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N.A.N.Y. 2023 / NANY 2023 Release - Js Name Numerology (Android app)
« on: December 30, 2022, 10:47 AM »
As promised, here is my second NANY 2023 Android app.

NANY 2023 Entry Information

Application Name Js Name Numerology
Version 1.00
Short Description Type baby name to calculate the numerology number
Download Link

Type the baby name and the numerology number is calculated as you type. You can add or remove some letters to see your desired numerology number.
The numbers are based on Chaldean Name Numerology


N.A.N.Y. 2023 / NANY 2023 Release - Js Mini Todo Widget (Android app)
« on: October 03, 2022, 01:01 PM »
NANY 2023 Entry Information

Application Name Js Mini Todo Widget (Android app)
Version 1.02
Short Description Todo List with Widget support
Supported OSes Android 5.0+
Web Page
Download Link
Author Anand Gupta

Add, change, delete to-do items.
Move items up or down in the list, manually if required.
Active and completed items shown in different colors.
Backup and Restore items.
Simple and intuitive touch interaction.
Widget shows list in clear and compact manner.
Widget resizable to any size.




You Tube Tutorial

Edit: updated the webpage

I use SiteShoter to take image of home page of my websites.

For Classic Google website the images are perfect. But for New Google websites the images are distorted.

There is some comment on "Notice for IE9" which suggest registry changes.
I do not want to fiddle with registry.

Is there alternative software for taking screen-shots of webpage ?

I got a new android phone, MI 9 Actv.
But this phone do not have 'notification light'

I miss call or sms etc. and the blinking notification light helps me.

Now there are many 'notification light' app to solve this problem. I tried two but it did not work as expected.
Since many of us may be using such app, I need suggestion on one which is useful and works as expected.

N.A.N.Y. 2022 / NANY 2022 Release - Source Code Watchdog
« on: December 31, 2021, 12:32 PM »
NANY 2022 Entry Information

Application Name Source Code Watchdog
Version 1.0.0
Short Description Opens each source code file and looks for a defined string of text. If not found, show an alert for it. 
Supported OSes WinXp and above
Web Page

Well we are facing this problem of malware (many out in the wild) encrypting our source codes and data. Then demanding bitcoins to decrypt them, but never does so, no matter how much we pay.

Now as a programmer our bread and butter are source codes which we write solving myriads of problems of our customer and in return we earn to sustain our family.

The executable we generate or the programs we download can be re-generate or re-downloaded. But the source codes have to be re-written painfully.

Using various backup methods we can ensure the last backup may have working codes, but those too may be just mirage as one of our co-programmer found out. All his hdd, NAS drives etc. were encrypted. Even the backup was of the encrypted files !!

Now we do not know when the malware is going to harm us. Since we have so many source codes of different projects in different folders, it is tough to check all the codes if they are Okay.

The plus point is that all our source codes are in text files and an encrypted source code is more visible (i.e. we can ensure it is Okay or not) than an encrypted executable.

Opens each source code file and looks for a defined string of text. If not found, show an alert for it.
You can define as many string texts as you like. I put my name as header in each source code file, so they can be easily checked. Further you can define the file extensions to be checked like bas, cpp, prg etc.
A alert window will show if any file do not contain the searched text. Two log files are created 'Found.log' and 'NotFound.log' with entries of full file names.

See website

Extract the zip file

One of my friend has developed web based products, which are accessible from Android, IPhone, Linux, Windows etc., and is offering them for low cost with source code.



Below is his purchase website link which displays more products. All are developed in B4X.

One may check them and contact him for more info. if required.
I am posting this message here on his behalf.



N.A.N.Y. 2021 / NANY 2021 : Battery Icons - Released
« on: November 15, 2020, 02:05 PM »
NANY 2021 Entry Information

Application Name Battery Icons
Version 1.5.2
Short Description Displays customized Battery Percentage icons in tray-bar.
Shows Tool-Tip at mouse cursor position, when battery percentage falls 25 or below, so that you switch on the power. Also shows Tool-Tip at mouse cursor position, when battery is fully charged, so that you switch off the power.
Supported OSes WinXp+
Web Page
Download Link

Well the default windows battery icon is white and is very difficult for me to understand how much battery percentage is left. The white battery bar is too small to perceive if it is 40% or  below. I wanted windows to show color coded battery icon but could not find any option, so I created Battery Icons.

Further I found that when I am engrossed in my development, I even miss to see the red battery icon, (my customized one). So I made it to flash.

Also I added a Tool-Tip at mouse cursor position to show when battery level is below 25% or battery is fully charged, so that I can switch on/off the power.


  • Colorfull tray battery icons
  • Select battery icons for battery level up to 25,50,75 and 100 percentage
  • Flash battery icon when battery level less than or equal to 25 percentage
  • Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery level less than 25 percentage
  • Show tool-tip at cursor position when battery is fully charged

Battery Icon_Samples.png





Unzip all the files into a directory you want, then launch it.


I am an user of B4A for last few years. Though I personally have not made any android app due to my paid project workload, B4A is the best Android app development tool, I have found.

  • Screen Designer - No need to fiddle with Xml
  • Library for nearly everything under the sun - Most Free
  • Full featured IDE - Syntax highlight, code helper etc.
  • Great Community Forum - Just like our DC :)
  • and much more..

I am really very happy to inform/introduce B4A to our DC members. And I hope developing Android app will be like developing in AutoHotkey now :)

Full instruction on download and installation given on the website.



Find And Run Robot / FARR - Suggested Hotkey
« on: January 22, 2020, 05:25 AM »
I use normal (PC) keyboard which has 'break' key which I use to launch FARR.
Now my laptop (Dell) do not have 'break' key.

My query is, what key combination is suggested for launching FARR ?
Specially what key combination are used by members with no break key ?

Some key combination are used for different purpose by different programs and it creates problem.



Well for last few days, I am trying different combination of making exe to satisfy VirusTotal.

Refer https://www.donation....msg434859#msg434859 of my NANY 2020 app Apps You Forgot.

No matter how I code or create the exe from AutoHotKey, VirusTotal is always marking 4 to 9 engines detected virus. I checked my earlier NANY apps and they are also marked now more than 10 engines.

Even without any exe packer, they are marked as virus warnings. I even checked many packers, older and newer, for confirmation, but all are marked not okay.

Then I checked ISMONISM https://www.donation....msg434768#msg434768, which Winkie is providing source code also (many thanks to him for this kind gesture), knowing very well that there is no bad code (we can see the codes) and it is non-packed exe. But alas it is also marked 4 engines virus !
I used Winkie's code as it is also written in AutoHotKey and source code is also provided for all to see.

So what should I do ?

I normally mention below in my app's websites and continue, as otherwise I can not create exe in AutoHotKey now.

Anti-Virus reports malware (what to do?) :

Delete the exe and it's folder. There is nothing we can do as this is false alert and we do not have resource to request all Anti-Virus companies to update their database. Similar problem is faced by small developers worldwide, check below links,

Nir's Blog

You can see the last scan result of the exe from Virus Total web site and will find that major Anti-Virus report it as clean.

I am adding few features to my app "Apps You Forgot", but devoted more time to understand why VirusTotal  is jumping on simple AutoHotKey codes. Looks like we have to live with it.



N.A.N.Y. 2020 / NANY 2020 Release: Apps You Forgot
« on: December 31, 2019, 03:00 PM »
NANY 2019 Entry Information

Application Name Apps You Forgot
Version 1.0.1
Short Description Apps (Programs) You Forgot, shows you the program (exe) files which are in your program folder but are NOT in your start menu. It also shows programs which you are not using for a long time i.e. you forgot about them.
Web Page in progress
Download Link attached here

Apps (Programs) You Forgot, shows you the program (exe) files which are in your program folder but are NOT in your start menu.
It also shows programs which you are not using for a long time i.e. you forgot about them.


Complete now with fine tuning remaining based on feedback. More features will be added in future.
Click scan to scan the folders given in settings (defaults folders added automatically based on 32 bit and 64 bit system).
All scanning is done in background.
You can use the buttons while it is scanning.
Double clink on the exe name to execute it.





My Win10 64bit laptop got updated to ver. 1903.


After this update I cannot find bluetooth option in charms bar. Searching for bluetooth show in system but trying to enable it showing error.


Before the update bluetooth was working fine, and no any software or hardware were occurred which may have affected it. So conclusion is the win update did it. Tried to fix it but no solution.




Now, has members here have faced similar situation and any suggestion how to enable/fix it.



Well sandboxie became free and I thought to give it a spin.

After reading help and watching tutorial given, I wanted to run one of my installed app in sandbox to check how it will work when installed in a clean machine.

Now the app reads from "c:\Users\..\Documents\Folder\" a ini file. I expected, in sandbox it will read NOT from the existing on in my C: drive but in sandbox. But it is sill reading from the original ini path.

I tried forced sandbox and also installed in the sand box, but same result. May be I did not understand how to use it.

Win10 Pro 32 bit, version 1903, Os build 18362.356

Please advise how to accomplish it, if anyone had done the same ?



N.A.N.Y. 2019 / NANY 2019 - Process Started - Released
« on: December 29, 2018, 02:51 PM »
NANY 2019 Entry Information

Application Name Process Started
Version 1.0.0
Short Description Displays each process name as and when it is started, by operating system or user, in a focusless window.
Supported OSes WinXp and above
Web Page in progress
Download Link attached at the end of this message

Displays each process name as and when it is started, by operating system or user, in a focusless window.

Displays each process name as and when it is started, so that user knows which process is run auto by the operating system.




To install, extract the zip file in a folder, say "Process Started", and run the "Process Started" exe.

Well, this is what I wanted and I made.
I wanted to keep an eye on the process which runs behind my back. The app still has many options to be made, but it does what I intend it to.

NANY 2019 already has more process lister and watchers, and I was feeling hesitant in adding mine to it.
Also I was not getting enough time to fine tune and polish it, as my earlier NANY apps. Nevertheless I decided in releasing it as I noted it is different in its approach.



Living Room / Strange !!
« on: September 11, 2018, 07:20 AM »
If I come back late at home, my wife shouts "WHERE were you ?".

Google knows where was I and the GMap show me in time line.
Facebook, Twitter etc. knows where was I.
Even people sitting in China knows were was I.

My wife does not know ! Strange !!



Living Room / WhatsApp Backups in Google Drive - Curious
« on: August 23, 2018, 11:28 AM »
I got email that, "Due to a new agreement between WhatsApp and Google, WhatsApp backups will no longer count against Google Drive storage quota."

Good news for many. I tried to look between lines why G is so generous. Found below text in the middle of webpage at "Backing up to Google Drive" https://faq.whatsapp...19/?category=5245251

"Important: Media and messages you back up aren't protected by WhatsApp end-to-end encryption while in Google Drive."

Though, I feel, it should have been the first line at top and highlighted. So now Facebook (the parent) and Google both can use the user data without any legal obligation.



I was having trouble in connecting to the internet. Win10 offered to help me trouble shoot it. It diagonised and informed me that the modem had connection problem. It also gave me steps to try to fix it.

Further it offered to give more info. on "Why can't I connect to the internet ?". Clicking it, MS Edge informed "Can't reach this page."

irony of ms.png

How stupid the programmers at MS can be ??



Living Room / FreewareHome closing down
« on: May 14, 2018, 05:04 AM »

Well the go to website for many of my freeware download is closing now, sad.



Living Room / mozilla asking for donation in new tab page
« on: December 28, 2017, 02:14 AM »
I noticed that FireFox is showing a band for donation at lower part of new tab page.

What is interesting is that the height of the band increases every day/week. Has anyone noticed it ?
It looks same like MS Edge popping a window, saying Edge is faster than .., every time I start FireFox.
Forcing user to notice.



N.A.N.Y. 2018 / NANY 2018 Release: Stick A Note (Enhancement)
« on: December 27, 2017, 01:13 PM »
NANY 2018 Entry Information

Application Name Stick A Note
Version 3.0.1
Short Description Stick a text note to a window of program or document. The note shows only on that window and moves with it.
Supported OSes WinXp and above
Web Page
Download Link

Note supports Unicode

Enable debug in Setting

Set note size

This is enhancement of my existing app Stick A Note, which was long overdue.
It has the most requested features now, as below.

- Notes now supports Unicode. You can now write notes in languages other than English.
- You can now set size of the notes up to 600 pixels wide and height. Open Settings \ Note Settings.
- Enable debug mode to create a "debug.log" file of notes process. Helps to find out why a note is not showing. Open Settings.

N.A.N.Y. 2018 / NANY 2018 Release: Overlap Wallpaper (Enhancement)
« on: December 25, 2017, 02:38 PM »
NANY 2018 Entry Information

Application Name Overlap Wallpaper
Version 3.0.2
Short Description Displays a photo on the desktop wallpaper in overlap manner
Supported OSes WinXp and above
Web Page
Download Link


Natively support transparent png

Fully support alpha channel png

Drag and drop to set photo (animation)

This is enhancement of my existing app Overlap Wallpaper, which was long overdue.
It has the most requested features now, as below.

- New: Natively support transparent png
- New: Fully support alpha channel png
- New: Drag and drop to set photo
- New: Alt+Left mouse drag to set position of photo.
- New: Alt+Right mouse drag to set size of photo.
- New: Input Mode to input values in settings like previous versions.


Cost cutting ? cut beta testers ! ;)



I have a recording of lecture/discussion. It has some noise of the hall room.
Now the voice are not clear. I want to hear / extract clear voice.

Googling gave me links of removing the voice, but I want the reverse.
Also gave me paid software links which claim to do it.

Need Advise ?



I am looking for a video manager / viewer which will show 4 or more images from the video as thumbnail.

I want to glance at the directory full of videos of last few years and save or delete them without the need to run each and every one to see what it was for.

Any suggestion ?



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