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Living Room / Help (I'm stuck, I'm posting this everywhere)
« on: April 04, 2020, 11:57 AM »
The truth is I've been living a double faced lie this five years.

To the general population, I'm your typical internet netizen minus maybe a lack of general skills here and there about the most basic of knowledge. finally caught up to me. I'll quote this forum with a translated version of my problem that was posted in a Free Legal Advice Facebook Group for the Philippines.

(Note: I have never received any advises at all. That group didn't. Mad in Asia rejected my submission. My time is running close.)

I've been released back and forth for 5 years in a psychiatric ward.

There has been no consistent reason and that's why my parents and my relatives could gang up on me because all they have to do is misplace the records and not one psychiatrist ever asked for a genogram. It took a person named Angelo Subida who the local ambulance doesn't consider an authority to keep me from being sent inside to even suggest these words to my parents.

The evidence for my entrance is so thin that each of my medications were changed everytime.

Psychiatrists would tell me I would never be sent back in. They don't believe me the first time, the second time and so on and so forth.

I was forced to contact the Commission of Human Rights but as I would discover when I did this for a friend who was inside - they would never update me.

I'm monitored right now and this latest psych ward suggested I have a regular companion. A companion that would prevent me from seeking an attorney.

I couldn't amass a large enough money to file a suit but more importantly no matter who I sought whether it's the Philippines Ethics Commission or the Department of Social Welfare and Development, only one name pops up: A Miss Janice Cambri.

On the surface the name is so appealing. The only person to argue for psych ward involuntary incarceration to be torture during the Mental Health Act hearing.

In truth, she didn't protect me during 2018 when I think I last posted here. I was inside a psychiatric ward for 1 year and 3 months after that.

Her advises were replays of her old advice when I was helping my friend. Seek the CHR. When I mentioned it didn't work, she replied and revered to a relative of hers that works at a PAO...except there was no address on where to seek that relative.

She even insisted that she was burnt out from the hearing (which I can understand) but she laid it out on me by saying she's not my counselor despite the urgency of my circumstances.

When the inevitable came...just as every year before that, I was sent inside: No one came. One policeman couldn't arrest me so told me to just sit on a chair and I did and that's why I have no record,

...but that's also why the ambulance staff under the hospital Trans-med could abduct later on. Because I was sitting on a chair and not moving until they arrived and I argued for my human rights to which I was told flat out: I don't care about your human rights.

Then that's when things slid and I fought. While I was showing them Angelo Subida's appearance on UNTV they would take advantage, 4-6 ppl and lift me up. One body part at a time. They broke discussion and so I fought and inside that place, even as I have swollen body parts and the doctor inside says put a warm compress to it: the nurses never did.

I am on temporary discharge. These words came specifically from the mouth of the head nurse.

As soon as CoVid lockdown is over. I am at risk of being sent back in immediately.

Even when I'm not, I have history of being sent back in every year.

My time is running. I need a lawyer but no lawyer wants to listen to me because I cannot pay online.

My parents have always held me hostage. I have only freed myself slowly.


After my second psych ward, I went into gambling. I didn't accumulate loans but I wasn't great.

Around the same time, I was starting an independent film which allowed me to not only utilize most of my allowance but later on know how to convince the psychiatrist to allow me to live away from my parents except Saturday and Sunday.

In the meantime, online I offered to do something back then for the topic of productivity and I still haven't moved the money from my account here.

In my PokerStars account, I similarly went for broke. My parents did not allow me to have credit cards but they allow me to use theirs.

That got cancelled later on because they sent me at precisely the moment I used those cards to ask for help via Patreon.

This meant that I was at risk of being labelled a gambling addict and other things but I was in a psych ward back then that I rushed to recommend.

It meant my stay went from:

1. Their halfway house - 1 year and a half inside
2. My recommended psych ward - 4 months voluntary for ECT
3. Same psych ward - 6 months.
4. Same psych ward - 2 months.

...but this time they changed the place. The family therapist and my parents insisted it was because the psych was expensive but this psych ward costs 45,000 php per month.

How long was I there thus far?

1 year and 3 months counting...until CoVid.

After I got discharged, Janice Cambri doesn't reply.

No one does (but I didn't have much before either).

She did tell me, when you get sent to a psych ward after the Mental Health Act you can apply for torture. I wasn't sure if she was serious but this fifth fits the bill.

I don't know how I will take advantage of the situation though.

Police has historically helped parents so I don't even know how to call 9-11. The way I was sent back to their home, they looted the place I was renting and made sure I have no identification cards that are enough to even get out during quarantine.

Every form from the money the government will give is handed to me and made for me to sign and thumb mark.

Same pattern with every government ID I had before. They have control. I only have money.

Money from gambling enough to put me on the red but also to hire a lawyer but I don't know how I will reach said lawyer because I tried contacting some and trust me they are not willing to give even free consultation for my situation and my past experience with free consultation has been bad.

I have only one chance and that's to be able to withdraw money from my bank account and pay a person face to face and yet that's talking money.

I don't know how to escape my room. I'm not the fittest of person. They can use this against me permanently and I'm living off the sentencing for a guard dog not yet being authorized by the family therapist.

I'm in a really tough spot. I'm using my real name. Fuck everything right now. I'm even going to post this to every celebrity's Twitter account.
-Marvin Lu Hui

You were always good to me DC. As much as I'm in need of cash (online ones), this is not a call to action for one.

I needed a place where I can post this without anyone knowing thus far.

I've been playing a hit and run game with my youtube posts mostly ranting but my Facebook profile having more calm voice (while still slowly delivering the danger) and it's just not working.

Nobody has volunteered. I have a so called friend who is a lawyer but he's waiting for the lockdown to be over "just to hear my story".

I need as strong argument as I can right now. None of these: let me try to counsel you and let's see what we can do.

Living Room / How has everyone been?
« on: September 27, 2018, 09:17 PM »
Haven't been following anyone here in years but I think AppApp is in the big leagues now. (Could no longer find the old Cranial Soup blog articles)

Not sure about tomos, 40hz, mouser and IainB and every other DC members I rarely converse with but may have used their software like skwire.


League of Legends players are often young, so according to these specialists they should be easy to exploit for cash. Think of all that money Riot is "losing" by not putting the screws to their players! This is where we are as an industry: A company has taken the free-to-play model, created an implementation that is fair to players, and our response is to criticize the fact they don't get enough.

The most popular game in the world, in other words, isn't good enough.

"Just think of paying 99 cents just to get Mario to jump a little higher." This was in a letter to Nintendo's Satoru Iwata.

League of Legends critics are trying to sell themselves, not fix the game

I'm honestly out of the loop but it's an interesting commentary on the success of a free to play system.

I just don't know LoL. I don't know if their premium content are like DLCs (which I hate). I don't even care to watch the videos because I don't think this is one of those games that have a semblance of a plot.

I have experiences with Free 2 Play system and what always eluded me is how much interest there is for competitive multiplayer games of the rts or 1st person shooter variety but barely any work for selling free chapters that resemble something like Guild Wars but with an actual original story. Then again, with DLC, the breach between single player games and multiplayer pay option seems fulfilled. If you want a true single player pay experience, you have to stick with following indie game blogs. If you want true DLCs, you have to follow crowdfunding threads and modding sites.

All way too much for me. This is one of those things that could really use a single feed that captures multiple blogs and modding news sites.

Living Room / Her experience at Hackathon
« on: August 12, 2014, 04:33 PM »

Full article

Hacker News comments

Notable comment:

The best kind of hackathon project is to demonstrate a new technology. Facebook wouldn’t win a Hackathon, most social networks wouldn't, because technologically, they aren't that interesting. I am glad that you didn't spend much time business/revenue model or market research. I got it wrong the first time I joined a hackathon

I don't have any experience at this so maybe you guys can chime in?



What excites you about working in WebRTC?

WebRTC is a technology that immediately impressed me. I have many years developing software solutions and I have followed the evolution of technologies. A few years ago to be able to use a webcam or a microphone in a software solution, were necessary to install the products of third-party plugins, made with heavy technologies such as Flash or Java applets. And now with WebRTC, thanks to a simple call to getUserMedia saves hours of development work.


What signaling have you decided to integrate on top of WebRTC?

As for my choice of framework that implements the technology I decided to use PeerJS. PeerJS uses PeerServer a simple custom nodejs server for session metadata and candidate signaling. My choice was driven by the fact that I thought that the framework was mature because it was chosen as a basis for development by the Japanese company NTT. They created Skyway that is based on PeerJS.


Backend. What technologies and architecture are you using there?

The backend system is implemented in Java in particular I used the Spring framework. I do not use any database at the moment since the system does not retain any information about the participants and the data exchanged. Most of the application lives in the Client side

General Software Discussion / Panamax: Docker Management for Humans
« on: August 12, 2014, 11:57 AM »

Installation Instructions:

Currently, Panamax is in BETA and is supported on Mac OS X and Ubuntu.

Installation requirements:

VirtualBox 4.2 or higher
Vagrant 1.6 or higher
The Panamax installer creates a VM in VirtualBox called panamax-vm. This VM is built on CoreOS.
Release Notes


I've recently discovered Applits

It's a social voting site that claims to make your ideas happen.

It works via voting and the app that gets the most votes goes into a list where developers and designers communicate to make the idea happen and you get a percentage of the profits.

This isn't much of a website review and I'm guessing, for developers, not many would like the thought of sharing an idea that might get stolen.

Can't say I blame you but for someone like me who has more ideas than skills, I find it reassuring that someone out there might make my ideas happen.

At the very least, I hope some users find some use to the page. Maybe an inspiration for a NANY project or an unexpected view of what some people's desire are.

Cheap spam:

Currently my ideas (2 public, 1 waiting for approval) need some vote so please kindly donate a vote or comment in the page or hell comment on this thread without signing up.

Why Oh Why Me?! Social Writer

The Extreme Undead To-do List

The more I try to learn some small quibble about coding, the more I stray towards the end product.

I say this because it just seems like the gap between newbie code and "programs I want to use" seem so distant that I've been trying to settle on a finished "something" as that end goal and fuck the complexity I'm heading here cause I can't catch up. I just want a software that would be closer to an engine that would restrict all I have to learn in one neat bordered down circle without trying to move to the new thing.

In a way it's an extension to this Stack Exchange post I wrote that was considered too broad.


Basically my story is that I've decided to dedicate my life to developing a casual text editor and then branch it towards a different niche such as novel writing/outlining/to-do lists.

Despite my lack of coding knowledge, I get nightmares when I read posts like this:

nvALT’s fast note creation and retrieval got me hooked years ago and it didn’t wear off. >The application didn’t slow down even a bit when my archive grew to 3000 notes. I know >that ResophNotes coughed heavily at 1000 notes when I tried it.

A bit of context for those who don't know the app. nvALT is an alternative to Notational Velocity which is a Markdown outliner on a Mac as far as I can tell. Resophnotes is a windows program that just syncs the notes.


Fear #1: How do I get the intuition to know that I'm not headed (learning-wise) towards a software design that would choke. It's like that question about scale for websites only I fear it's extra hard especially if I someday decide to move onto desktop version of a web application.

I know there's got to be a coding specific question to this but looking at the state of open source software, I just don't see how baby stepping into a coding language would get me to figure this out by stumbling into it. After all, most open source software on text inputs are either basic or memory hogging and there's been more innovation done in text editors like WriteMonkey and Sublime Text but equally these software aren't focused on casual usage.

Fear #2: The Mac/Apple effect

I just don't get how there are more casual to-do and note software for the Mac and IOS than there is for Windows.

I primarily use Windows so there's that fear that I might somehow end up with an end program design that's limited like the Windows version of Scrivener instead of something full like the Mac edition

Fear #3: Feature un-creep

The thing with a casual audience is it's tricky to pursue a feature. For example: Some like markdown, others don't. Then there are innovations now focusing on variants of the same feature.

My worry is that I don't know how to research the future of text and I'm worried that I just don't know how to figure the coding paths to get to those features.


There's only 1 Outliner 4d and I don't know it's development history.

There's only 1 Scrivener and I don't know it's development history.

There's only 1 Workflowy and I don't know it's development history.

The conscious part of my brain says I shouldn't ask until I get to know how to code but the concept part of my brain screams:

If these were answers I would eventually learn as I dig deep into coding then why aren't there copycat features of these programs considering the bulk of programmers out there?!

Ok on to Part 2:

I'm picking Presto because it can handle tons of browser tabs which means it can handle tons of dynamic screens that can do what MakaGiga does minus the Java hog.

It already supports panels for notes and it would be a minor tweak to turn it into an outliner which it already coincidentally supports with the window menu except only for tabs.

It already has built in rocker gestures, mouse gestures and smart paste from note features which simplifies but is a good alternative for wiki-linking.

Speed dials built in means it can support Trello like boards but at the same time the MDI means you can create cascading outlines, tiled notes, sessions and it already supports an extension base.

The one con about leaving it in the dust seems to be the web browser which a PIM/To-do List/Outliner don't have to deal with except by opening in a new browser which ironically is possible seeing as Presto is still more lightweight than heavy Java programs.

In the end though, it's the fact that I have not seen any other full blown multi-purpose desktop software that can support so many features without eating up the memory. It was feature creep without the feature creep memory hog engine. All this just seems to add up towards the last hail mary end goal for a productivity software with my needs. I just don't have the knowledge yet to know if it's viable and why or why not. Can anyone steer me in the right direction? I know there have been pleas for open sourcing the engine and some Firefox extensions can mimic Opera but the overall look is just not the same as the overall capability of the Presto engine to be light to middle hogging the computer.


Blog content:

Forgive me for being brash but it has come to my attention how hard it is to keep up with new and old software nowadays. (Mostly old)

I cite for example the recent drop off of Springpad and the Google Group that has formed beneath its corpse.

Can anyone tell me how else users would have discover all the new web clipping sites posted in the web if the users (as well as creators posting their cloud service links) if it wasn't for one popular dead service blooming into a group of users looking to migrate elsewhere and becoming a large enough userbase that would lead to blogs like Lifehacker popularizing the group?

Anyways I don't know the best source for finding out the software listed in the web but my main source DonationCoder did not list these services so here I am turning what was originally a forum thread where users could put in old apps that they just recently discovered and giving up on the idea and turning the entire thing into a blog instead. (Hopefully keeps an archive of blog posts once this trial expires.)

PBOL / The road to making this the best program of it's genre
« on: August 05, 2014, 07:30 PM »
View the end goal number alongside the current progress bar AnotherOneDone

Change the font size of bars based on importance Droptask

Auto-generate progress bars by dragging url/url inside url Dragdis

Add sound effects for every manual addition of the progress bar not just the end

Add linked progress bar that reduces a full progress bar for every time there's an increase in the other progress bar Gamification/Pomodorium

Add leaderboards of progress bar tasks completed Gamification

Add vertical bars between spaces of columns for longer paragraphs Trello

Autofill progress bar name for new progress bar when a finished progress bar ends Lastpass

Autohide multiple progress bars with a click of a button and replace it with a singular space that individually opens those bars one by one OneTab

Only set a limited number of progress bars to open on startup

Create sub-progress bars that pauses the main progress bar unless the sub-progress bar gets completed Goalscape

Create a visible log of previously finished/hidden progress bars TheBrain

Singular progress bar that switches when the right mouse button is held and then swiped Sleipnir Browser

Sleep dial tabs Scrivener corkboard

Add karma/daily score board based on your progress Todoist/DayScore/Success Log/Fail Log

Add sounds based on progress bar Coffitivity/Soundrown

Combine PopUp Wisdom with completed progress bar

Change progress bar color based on hotkey - preferably different from current colors to differentiate between interruptions, breaks, side projects Noteliner

Offer a type box to quick create dated progress bars coolendar

Add the option of asking a question at the end or beginning of a progress bar IMQuit Addiction for Android

Add a progress bar that starts at the middle and can be dragged to negative or positive Treed! for Ipad

Set gesture to auto-minimize Progress Bar and optionally set time for it to reappear

Mini-Reviews by Members / Stormboard
« on: April 06, 2014, 02:15 AM »
Basic Info

App NameStormboard
Test System SpecsIron browser
Supported OSesWeb
Support Methods
Upgrade Policy


Pricing SchemeFree, $5 per month, $10 per month
Relationship btwn. Reviewer and Product None. Tried the app


Online Sticky Board.

Screenshot - 4_6_2014 , 2_54_35 PM.png

Who is this app designed for:

Collaboration between users. Focus on startups and teams. Even the sign-up asks for a company name.

The Good

Arguably one of the best and simplest online collaboration board out there. The price for the paid version is cheap too.

The needs improvement section

Vague export name called reports. No lines to connect the relationship between two sticky notes. Unclear templates requiring you to view every preview to see where the lines are.

Why I think you should use this product

The interface is pure KISS and it is one of two apps that I've seen use an aerial view to maneuver through lots of notes.

How does it compare to similar apps

It lacks reminders to be a Google Keep competitor. It lacks lines to be a mindmap competitor. It lacks a public version to be a social media competitor despite having votes.


Right now, I think this would be my default sticky note software despite it being team-oriented and I'm using it for single user needs.

Not sure how it would scale but it's one of those web apps that feel seamless on first use and everything just feels like the developers have their goals clearly set to providing a unique enough experience from your regular app.

Links to other reviews of this application


The ability to draw sketches in addition to text, photo and video sticky notes.
The ability to add documents to a storm.
A more modern and consistent design and user experience.
Improved compatibility with touchscreens.
Enhanced searching and filtering options.
Attractive reports in Excel and PDF formats.



It uses markdown from the video but I haven't installed it.

Living Room / I did not realize how bad Google has become
« on: January 29, 2013, 01:05 AM »

How It Works

When you search for "cooking" today, Google decides that renowned chef Jamie Oliver is a relevant social result. That makes sense. But rather than linking to Jamie's Twitter profile, which is updated daily, Google links to his Google+ profile, which was last updated nearly two months ago. Is Google's relevance algorithm simply misguided?

No. If you search Google for Jamie Oliver directly, his Twitter profile is the first social result that appears. His abandoned Google+ profile doesn't even appear on the first page of results. When Google's engineers are allowed to focus purely on relevancy, they get it right.

So that's what our "bookmarklet" does. It looks at the three places where Google only shows Google+ results and then automatically googles Google to see if Google finds a result more relevant than Google+.

Talk about a tongue twister of a bookmarklet.  :P

Unfortunately I don't use Google+ so I don't know what I'm missing.

DC Gamer Club / Crazy story behind the 64-bit Windows Pinball
« on: January 29, 2013, 12:53 AM »
From: http://www.instantfu...ball-and-how-to.html

When Windows 95 came out, one of the features of the new operating system was that it provided a great platform for gaming, and lots of developers were clamoring for a piece of the action. The game was originally developed by a game developing company called Cinematronics, who sold licensing rights of the game to Microsoft for inclusion in Microsoft Plus for Windows 95. For Cinematronics, a small software company then, it meant exposure to millions of Windows users and thousands of developers. The very next year Cinematronics was bought by Maxis, another game developing company, that eventually got acquired by Electronic Arts another year later.


    One of the things I did in Windows XP was port several millions of lines of code from 32-bit to 64-bit Windows so that we could ship Windows XP 64-bit Edition. But one of the programs that ran into trouble was Pinball. The 64-bit version of Pinball had a pretty nasty bug where the ball would simply pass through other objects like a ghost. In particular, when you started the game, the ball would be delivered to the launcher, and then it would slowly fall towards the bottom of the screen, through the plunger, and out the bottom of the table.

    Games tended to be really short.

    Two of us tried to debug the program to figure out what was going on, but given that this was code written several years earlier by an outside company, and that nobody at Microsoft ever understood how the code worked (much less still understood it), and that most of the code was completely uncommented, we simply couldn't figure out why the collision detector was not working. Heck, we couldn't even find the collision detector!

    We had several million lines of code still to port, so we couldn't afford to spend days studying the code trying to figure out what obscure floating point rounding error was causing collision detection to fail. We just made the executive decision right there to drop Pinball from the product.

I can't tell if this is good or bad news that Linux is lacking a game of this demand out of the box.  :P


It kind of functions like a pin tab but one where you can close all not important tabs.

Btw side request for Anuran, I think one way to manage the constant schedule pop-ups is to have an option that only pops the box open when a command like a closed window was done instead of a specific cycle of time.


A protection software included with the download makes sure that you cannot install the program once the 24 hour giveaway period has expired, even if you’ve still got the installer.

But there was a weakness in the Giveaway of the day wrapper that was exploited last year to extract the original installer of the program. Without the security of the wrapper, this program could then be installed at any date irrespective of the current giveaway at GOTD. It took the website’s programmers a few months before the loophole was fixed. The exploit doesn’t work anymore.

The new wrapper is more secure that stops people from keeping the software for future installs and it reportedly utilizes a technology similar to rootkits. But the wrapper’s security has been broken once again, this time by Maximus, a member of the cracking group REVENGE Crew. It is a tiny portable executable, that allows you to extract the original setup installer from the new wrapper and keep it for later use, just like before.

IMO these things are great provided the developers can understand that it will hurt the current sales of their products but boost the sequels but what dev will really appreciate 'theft demand'?

Post New Requests Here / PopUpWisdom and Calibre Import of This App
« on: January 28, 2013, 03:55 PM »

Basically you type your Twitter username to get book recommendations.

Would be cool to get quote recommendations or book recommendations by any DC member who share their Calibre and PopUp Wisdom file in DC.

On a Side note: Wow! I typed in freewaregenius and got this book with only 3 reviews as it's 1st recommendation. If only modern search engines were as thorough!


This is another excellent book from a series of excellent books by the Pythagorean Illuminati. The Pythagorean Illuminati are an ancient secret society of rational free thinkers officially founded by the great polymath Pythagoras. Some of the most creative geniuses in history have been members of the Illuminati including: Pythagoras, Heraclitus, Empedocles, Plato, Simon Magus, Hypatia, Leibniz, Goethe, and Hegel. The Illuminati are Gnostics and Meritocrats. Their goal is to end the insanity that is currently infesting this planet and bring about a New World Order based on reason, justice, altruism, merit, and the ultimate project of allowing all of humanity to attain Gnosis. If you feel drawn to the ideas of the Illuminati then you need to read all of these books asap. You should also check out their website armageddonconspiracy and their facebook page Ancient Order of The Illuminati. Remember too that these books are not meant to just be read, they are meant to change the world. As you read this series of books figure out what talents you can contribute to the crucial goal of changing the world. Once you know what to do go out into your community and get active.

The Illuminati are in the process of giving the mathematical answers to the greatest questions of existence. The Illuminati have discovered what scientists have been trying to find for years: A Grand Unified Theory of Everything. The foundation of this Grand Theory is mathematics. Through mathematics the Grand Theory reconciles all of humanities most important subjects of thought: philosophy, science, politics, history, sociology, psychology, religion, and the paranormal (which you will learn isn't even "paranormal" at all).

As you can guess some of these books contain challenging information; the amazing writing abilities of the authors takes care of that. These books are not written like dry academic text books though they surely could have been. The authors of these books write with passion and that passion rubs off on the reader. You quickly realize that the subjects we were all basically taught to hate in school are actually the most important information in the world. These subjects can't even be considered "subjects" at all. They are literally the answers to life's most mysterious questions. This is why religions and new age gurus make so much money, because they claim to know the answers to these questions (though their true goal is to control people). People flock to these prophets, priests, rabbis, imams, and gurus for security. They want these dominant people (mostly men) to give them the answers. They hope that will happen if only they pay enough money, have enough faith, and pray hard enough. And then along come the Illuminati with the most powerful idea: You don't need anyone to give you the answers, the only one you need is you. The Illuminati show that the answers to all of these great questions are hidden in the subjects most people would never think to look. The Illuminati also show that if you work hard enough on these subjects you too can begin to find the answers. Like I said the whole Grand Theory of the Illuminati is based on the only thing that can't be argued or debated with, mathematics.

The Illuminati are not interested in money or "followers". The vast majority of these books are free on their website and they would all be free if it weren't for thieves and plagiarizers. But even the prices of these books are ridiculously cheap, none are more then $4.99 and most are $2.99. Three to five dollars for the most important, unique, and life changing information in the world. The Illuminati also aren't concerned whether we believe them or not, they are simply offering the truth of existence to those who care to learn.

As for this book "The Illuminati's Six Dimensional Universe", it is one of my absolute favorites in the series. Every one of the books by the Illuminati blows my mind but some go above and beyond others. This is one of them. The other reviewer of this book, "Charlie", is a particle physicist and his review is perfect. As you can probably tell, I love the Illuminati's books, but I was a professional fighter for years and I took many, many punches to the head so my brain may not be up to par! But when a particle physicist tells you a book about a six dimensional universe is good, you had better listen!

Living Room / Springpad just had their own GOE for January
« on: January 28, 2013, 02:58 PM »
Unfortunately since there does not seem to be any sub-forum for this year's GOE, I'm just pasting it here:

Nothing jaw breaking so far but some cool looking hacks:

Snap 2013-01-29 at 04.30.58.png
2013 Bubble Calendar

mouser's labeller was also mentioned:

As well as the Belkin WeMo

Changes all politics into cats.png

Sticky Note Calendar.png

developing a better system here in Kansas. Spreadsheet base and relying upon Windows Search. The main idea is to make a unique word out of a thing for which I might search. Say it is an ordinary clipboard for writing that is alluding me. I simply make a note anywhere saying that my clllipboard is located at a certain location on this date. This keeps me from finding instances of things in my clipboard program or casual references to any clipboard in general correspondence or notes. I keep a general running Daily Diary (like USMC days) that is kept in the my documents folder. I a small pocket notebook reminds me to make entries about things that I might notice in the car, shop or grounds. I just enter it at a convenient time into the Daily Diary.

Roll don't fold.png

On the down side, it really shows the limitations of SpringPad. Too much loading. Too many aesthetic and not enough work done on moving back and forth through objects. I don't really recommend opening multi-tabs for each notebook.

I just like the implications that communication problems is just not a "you failed to communicate" concept and felt this article summed up well what's wrong on the other end:

In the article about the human heads, no one actually opened a package and realized that it contained the trophies of a serial killer. Those were specimens being transferred from one medical lab in Rome to another in the U.S., something that happens all the time. The most interesting part of the story is that the paperwork mentioned what was inside. That's it. The real story is that a delivery guy read some paperwork. Neither one of those sensational stories is actually much of a story at all when all the facts are accounted for, and this type of thing happens all the time. Now, while that may sound dangerously irresponsible on the part of news organizations, you're also about 90 percent to blame for the phenomenon.

Read more: http://www.cracked.c...fault/#ixzz2JIn6oOlt


The whole reason they aren't completely accurate is because each article absolutely has to be click-friendly to an online audience. In the example of the story about human heads, you can watch the progression of titles as the story makes its way across "news" sites. The Chicago Sun Times, where the story originated, initially led with the header, "Inquiry into Research Facility Holds Up 18 Human Heads at O'Hare." Then Fox News felt comfortable enough tweaking the story to "18 Human Heads Found at Chicago's O'Hare International Airport," and finally Gawker tested the full elasticity of the truth by titling it "18 Severed Human Heads Discovered in Package at Airport; Everyone Being Very Chill About It," because they know that the only way to ensure that people read it is to make the story into something startling enough to become viral.

Read more: http://www.cracked.c...fault/#ixzz2JIncxa9q

Finally the coup de grace

Now, it's no secret that we don't read newspapers anymore; countless Heralds, Tribunes, Posts, Times, and whatever they read in other countries have folded because we've proven that we prefer our news from blogs and content aggregators like Reddit. And good riddance, right? The newspaper industry is a relic, we're living in the future! Reddit knows how to trim out the fat and give us the very best news from around the world. Everything on Tumblr and the other blogs we follow is guaranteed to be fascinating and specifically catered to us because we handpicked the people who provide it.

But here's the problem: The stories still have to originate somewhere. Someone has to do the fact checking, and the source checking, and the interviews, and break the stories, but those people are all getting fired left and right because we've ensured that journalism isn't a viable career option anymore. So the only way for lean and desperate news outlets to get traffic from aggregators and blogs is if each article is absolutely shocking. As a result, the stories get fudged a little until they're more sharable for an online audience.

It's easiest to think of these refined, processed news stories as Reese's Pieces that make up a tiny portion of your online consumption. They're a nice treat once in awhile, but when they are the entirety of your information diet, the part of your brain that used to be responsible for breaking down the complex, nutrient-filled, TL; DR carbohydrates has nothing to do anymore and starts to atrophy. You start to lose the energy and the will to ask questions about the story and instead cave to the insatiable urge to just keep ingesting.

That's why fake news stories can surge through Twitter before anyone has a chance to debunk them. The Internet allowed for the creation of a fast food version of information that's not particularly good for you but still triggers that same pleasure zone in the brain. You're essentially fattening yourself up with information obesity, because the news outlets, in the end, are businesses that know they can stay in the black by feeding you what you want as opposed to what you need. Meanwhile, reason and rationality rot like neglected teeth. Or maybe it's journalism that's rotting like teeth. I don't know anymore, that metaphor kind of got away from me.

Read more: http://www.cracked.c...fault/#ixzz2JIoS3DN4

I will add this: For someone who has lived in a country where tabloids are considered on par with newspapers but have never ever lived and experienced yellow journalism. All I can say is thank you, English speaking internet posting web users from across the globe.

Edit: This comment post is also really really good compared to most comebacks.

The Internet was invented precisely as a vortex to CONTAIN our crazy. I scream into it not so much for attention, but as a release: much in the same way that some people hang a heavy-bag in their basement and wail away at it after a stressful day at work to release their aggression. I cannot use a heavy-bag, however, as my hands have become extremely arthritic, frozen in "action figure gun grip" mode (a side effect of earlier forays into using the Internet for a different type of "release"- a trap that all too many of my brethren fall into... often 4 or 5 times a day...)

The Internet was invented by the US Government in the 60s as an offshoot of ARPANET, as a way of providing research scientists working on highly sensitive projects to release their stress (caused by their often exasperating work on batshit crazy projects like weaponry and chemical warfare) by typing long tirades about how they were developing "murder machines" and "man's downfall" into simple text documents and sending them to their colleagues in hopes of exorcising their inner demons, like a kind of therapy. This worked for MANY decades, helping some of the government's brightest minds slog through their horrible workdays consisting of figuring out how to invent the most efficient devices for liquifying human beings and making their insides attack them in the most horrific ways imaginable.

Later on in the 90s, Tim Berners-Lee recognized the capabilities of this communication technology, and that as corporate interests continued to streamline productivity and increase output demand, he saw that the average worker would soon likewise need an outlet for "hauling off on the boss anonymously in such a way as to express their deepest outrage for workplace inequalities and a general desire to painfully insert large objects into their supervisors' orifices as a means for swift revenge" [citation needed]. Lee built a graphical interface and protocols for ease of access that now allow the average person to adeptly fire off threatening screeds and hateful sermons to any and everyone capable of absorbing such maledictions in the most common mediums of not only text, but also audio, video, and the super-efficent format of cat-pictures.

The problem is that we have conflated what the Internet's true purpose is: it was NEVER a place for rational people to share important ideas and beneficial information across complex social networks almost instantaneously. It was supposed to just be an infinite nexus to absorb all of our crazy, so we could focus on doing those things *IN THE REAL WORLD* instead, where they would effect the most immediate good. Not until the rest of the world realizes that the Internet is just the layer of distraction it was always intended to be, and *NOT an actual place to accomplish things*, will we ever move forward and progress together.

In summary: eat s**t Mr. Robertson in Accounting, I'll have those reports on your desk as soon as I'm done jacking-off to this picture of your wife you left on your desk.

Living Room / Publishing Button - The Crusade
« on: January 28, 2013, 11:56 AM »
From: http://blogs.berkele...betray-aaron-swartz/

But with the birth of the internet, scholars no longer needed publishers to distribute their work. As NYU’s Clay Shirky has noted, publishing went from being an industry to being a button.

Had the leaders of major research universities reacted to this technological transformation with any kind vision, Swartz’s dream of universal free access to the scholarly literature would now be a reality. But they did not. Rather than seize this opportunity to greatly facilitate research and education, both within and outside the academy, they chose instead to reify the status quo.

From: http://lists.ibiblio...-January/008284.html

> **Aaron Swartz recognized something. In his own words, "Information is
> power. But like all power, there are those who want to keep it for
> themselves." —[Guerilla Open Access Manifesto][2]**
> [![Aaron Swartz][3]][3]
> Based on an image by [Jacob Applebaum][4] via [Wikimedia][5]. [CC-BY-SA
> 3.0][6]
> Many of us have spent time grieving together on message boards, email
> lists, and with friends. While we mourned the loss of a brilliant hero
> to a [broken and backwards criminal justice system][7], an outpouring of
> support for his work roared to life. Almost overnight, recognition of
> the importance of his mission spread across every corner of the web.
> What now?
> Aaron understood that the way we experience and interact with the world
> is [inseparable from the media and technology around us][8]. He knew
> that only when they are [free from private ownership][9] can we hope to
> harness their liberatory potential and gain control over our own lives.
> He has been an invaluable force in the free software and free culture
> movements, working against the privatization of information, culture,
> and knowledge.
> Aaron fought to tear down the walls that hide big secrets and lock up
> human knowledge for the profit of the gatekeepers. The pressures which
> drove him to suicide — up to 50 years in prison and $4 million in fines
> — were brought against him for a victimless crime. These egregiously
> harsh punishments for [releasing public domain papers][10] locked up on
> JSTOR may have been due to Aaron's support of [ Private Breanna
> Manning][11] and [ties to Wikileaks][12]. Either way, Aaron should have
> been rewarded.

> There are already plenty of places to publish and share [free cultural
> works][22], but this is only half of the battle. The remaining question
> is how to usurp proprietary knowledge sources. The answer, then, is to
> eliminate their value by taking the knowledge they amass and release it
> into the world. **Our own rejection of locking up knowledge should be
> taken for granted.** **To continue Aaron's work, we must create an
> organized movement to take down the gatekeepers which keep hoards of
> information secret and lock our cultural productions behind their
> walls.**

I wonder if there's a way we could promote libre knowledge (which is freely
licensed and in free formats) over individuals just posting links to their

"Posting our PDFs is all fine and good, but the real way to honor Aaron
Swartz is to combat this pervasive institutional fecklessness and do
everything in our power to make sure no papers ever end up behind pay walls


How can we promote
 * Public Library of Science <>, BioMed
and other freely licensed academic journals
 * AcaWiki <> and
Wikiversity<>for collaborative summaries of
and notes on books and academic papers
 * Connexions <> and Wikibooks
<>as collaborative course materials and

Living Room / 2nd Comic Book Thread (Just a link share)
« on: January 27, 2013, 12:52 PM »
I have no idea what kind of search I got to lead to this site but it does not appear to be that well known.

Example Image: (Incomplete, Just click on the First Link for the Full Comic)

I can't seem to load the image from DC or IMGUR so TinyPic it is:


Living Room / Male Comic Book Character in Female Poses
« on: January 27, 2013, 11:25 AM »

How to fix every Strong Female Character pose in superhero comics: replace the character with Hawkeye doing the same thing." -Gingerhaze

A blog with Clint "Hawkeye" Barton being placed in the same provocative, female poses that are featured in superhero comics.

IMO it does not fix the issue because of the more modern metrosexual male hero being like classic gay Batman and Robin parodies but still interesting.

Snap 2013-01-26 at 18.36.39.png



Snap 2013-01-26 at 18.42.02.png

Notable keywords in the comments:

Augmented Reality

Not Really for Software

Without a World of Microsoft, the innovation would not have reached towards the unwashed masses

Criticism of the above: OpenGL, MS Bloatware, "The Internet is a Fad", PDA

My comment:

Ironically I disagree with the trend. I view the next revolution as being Tim Ferris baby boomers.

Those who read the "someone hired someone to do a job for them" thread already heard the first shot.

Humans are inherently selfish and our greatest skills have always been domesticating animals. Now that most animals have either need to become extinct or sanctuarized, we've set our sights on ourselves.

We will be the next revolution. The maid or virtual assistant revolution where workplace philosophies found in Google would flow towards everyday living and the maid service will create a new form of outsourcing meets machine learning operator meets industrial revolution wage slavery all combine into Tech Maids that knows how to work all the gadgets, buy all the gadgets, work on the coding, life coach you through all the system settings for everyday life.

IT and HR will merge into Human TMs (Human Trademarkers for the monopolizing of Tech Maids) which is kind of like establishing a job where the family doctor is only for the family or the plumber is only working for members of a certain union.  

(Same as previous thread, from Slashdot)

Direct Download Link: http://androidfileho...=9390288116658471029

Which Android: Android 4.0

What is it?: .exe early release for an Android emulator for win7, 8 and vista (I didn't read XP but the site tag says windows system)

A commentor also said:

AndroVM is better, runs on GNU/Linux and already supports hardware accelerated OpenGL rendering of Android games when the game installer is not huge (less than 100 MB in size).

I haven't really tried either but from a conceptual standpoint I think the next gen OS should be virtual spaces + desktop environment.

Imagine if you can just flip between lightweight mode, Win7 interface mode, Safe mode restart, Sandbox mode and Win8 interface mode by swiping or mousing towards a spot zone (or whatever the term Linux DE's call that edge into expo or scale mode).

It's something the Linux OS won't provide: A dedicated multi-desktop space for MS Office (LibreOffice in their case) where with a touch of a button/hotkey/voice command/gesture you can batch smart move the same programs but auto-close or hide others based on context.

It would be slick too and distinguish the Windows OS from others. Instead of opening programs, you would be flipping between virtual spaces each with it's own home folder structure but instead of a home folder - a single home folder can host a Document space, a Music space, a Note space...each with their own wallpaper, their own unique interface and their own unique auto-OS settings.

Example, for Process Tamer to work you have to set it and do a bunch of click. If MS can create a OS where your desk space has an option to automatically become uglier (removing effects) the more the process is bogged's a feature that Linux DEs simply won't attempt even if they could. It would be too redundant. Just a command switch could change DE loads but for the burgeoning tablet market it's a slick alternative to seeing the force close pop-up in Android.

Instead there seems to be this ignorance of how much cooler and more in-demand a tablet emulator is than a tablet OS/tablet DE. Such a waste IMO because it's in the emulator that you can best see the difference between how much users really have a demand for a marketplace software like Google Play and what other tablet features are in-demand vs. simply tolerated because there's no choice. Plus MS seems to be ignoring how the tablet is like a moving window in real world usage and not a static screen.

General Software Discussion / BitTorrent Sync Sign-up Link
« on: January 25, 2013, 03:20 PM »
Sign-up form: http://labs.bittorre...nnouncement%2B012413


Not my cup of tea (alpha cloud sync) but this was on Slashdot.

We like it when things work together. So we’ve been working on a new distributed syncing product to help manage personal files between multiple computers.

Today, BitTorrent Sync is in a pre-Alpha stage. And we’re hoping that users like you can help us build something sick. If you’re comfortable using early, incomplete software, and if you’re committed to helping us figure out a better way to sync, we want to hear from you.

We’re opening up enrollment in our pre-Alpha program to a limited number of testers. If you’re interested, check out the Labs page, fill out an application, and we’ll get you started.

Billed as the Dropbox meets Bittorrent, the recent comments said it just supposedly syncs the from phone to PC:

This PC mag article [] has a bit more info. Apparently the "unlimited storage" means whatever your phone or PC can hold.

So it looks like what it's doing is syncing files between your devices... or backing up your phone to your PC (if you wanna look at it that way), via the internet and using BT protocol... so you don't have to plug a USB cable from your phone to PC.
-Spy Handler

Sign-up Form: http://labs.bittorre...nnouncement%2B012413

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