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Topics - Curt [ switch to compact view ]

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The rise of AI photo enlarging programs suddenly made my old small photos interesting again ♥

However, when I list them in Desktop Win 10 Explorer, the order is not only to my liking. I would very much like an option to also have the pictures listed according to HEIGHT x WIDTH, so I easily can sort the result. Otherwise, if they all are enlarged the same, say x8, portrait format versions easily get too high / too large.

I would want to list the pictures in HEIGHT x Width (not just the usual WxH) order (low-height ones first) and then mark some of them, to drag them to my new enlarger.

So, the app should read the dimensions, and list them,, and allow me to drag a part of them to my bigjpg.exe.

Explorer doesn't offer this HxW feature.
Do you?

Edit: or do you know a program that does?

Skrommel's MoveOut will do the job. So just forget about the following request

Someone at DC once wrote a coding snack that would meet my need - but I can't find it!  (yes, I can! (https://www.dcmember...el/download/moveout/)

In a folder I have a lot of (sub-) folders that each have a photo file - or they have a full html, including the wanted image (JPG, BMP or PNG, but always larger than a thousand pixels).

# I want a script that will collect these photos and rename them and move them all into a single folder #

The new file name should of course merely be the name of the "Move from..." folder (plus 1, 2 etc if need be).

Do we already have such a program?   :-\
Or are YOU the one who would care to write it? ;-)     :Thmbsup:

General Software Discussion / any shit browsers I can use?
« on: November 22, 2022, 06:28 AM »
Is there an Internet browser (Windows 10 x64 desktop) that I can use to enter an elderly site that apparently has been abandoned, so it no longer has what it normally takes? The site used to be acceptable some years ago, and now I want to visit it again, but I am prevented by my various browsers. Of course the site may have been invaded by wicked people,,, but my security programs are reasonable, and I am willing to check it, even though the situation reminds me of an medieval map showing the ocean next to Norway - the text in the waters said "here be dragons"...


Nowadays most sites "know" what size monitor, I have. So they often refuse to offer me bigger image dimensions, than they think I could possibly need! But of course I very often want larger dimensions images (for editing), than the 1920 x 1080 pixels my monitor merely is.

My idea & request is a script that would tell these sites, that my monitor screen really is 3840 x 2160 or (even better) 7680 x 4320 pixels, please?

Best regards,

General Software Discussion / Speedtest of my Internet browsers :-(
« on: January 22, 2021, 06:22 AM »
I've upped my Internet connection (from 300 Mbps) to 1,000 Mbps download speed.

I was very surprised to not notice any improvement!

After removing advert blockers and other apps, I still didn't see any difference in the speed online, so I began wondering what on earth could be wrong. I mean, you should notice a difference between 300 and 1000, shouldn't you? (The answer is Yes!)

First off, I checked what my own IS (=Internet Supplier)'s speedtester (https://kundeservice...oblem/hastighedstest) had to say: 138 Mbps down. Hm... that was a disapppointment by itself - not even close to the 300 I had been paying for, not to mention the new 1000!

2021-01-21_151856 uden rekl.jpg

I downloaded a series of Internet browsers and tested them at once. By "at once", I mean: Download, install, run! No apps or settings of any kind, just paste >Enter >and click GO!

I was in shock: The results were all in the area of 43 - 124 Mbps. They should kiss a thousand !!!

Brave:    44
Opera:    44
Vivaldi:    54
Internet Expl: 97
Firefox: 108
Chrome: 124

2021-01-21_BRAVE.jpg2021-01-21_Opera.jpg2021-01-21_Vivaldi.jpg2021-01-21_Firefox.jpg124 Ookla.jpg

Later, an in-browser-app for Edge: 154MBps


I have been in daily contact with my IS, but has been put on hold until Corona allows them to visit my home again.

But then one of their technicians phoned me and asked eh... have you not tested with Ookla Speedtester's APP? You should! This was the first time I heard about it: an app for local speedtesting ( I now have it (Speedtest by Ookla) and my online connection apparently is, as it should be (I have not fully reached a thousand, but almost): 826⁺Mbps

2021-01-21_154547speedtest app.jpg

But the various Internet browsers are still wheelchairing at 43 - 154 Mbps. How can my Internet browsers all be so extremely slow?

WHY, oh, WHY?!!

For the last two weeks it has been impossible for my Google Chrome Internet browser to give me trustworthy search results. Today's example: I made a simple search for Britpop. Google said there were 25 billion answers, but only showed me 2 pages. Of these approx 50 results, more than 20 were adverts for something unrelated, like a minor Danish Hotel. I also made a picture search and was even more shocked than usual, how useless and worthless the search results were.


For a fortnight I have been patient. My initial thought was that we must give the various Chrome extension anti-advert authors time to... wait... Who? Time to what? Chrome is owned by Google... so, who am I expecting to solve this problem? Honestly, Google can not be expected to solve this problem, because to them there is no problem! Especially not if the users just accept the new worthlessness. Maybe I am part of a test group? Have YOU been given silly search results from Google lately? Oh, stupid phrasing. New try: Have YOUR Google search results lately been even more unrelated and full of adverts, than they used to? 

General Software Discussion / HowTo reset to jpg from jfif
« on: April 01, 2019, 07:52 AM »
A number of incidents ($#it) happened and suddenly every downloaded jpg picture would be jfif type! I have never even heard about any jfif format, so I was quite "surprised", to say the least. After some searching, I have a formula to repair such situation:

Start > Search > regedit > Computer\HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\MIME\Database\Content Type\image/jpeg > rightclick Extension > edit > replace .jfif with .jpg > [Exit]



Easy Explorer helps you work and manage multiple Explorer windows easily, using layouts.  Watch the introductory video to see how easy it is to use Easy Explorer.


Layouts - the key to managing your Explorer windows
Watch how you can create your first layout in minutes, and access your frequently used folders with just a single click


Advanced filters
Watch how you can use multiple filters to display only the files you want to see in every folder.


Advanced search
Search for files using multiple search phrases and regular expressions easily, and even search across multiple non-nested folders.  Watch the video to see how this can be done easily using Easy Explorer.


Bookmarks bar - even faster access to your favourite folders
Watch how you can use the bookmarks bar to quickly access your favourite folders.


Easy Explorer - persistent columns, bookmarks, DICOM previews

Found Deals and Discounts / Humble Bundle intro to Coding!
« on: February 16, 2019, 02:35 AM »

original post:
I have no idea what these coding courses may be worth in real life, but the listed price per course is $50, except two at $99 each. Now and approx' the next 4 days you can have five of them for a total of at least $1 , or even all 25 for at least $25.

Awesome online courses for you. We've teamed up with Zenva Academy for our newest bundle! Get access to online courses on game development, web development, computer vision, machine learning and AI, data science and more. Plus, your purchase will support Girls Who Code, and a charity of your choice!

>Learn Python Programming by Making a Game MSRP: $50.00<>Intro to Game Development MSRP: $50.00<>Numpy Matrices and Vectors MSRP: $50.00<>Learn HTML and CSS by creating a Responsive Company Website MSRP: $50.00<>The Complete Responsive Web Design Course MSRP: $50.00<

>VR Projects - Flying Platform Experience MSRP: $50.00<>Create a Road Crossing Game with Phaser 3 MSRP: $99.00<>Create a Spanish Teaching Game with Phaser 3 MSRP: $50.00<>Learn Angular by Creating a Web Application MSRP: $50.00<>Blender for Beginners - Craft Low-Poly Game Assets MSRP: $50.00<>Create Your First 3D Game MSRP: $50.00<>JavaScript Programming - Learn by Making a Mobile Game MSRP: $50.00<>Beginning SQL - Store and Query Your Data MSRP: $50.00<

>Procedural Content Generation with Unity MSRP: $50.00<>VR Projects - 360 Photo Experience MSRP: $50.00<>Build a Virtual Pet Game with Phaser 3 MSRP: $50.00<>Python Image Processing - Make Instagram-Style Filters MSRP: $50.00<>Create a Raspberry Pi Smart Security Camera MSRP: $50.00<>The Complete Artificial Neural Network Course MSRP: $99.00<>RPG Game Development - Turn-Based Battle Systems MSRP: $50.00<>Audio Effects and Soundtracks in Unity Games MSRP: $50.00<>Data Manipulation with Pandas MSRP: $50.00<>The Complete Guide to Bootstrap 4 MSRP: $50.00<>Discover jQuery - Create Interactive Websites MSRP: $50.00<>Create an RPG Town with NPCs and Dialogs MSRP: $50.00<
-Humble Bundle



Dear Curt,

You have donated to the "I don´t care about cookies" project in the past, and I thought you might be interested in a new Firefox/Chrome extension I have been working on lately. It´s finally ready!

For €6.99 a year (promo price), this extension attempts to block, hide or automatically close:

- all kinds of newsletter pop-ups
- chat boxes in the corner
- "install our app" boxes and toolbars
- "allow push notifications" requests
- "allow us to know your location" requests
- all kinds of surveys and opinion pop-ups
- website ratings, "website protected by..." and similar boxes
- toolbars offering website translation

Don´t worry, you can choose and keep what you need, you don´t have to block all of that. If you are interested, please take a look:

Have a happy and cookie warning free New Year :)

Daniel Kladnik
Web and Browser Extension Developer

Living Room / Qoppa is not Qiqqa, but it is on sale via Bits du Jour
« on: December 04, 2018, 06:10 AM »
Every now and then I visit Bits du Jour to see if anything interesting is on sale for the day - - and today I saw that Qoppa PDF Studio Pro 2018 is on offer.

So I was planning to tell you guys, and to add a link to the thread here on DC where we previously were talking about Qoppa. We were discussing it, weren't we. Do you remember it as vivid as I do?

So I searched for that thread. Hm... no result! Odd, I specifically remember this weird name, Qoppa, yeah. Qoppa and something pdf.

So why didn't the search engine give me something adequate?! Just maybe the name Qoppa was not included, but only the application's name, PDF Studio? No, no relevant search result.

I got angry: Who authored this search engine that wouldn't give me what I wanted?!

I began scrolling very long lists of posts including words like pdf editor and related stuff - anger can give you an enormous portion of long-lasting energy!

Finally I found what I (thought I) was looking for, except,  :-[  the word was not Qoppa, but Qiqqa!  :-[ 
and it was not a pdf editor, but a pdf manager: (freeware)

This was one of the extremely few times in life that I was wishing for the automated suggestion Did you mean...?
Yes, Google, I meant Qiqqa, not Qoppa!

I am no longer angry. I am cool. However, it seems I am also old and forgetful.

All this just to say that Qoppa is a fine PDF editor, and at $51.60 the PRO is very fine priced, today. Normal price is $129, so it's 60% off
at: http://www.bitsdujou...tware/pdf-studio-pro

PDF Studio Available On More Platforms & Devices Than Any Other PDF Editor!


Living Room / is there life without Microsoft Store?
« on: November 29, 2018, 05:18 AM »
I was wondering why on earth PhotoScape never was updated. Curiosity killed the cat, but I finally dared to click the central PhotoScape button, taking me to the homepage ( I have tried a couple of times before to click it, but each time felt it had to be wrong, because it would open Internet Explorer!

This time I accepted to be taken for a ride with Internet Explorer 11, and clicked my way to the homepage of PhotoScape X:

-PhotoScape X

I have fumbled and stumbled for quite a while, (I even wrote them, but received no answer), but it looks to me as if there is no way to get PhotoScape X (for Windows) without first installing Microsoft Store and all that $#IT.

Is that right? No, of course it is not right, it is totally wrong, but I meant, is it true? Is it impossible to run a program that was designed for The Beast, eh, for The Store, if I don't have The Store on my PC? I would like to stay out of it, but I think I also would like to have a copy of PhotoScape X. Can such a program even launch without The Store?

And yes, I know, there are already several beasts by different names, on my PC, but that's another store, eh, another story.

Google Chrome 70.0.3538.110 (on 64 bits PC) is the worst ever. Nothing is going right, everything is taking forever and then I'm told I am not even connected.
Any one else experiencing massive problems with Chrome 70.0.3538.110 ?

General Software Discussion / Quizo updated!
« on: October 19, 2018, 04:26 PM »
1039  New (2018-10-14) The update you didn't know you needed...

QTTabBar » Change Log.

Version 1039 (2018-10-14)
Fixed in 1039:

- Errors on Windows 10 October 2018 Update and Insider Preview versions.
- Supports Explorer dark mode (Windows10).

We got struck by lightnings this summer and disk crashed on dev PC.
Fortunately main source codes were rescued, though installer codes and other tools have been lost.
This is a difference update to be applied to QTTabBar version 1038.
Download QTTabBar ver 1039 (2018-10-14) New
This is a difference update to be applied to QTTabBar version 1038. Install QTTabBar ver 1038 before update.

- Extends Explorer by tabs and extra folder views
- Free/Donationware
- Multiple-language support by contributors
- for Windows7 & Windows8 & Windows8.1 & Windows10 (32bit/64bit) + .net Framework 4.0

Contributed languages include:
Chinese (Simplified/Traditional), Czech, Dutch, French, German, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish, Turkish, Vietnamese.

Donation to Quizo
Asking for donations to continue development and maintain the site

Found Deals and Discounts / PDF-XChange Pro
« on: October 16, 2018, 04:49 PM »
Yes, the PDF-XChange Pro bundle will be promo'd on Bits du Jour later this month. So keep watch for it as we usually only run promotions on our software once a year and through BDJ.
-Tracker X-Change PDF

At $93.50 as the normal price, a discount only once a year, may be worth keeping an eye on.
You can order a Look Up! email at http://www.bitsdujou...ware/pdf-xchange-pro

Today they are offering 30% discount on the normal Editor: $30.45 $43.50:

Post New Requests Here / DONE: copy my wallpaper's full title
« on: October 10, 2018, 10:16 AM »
The wallpaper changer in Windows 10 (PC desktop version) is so good that I have stopped using any thing else. Sadly, it doesn't display any information! I really miss knowing the title / filename, so I know what to search for if anything should be changed. When would I know that? Yes, when I see the picture.

I am hoping for one or two features only. Maybe a keyboard shortcut, that will copy the address and filename of the relevant wallpaper "now". Or maybe an icon (in the tray) with a pop-up message when mouse pointed at.


Finished Programs / DONE: clean the marked text
« on: October 09, 2018, 04:06 AM »
^My eyes dislike this file name very much. Not because of the words, but because of those 11 ugly _
When I look at it, my instinctive reaction is to rename it, like the 2'nd file in this screenshot from Explorer:


For many years I have been using Dolphin Text Editor, and been happy with it. One day, still many years ago, they updated the program and my favourite feature disappeared! Instead of changing the world, I tried to change myself... Now I realize it is far more realistic to change the world! Please help me to do so: I would very much like a small exe (to be placed in Start) that will clean the marked text for every "_" (shortcut "Ctrl+_", if possible), meaning, Replace it with a Space.

Please?  :tellme:

General Software Discussion / WARNING (maybe) against REVO 4 pricing
« on: October 01, 2018, 04:17 AM »
I am too upset to speak, so I will just whisper it: Warning: Annual Subscription is (usually) expensive.

Your REVO version 3 has a "version 3" -license that included every update for several years. The new version 4 license will merely give you a year or two, or subscription.

click thumb to enlarge picture:

Link if you have a license: https://www.revounin...l_20180927_rup4.html
Link for new customers: https://www.revounin...hase_order_main.html

The subscription is apparently so expensive, that they don't even dare to tell the cost. Or am I to be pleasantly surprised? I doubt it.
The subscription cost is told if you buy the program. My price (as already a customer) was $20 for two years, and then $20 every second year => $10 per year. $15 per year, if you merely pay for a year. An okay price, maybe, so maybe, just maybe, I am pleasantly surprised after all.

yet another after-edit:
It really must be said: Version 4 will launch and be ready a lot quicker than version 3.  :up:

Former title: Where is Win 10 hiding wallpapers?

I wanted to test a wallpaper-changing program on my PC, x64 Windows 10 Home, so I went to desktop right-click > Private Settings > Background > Background > Picture (not Slideshow or Color, but Image / Photo / Picture), and was chocked to see a picture of my ex!! Understand that I know for sure that I deleted this picture long ago, and I am not aware of any copy anywhere on my PC! Nevertheless, Explorer presented me with the option to have her be my wallpaper again, so somewhere there obviously is a copy! The picture is only available via Settings..., it is not saved in the normal Pictures folder, or in any public folder. I have searched for several hours, but I haven't found any option to navigate to this particular picture, or to delete it.

In the old days (incl. Win 7), any wallpaper would be wallpaper.bmp, but nowadays I am unable to find where Windows is hiding the (backgrounds and) wallpapers. Of course the official address for me is C:\Users\Curt\Pictures , but as I said, I have long time ago deleted the original of that particular picture, so it isn't there, now!

Do you have any idea where Windows might be hiding this picture? :tellme:

Found Deals and Discounts / at last: Softmaker Office PORTABLE
« on: July 23, 2018, 08:32 AM »
Giveaway of the day today, Monday 23 July 2018

To my understanding it is the first portable suite from SoftMaker:

The office suite can be installed to a USB flash drive so that it can be used on any PC without installation.

It is free today, but in the long run this "abo" subscription concept is more expensive.

SoftMaker Office NX Home for Windows (6-months subscription)

SoftMaker Office for Windows as an inexpensive subscription for 6 months. Always current: All updates and upgrades included for free during your subscription.

Flexible license: Licensed for one household with up to 5 computers, or for 1 commercial user with up to 5 computers.

About the same time as the latest update from Microsoft was installed, I also installed Nitro 12 Pdf editor. So when I realized that I no longer was able to print to pdf, I could not be sure if the error was made by Microsoft or by Nitro. When searching for a solution, I stumbled upon the old freeware from Print Spooler Repair Tool. I say old, because the text is only saying >for WindowsXP , Vista, windows 7, windows 8.<, but fact is it has been updated for Win 10 as well.

It is also saying >Please run this tool in Safemode mode<, but I ran it as it was, and everything went well.

https://www.techsupp...-service-is-missing/ > scroll down to Method 1 > Automatic Fix it > Download Print-Spooler-Repair-Tool.exe Freeware (2308 KB)
The page is very informative and includes a lot of relevant tips (Method2 > Manual Steps)

General Software Discussion / A sign of life from WinMerge
« on: May 28, 2018, 06:38 PM »
WinMerge 2.15.2 is a so-called alpha version, so last stable version is still listed to be version 2.14 from year 2013.

I am running version 2.15.2 ("alpha"), and it's just fine. No problems. However, the installation didn't overwrite the old version, so I am guessing version 2.14 was a 32-bit version (was working fine on my 64-bits), because I then uninstalled the 2.14 and still kept all of my new 2.15.2


>>>WinMerge is a Windows tool for visual difference display and merging, for both files and directories. It is highly useful for determining what has changed between file versions, and then merging those changes.
WinMerge has Unicode support, Flexible syntax coloring editor, Visual SourceSafe integration, and Windows Shell integration.
Regexp filtering for filenames and lines. Side-by-side line difference and highlights differences inside lines.
A file map shows the overall file differences in a location pane. The user interface is translated into several languages.<<<

Here are some notes about release and a plan for the stable version 2.16.0:

download from https://sourceforge....-life-from-winmerge/
freeware, clean

most recent version (2.15.4 at the moment) is at https://bitbucket.or.../winmerge/downloads/


the quite new version 14 for free or with discounted upgrades

see photo:

Living Room / Do you know this piece of music?
« on: April 11, 2018, 01:25 PM »
Can you tell this track's title and artist, please?

It can be a really useful program, and today, Sunday the 4'th of February 2018, it's really user-friendly priced: $14.80 against the normal $40

today's offer: http://www.bitsdujou...h-the-freakin-button
normal homepage:

Platforms: PC: Windows 10, 8, 7, Vista, XP, Svr 2012, Svr 2008, Svr 2003

Push The Freakin' Button Pro is right up our alley!

PTFB Pro is the perfect tool for automating tasks, reducing keystrokes, and best of all, getting rid of all those nagging automated requests that pop-up at the most inopportune times.

In effect, PTFB Pro is a "don't show this again" option for the many prompts and messages that don't have one of their own. Just tell PTFB Pro what buttons to press and when -- you'll never be bothered again!

And then there's the built-in macro recorder. It can record and playback complex sequences of mouse and keyboard actions, allowing you to quickly cut long repetitive tasks down to size.

PTFB Pro can periodically check to see if a program is currently running on your system. It can launch the target program if it isn't running or restart/close the program if it is.

PTFB Pro can even help keep interruptions at bay when you're not at your computer. Use it to keep attention craving applications from running in your absence, to fill out login fields, or even to keep your Internet connections alive!

Please note folks, the latest version brings the following new features: Visual Triggers, Greatly improved command line control for better integration with Powershell and other script shells, Control the clipboard, Track when a macro was last used and easily archive little-used macros and Instantly test your settings on the “Identifying the Target” page. You can read more

Today's promotion:
PTFB Pro - Single License v5.1.2.0 ($14.80)
PTFB Pro - 5 License Value Pack v5.1.2.0 ($53.65)
A Sophisticated Mouse Auto Clicker

PTFB Pro has some handy features not typically found in an auto-clicker (as well as all the features you might expect!)
Powerful Macro Recorder
A Powerful Macro Recorder

A simple, intuitive interface and a whole host of features that power users will love.
Monitor, alert, resolve, log
Monitor, Alert, Resolve, Log

PTFB Pro sits quietly in your system tray monitoring your applications and workflow. When it identifies a situation where it can help it instantly takes action - optionally alerting you and logging the incident.
-Technology Lighthouse

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