v1.5 beta
       fixed 'ops.dat' reading code to allow for commented lines starting

       with '//'. this allows for easier management of this file.
       buttons are now disabled when performing a task

       Hidden Text edit box is now read only

       ProgressBar is half-way decent (could still use some better
       progression tho)

       inclusion of ProcessMessages to help the window stay focused on more
       than the ProgressBar when performing a task! (thanks guys :))

       LOTS of code cleanup!

       this build is practically a FINAL version and may be converted to
       FINAL once further testing proves its reliability

    v1.1 beta
       now uses an external file 'ops.dat' which contains mask pairs for

       created an icon

    v1.0 beta
       first gui build and name changed to PESplash

    v0.1 beta
       all 3 switches are operable(-e | -r | -c)
       embeds data and saves to "newfile.exe"
       can now retreive embedded data from watermarked file
       returns space available for watermarking

       do NOT try to use this with a packed file, it'll crash
       or at best, it'll make the packed file useless!

    v0.3 alpha
       now takes text input for embedding

       converts text to a binary string and saves changes to "testbin.bin"

    v0.2 alpha
       got rid of the temp file (now stores text bytes into memory

       saves changed CODE section as a binary file "testbin.bin"

    v0.1 alpha
       initial build

       uses one set of masks only, no table yet

       creates temp text representation of valid opcodes from CODE section
       of a PE file

       creates temp text representation of changed CODE section with ALL
       bytes found by mask0 or mask1

Executable code steganography

I have submitted a rather unusual app that takes a different approach in steganography.  I (with the help of friends and Oleh Yuschuk's disassembly engine  ) developed this application way back in 2003-2004. The app is called PESplash.  It embeds text into windows exe files using interchangeable assembly opcodes.

With this app you can create your own 'keys' (ops.dat file) that will be able to embed/read hidden text via a binary stream based on the interchangeable codes you have in your ops.dat file.  So, it embeds this data into the CODE section of your executable file and will run just as originally compiled without error and yet contains hidden data.  Now, be warned, if you decide on interchangeable opcodes and you are wrong, then your application will most likely not run correctly. the default ops.dat file contains most zero flag, interchangeable codes that should not be a problem to swap (but it's not perfect).

So to summarize, it embeds text into your executable files.  This could be used in nefarious ways (and is the reason i never released it to the public).  Use with restraint, but it's a pretty cool way of tracking who is downloading your files (if released in the wild), send messages, etc.

Anyway, that's my submission, enjoy.

Also, please note that this is free and without protection, however, if you plan on using this in a corporate/commercial product, then you must contact me for proper compensation.


unzip this to a dir of your choice and run it :)

Using the Application
Select an unpacked app, have it scan for the amount of bytes available (per your ops.dat file keyfile) then write the text to the file, done. to retrieve the embedded text, just open the file and select retrieve, done. :)

just delete the files that you unzipped, done :)

Known Issues
this will not work with already packed (compressed) executable files. that is, it will seem to work, but the file will not work.

looking to expand my random mixtape maker into a MTP functional piece of software.  having no luck.  any help is appreciated.  TIA! :)

Seedling's Software / New App! File/Folder Date Organizer
« on: July 26, 2008, 03:47 PM »
File/Folder Date Organizer

What's all this then?

Quite simply, this little app will search through a selected folder and
reorganize everything in that folder (keeping relative paths intact) into
dated folders.

need an example? ok:

let's say you have the following folders

c:\my stuff\something old (files in this folder are dated Feb. 2005)
c:\my stuff\something new (files in this folder are dated Mar. 2008)

Select 'c:\my stuff' as the search folder and you'll end up with this:

c:\my stuff\2005-02\something old
c:\my stuff\2008-03\something new

seems simple and useless... that is, of course, unless you have literally
hundreds of folders and random file sitting in that folder!

How does it work?

All files in the root folder are treated as separate entities and put into
their respective dated folders based on their own file date.

All folders in the search directory are kept in the exact path structure
as they sit in that folder. The date is determined by the newest file date
found within that folder and it's subfolders. Because of this, it ideally
works with folders that only have one level of subfolders within itself.
If you use this in folders that have multiple layers of nested folders,
the files/folders being moved to a dated folder will all be grouped by the
very latest file within that entire tree!

Operations can be logged (enabled by default) so you can keep track of
where your files are moved to.

Have fun cleaning up! :)

This application is NOT unicode compliant so it will not move any scrictly
unicode named files/folders.

download link:

I'm having a problem with a particular site blatently using our company name and published content without our permission to promote web-sales for themselves.  I've looked up the general domain whois sites and found that this person (or persons) is hiding behind a seemingly well-known (based on all the google hits I got) service or company called Domain Discreet.  So finding the actual owner of this site has been a challenge.  All phone numbers on the site go to a recorded message that states 'someone will get back to you'.

Has anyone here ever have to deal with this?

If so, I'd really like some advise on how to get more information about the owners of this particular domain.

Thanks In Advance :)

N.A.N.Y. 2008 / WTF!? Music Info entry
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:07 PM »
Here's a little app that'll give you the lo-down on your music collection.  Shows stats based on artist, genre, or year.  I intend on building this this up in the future, but for now it's a neat little app to let you know what you got.

get it in this thread:  https://www.donation...ex.php?topic=11587.0

Happy New Year! :D

Seedling's Software / New App! WTF!? Music Info
« on: December 30, 2007, 07:05 PM »
My NANY contribution!
check out: https://www.donation...ndex.php?board=234.0 for more info on other great NANY entries!

Hi all!  Here's a little app that'll give you the lo-down on your music collection.  Shows stats based on artist, genre, or year.  I intend on building this this up in the future, but for now it's a neat little app to let you know what you got.



Living Room / Windows performance tips in one spot
« on: October 17, 2007, 07:52 PM »
Hey all,

I realise that most, if not all, of us know about the tips posted on this site:

But it sure is nice to revisit some of these tweaks when things start acting strange.  As always proceed with caution and know what you're doing before you undertake any of the advise on the above page (especially with regards to shutting down services).

Living Room / Where'd my video memory go?
« on: August 27, 2007, 03:24 PM »
Hi all,

I have a strange issue that was brought to my attention when installing a game on my notebook.  It said that my 256mb vidcard only had 64mb of memory!

My Dell notebook has a ATI Mobility Radeon X1300 video chipset (256mb)

Sandra reports as this:
Video Adapter
Model : ATI Mobility Radeon X1300
Chipset : ATI Mobility Radeon X1300 (0x7149)
RAMDAC : Internal DAC(400MHz)
Video BIOS : BK-ATI VER009.
VGA Compatible : No
Total Memory : 256MB (64MB Video) (182MB System)
Texture Memory : 250MB
Supports DIME Texturing : Yes

If you look at the Total Memory info, you'll see that only 64mb is video and 182mb is for 'system' (whatever that is).

I thought this may be a problem because of some sort of shared memory setup in the BIOS.  However, there is not editable BIOS setting for this.  The BIOS only reports back that, indeed, there is only 64mb of video memory.

So, what gives?  Is there a way I can unlock all of the memory for video?

If anyone can shed some light on this for me, I'd greatly appreciate it. :)

Random Mix Tape Maker v1.9.38.105

I'm only going to list the changelog for the last few builds here from now on as it's getting extensive.  To see an entire list of changes in the app's history, refer to the readme.txt file included in the .zip file.

Release History
------------------------------------ 19-Sep-2008
  * Options are now in their own separate window.
    Simply click the "Show Options" to access them.

  * Songs from the created playlist must now be right-click-dragged out of
    the playlist area. This fixes a potentially disastrous situation where
    songs dragged to another location would be moved instead of copied.
    This also now fixes the locking up issue with Nero Burning Rom.

  * Fixed Excluded keyword logic
  * Removed the Randomize Playlist only option. 29-Jan-2008
  + Added a redundancy option to have it affect the Must Have List 28-Jan-2008
  + Added the ability to drag and drop .m3u files onto both BlackList or
    Must-Have List
  * Adjusted the way Random MixTape Maker reads ID3 info. (It now reads
    from ID3v2->ID3v1. It used to read from ID3v1->ID3v2) This will ensure
    more complete info displayed and referenced from properly tagged files
  * Fixed a startup issue when starting maximized did not fill the screen
  * Adjusted the behavior of keyword checked options.
    Only by checking 'Use Keywords' can the 'Keyword Priority' option be used.
    Only by checking 'Use Keywords Exclusively' can the 'Keyword Options' be
    used. Keyword entry fields are only active if one of the above keyword options
    is selected.

Click HERE for more information and DOWNLOAD:

Seedling's Software / Hi Everyone / Random MixTape Maker ideas
« on: April 21, 2006, 03:55 PM »
Thanks for your interest in my apps (currently just Random Mix Tape Maker).

If you have any feedback I'd love to hear it (good or bad).

This started out as a tiny tool for my personal use to sift thru my mp3 collection and make a playlist from my favorite artists.  Because I do a lot of work on the computer and also on the road, I would always make a mix compilation to listen to, but got tired of always picking from the same top songs, forgetting that there were other great songs as well.  So I made this thing to make a list and randomly pluck out songs for me and it's been pretty darn fun to use.

Enjoy. :)

General Software Discussion / very nice and FREE graph calc
« on: January 19, 2006, 03:00 PM »

seems like an obvious url :)
been awhile since updated. but still free nonetheless

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