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Developer's Corner / A Funny Blog Posting I Spotted Today
« on: November 26, 2007, 03:58 PM »
On the forums today there have been some great discussions touching on lots of good juicy topics. While (attempting) to shutdown and go home, I decided to check one last item in my RSS feed. I had to post if before leaving. Enjoy!


General Software Discussion / Hard Drive Diagnostic Software
« on: November 26, 2007, 07:23 AM »
Today an unfortunate event brought to light a gap in my knowledge. I knocked a 300 GB portable hard drive off of my desk and onto the carpeted floor. The drive shows up and I tried to use the built-in error-checking tool (scandisk) that is part of Windows XP but I get an error dialog about 75% of the way through.

Checking Disk (F:)
Windows was unable to complete the disk check.

I shut my laptop and the hard drive down and went to work. I started them both up here at work and got the same error.

I am aware of tools from the various hard drive manufacturers to diagnose the hard drive itself. These programs will tell me if I have any trouble with the hard drives, but will not tell me about any problems with the data that is on the drive. I need to know what files, if any, have been lost or damaged. I want to know if I need to reformat the drive and check for bad sectors.

I realized that I have always relied on Scandisk for this and I do not know of any alternatives. What software do you suggest I use?

General Software Discussion / Excellent Example of Update Dialog
« on: November 22, 2007, 04:45 PM »
I have overlooked a gem until now. I discovered that AutoIt has a nifty update tool. This is the best example of an update tool to date. It tells you what you have, where you have it, what beta versions are available, a link to download any of them, an option to autorun the install, and more. When I add such functionality to my software, I am going to use this as the model.


General Software Discussion / Gizmo Is Looking for A Few Volunteers
« on: November 21, 2007, 09:38 PM »
If you haven't seen Gizmo's site, you should take a look as well as sign up for his newsletter.

1.1 How to Get Your Five Minutes of Fame

I'm looking for experienced users to help with the "46 Best-ever Freeware" list.

The plan is to convert the list into a Wiki and allow site visitors to make suggestions and alterations along the line of WikiPedia.

For this to work, each software category needs an editor to moderate user comments, so I'm looking for experienced individuals to fill these roles.

If you feel that you are knowledgeable about a particular software category such as "program editors" or "file managers", then why not share your knowledge by becoming the editor for that category in the "46 Best-ever Freeware list."

As a category editor you will be fully credited for your efforts, unless, of course, you wish to remain anonymous.

It's a great way to get your five minutes of fame. It's also a way of becoming an internet "giver" rather than just a "taker". And you will be surprised at just how much you will learn from the suggestions of others; I certainly have.

If you are interested check out the current categories in the "46 Best-ever Freeware" list [1] and the "Extended List" [2]. Select categories that you would like to edit and email me at [email protected] with your selections plus a very short description of your background and experience. If you have any commercial affiliations related to any of the categories, please state them.

Feel free to select as many categories as you like but be aware that editing each category could take 1-2 hours of your time per month. Also feel free to suggest a new software category if you feel it is needed.

Thanks guys.
-Gizmo's Support Alert Newsletter Free Edition, Issue 151

Developer's Corner / Change Version Info Via Command Line Application
« on: November 18, 2007, 08:16 AM »
I want to be able to change the version info in an EXE via a batch file. I will be using this with games I build using Torque Game Builder, but this could also be used for any application that has an unchanging master EXE but datafiles that change. For example levels in a FPS. Each time I change the datafiles and rebundle that game, I want to change the version number of the EXE so when somebody views the version info of the EXE , it corresponds to the version number of the game.

I have plenty of GUI based tools to do this, but I want to be able to do this in a script so I can automate the process.

This is for Windows applications.

Developer's Corner / 300 Ideas for Game Play Mechanics
« on: November 18, 2007, 01:45 AM »
Sean Howard, over at, is making good progress on his goal to come up with 300 unique ideas for game play mechanics. At this point Sean had developed 58. Now, these aren't just one or two sentences like, "Make the blood blue, instead of red.", but are equivalent to full length articles. There are some real nuggets of gold in there. And Sean is nice enough to give them away for nothing more than a mention in your game. If you want to build a game, but can't think of an idea, or you need a little something to spice up an existing game you are working on, check out Three Hundred Mechanics.

In general there are lots of good blog entries and printable (duh) pages over at David Seah's website. He talks alot about making the most of your time, tracking what you are doing, tracking your progress on tasks and projects. It is especially good for people who prefer paper over computer screen for these things.

« on: November 05, 2007, 07:32 PM »
I already have two pages of threads to catch up on and you folks are replying and posting at a 2:1 ratio. My list is growing. Stop It! Let me catch up gosh darn it.

Developer's Corner / Was My Posting To The Adobe Forum Stupid?
« on: November 01, 2007, 01:58 PM »
I made a posting to the Adobe Forum two days ago. It didn't get a reply and because of their forums being the way they are, it is now buried many many pages down and probably will never be seen again. I see that very few of the postings to that forum get replies and I think it because of the way their forums work.

Or did I get no replies because my posting was idiotic and not worth of a reply?

My posting is here, in their forums where you can take a look around at their forum software.

If you just want the opportunity to tell me my post was idiotic, I have copy&paste'd it below:

I am completely new to anything Flash. I have never written a single line of Actionscript. I don't know the difference between Flash and Flex. I don't know in what forums Flash developers hang out. I don't even know what kind of coffee they drink, or if they drink tea instead.

However, I have developed games and have been thinking about developing some casual games and have heard rumors that Adobe is "pushing" causal game development with Actionscript 3 and their latest releases. So I went to expecting to see a link for something like "learn how to develop games in flash" or some such. I poked around the developer related pages and didn't find anything I thought useful.

What I did find were plenty of stuff for *existing* flash developers. Links to articles and HowTos for specific topics and information about products that cost a minimum of several hundred dollars. I can't learn how to develop games and create a prototype with a 30-day trial, and I am not going to buy a $1000 pro-grade tool when I am an indie developer without a budget or a pre-funded project that would justify such expenditures.

I have seen some open source stuff, but don't know if it can do anything more than build some annoying shaking banner ads.

So let me introduce myself as a possible use-case for Adobe Marketing and the Flash (Game) Developer community.

I am an educated experience software developer who has a day job doing "enterprise" software stuff. I want to *play* in my free time (evenings and weekends) with "Flash Stuff" and learn enough to be able to build a simple game that I can put on my personal website and have my friends download. I am not a student, so I can't get student discounts. The money I have goes toward toys^H^H^H^H tools for my other coding habits^H^H^H^H^H projects. I am not interested in 30-day trials, as I may go 45-days or more between the first and second weekends I get to play with this. I know OOP so I want to start out learning how to do the "advanced" stuff from day one and not have to start with dragging and dropping PNGs w/o any coding and then "relearn" how to do it in code so I can do anything beyond having the image appear and rotate.

I *am* willing to put time into this endeavor, but only after I have a few things spoon-fed to me by "advocates" who's job is to get me "hooked" and willing to invest my time to go beyond Hello World. At the same time I am download and playing with GarageGames, TGE/TGB, Game Maker, Dark Basic, Blitz Basic, etc. and many complete development environments that are full-featured and completely free if I limit myself to releasing only freeware games, or cost me less than $50 for the "professional" version with all the bells and whistles.

I have heard rumors and rumblings about some open source tools being available and Adobe maybe open sourcing some of their previously pay-to-play tools, but also understand that Adobe can probably provide a better "comprehensive" package of tools, documentation, tutorials, and support, *if I can find the right place to ask/start.*

And, most of all, I don't know where to start my search as I have no personal contacts to bug about stuff like this.

So, where can I find the big red button to push and get everything I want handed to me on a silver-platter.

[please understand I have written this with some attempt at self-mocking humor and am not some clueless n00b]

Thank you for taking the time to read my lengthy posting. I hope to find some helpful replies and start down an interesting learning path.


I understand that this increases the security risk, however, I willing to take tradeoff for the convenience.

While using my laptop I have multiple things I need to login to. A few of them are:
  • Initial Windows XP login
  • Login after I lock it (Win + L) or screensaver
  • Firefox
  • Thunderbird
  • RoboForm

Here is my dream scenario. (My current laptop doesn't have bluetooth, so I would use a USB adapter for this.)

I wear my cellphone on my belt. The laptop senses my cellphone and prompts me for a password. As long as it keeps the connection with my cellphone the screensaver doesn't kick in. When the connection is broke, for example when I go to fill up my coffee cup, the screensaver kicks in and locks the computer. When I return it prompts for a password.

Every application that requires a password is automatically detected by the application and answered so I never need to enter in a password other than the master password.

There would be the usual override with a more complex password that would allow me to unlock the computer if I do not have my cellphone with me.

This is definitely possible today from the technology standpoint, but has a vendor refined a product well enough to actually do this and do it well?

A colleague of mine is running a screensaver that she purchased. Another colleague of mine likes it and wonders of there is a freeware alternative that is just as good. I don't use screensavers, so I don't know what is out there. Does anybody have a link to some free space-themed screensavers?


General Software Discussion / Coding Horror: Why Does Software Spoil?
« on: October 18, 2007, 02:21 PM »
The latest posting by Jeff Atwood has sparked a very interesting, and long, comments thread.

Coding Horror: Why Does Software Spoil?

Sorry for the drive-by posting. I'm on a short break at work.


General Software Discussion / - Firefox Tweak Guide
« on: October 11, 2007, 10:11 AM »
I just found this site while looking for a particular configuration setting for Firefox. I haven't read through the site yet, but it looks very good.

Has anybody seen any reviews/critiques of this guide? Often the information on sites like this is less than accurate. I have no experience with the website, so I do not know their reputation for accuracy. Can anybody enlighten me?

Videogame Development / First Post
« on: October 10, 2007, 06:08 PM »
Eat that /.  :P

What do you use to keep your code snippets organized so you can easily find and reuse them? I realized, that in the over 15 years I have been in the software business, I have never seen or heard anybody mention a tool the used specifically used for this purpose.

I haven't really thought about it much, but as far as my wants go, it would need to be independent of any particular IDE, so I could use it with any IDE. It would be easily searchable in all the ways you would expect it to be. Preferably portable, so I could carry it on a USB stick, but need not be cross-platform. Windows-only would be fine, but cross-platform would be a plus.

I will start the usual Google search, and will report what I find, but I am curious to know if any of you already have something in mind that you use or has been recommended to you by someone.

General Software Discussion / Replace Windows XP's Icons
« on: October 09, 2007, 06:37 PM »
I have been screwing around much of today instead of getting work done.  :-\ This is doubly bad, as I took a vacation day from my real job to get this work done.  :-[

So, I will make this post and then get back to some real work.

I downloaded StyleXP and found a few themes I like. Now I would like to do a complete replacement of the all of the standard system icons in WinXP. I assume there is a program to do that which is STABLE and has good support of the artists within the customization community. Can you folks help me out with some links?


I'm not sure if this one has been mentioned yet. We need to set Veign lose on them if not.  :mad:

IT is one of those sites that charge for membership so you can download free software.

General Software Discussion / MP3Toys
« on: October 07, 2007, 02:19 PM »
mp3toys... great for getting massive cover art and enjoying your collection in a very visual way.

Boy MP3Toys is one sexy player. 8) I use MediaMonkey Gold, but I'm a sucker for a pretty face. I'll have to give that a try.




Images are from this online article.

We all know you sometime have to just cut stuff in half and see if the bug goes away. If it doesn't, cut it in half again. Loosely speaking, academia is trying to automate this process, and have had some success.

The following has been lifted from UC Davis News & Information :: Software 'Chipper' Speeds Debugging

Software 'Chipper' Speeds Debugging

September 28, 2007

Computer scientists at UC Davis have developed a technique to speed up program debugging by automatically "chipping" the software into smaller pieces so that bugs can be isolated more easily.

Computer programs consist of thousands, tens or even hundreds of thousands of lines of code. To isolate a bug in the code, programmers often break it into smaller pieces until they can pin down the error in a smaller stretch that is easier to manage. UC Davis graduate student Chad Sterling and Ron Olsson, professor of computer science, set out to automate that process.

"It's really tedious to go through thousands of lines of code," Olsson said.

The "Chipper" tools developed by Sterling and Olsson chip off pieces of software while preserving the program structure.

"The pieces have to work after they are cut down," Olsson said. "You can't just cut in mid-sentence."

In a recent paper in the journal "Software -- Practice and Experience," Olsson and Sterling describe ChipperJ, a version developed for the Java programming language. ChipperJ was able to reduce large programs to 20 to 35 percent of their former size in under an hour.

More information about automated program chipping is available on Olsson's Web site at

The more I install useful software on my computer, the more I find that Microsoft Outlook seems to be the only thing developers integrate with in terms of email / PIM / Calender / etc. clients. I mostly use web-based mail clients, and run Thunderbird on my laptop so I can have access to some emails offline as well as write emails offline for sending later. However, I am seriously thinking about moving to Microsoft Outlook fulltime because everything else seems to integrate with it and only it.

What are your comments? Tips? Warnings?

Caveat:  :( I am looking for a serious discussion. Please don't turn this into a Windows vs. Linux/Mac/Whatever religious debate/war. There are plenty of other threads covering that territory. Thank you.  :up:

The are giving away their SDK to contestants over at Playyoo.

Are you a Flash games developer? Whether you're a beginner or an expert, hobbyist or professional, you can put your Flash Lite games in front of a big audience, with the chance to build a following. Start now by entering the launch contest, and you can also win significant prizes.

Playyoo Game Contest

Spotted over at Mashable.

There is a very good introduction to version control at BetterExplained.

Found via Lifehacker.

 :feedback: Bits du Jour is having StyleSread on sale October 3. It is $20 instead of $100. I am wondering if anybody has used it, and if so, how it compares to others. The video tour makes it look worth purchasing.

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