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Finished Programs / DONE: VBS set wallpaper from folder of backgrounds
« Last post by Coniferous on September 27, 2010, 09:02 AM »
This is more of a frilly not important request,

But I would like a script that gets called on startup that changes my wallpaper to a randomly chosen image the lies in a folder contained in my documents.

(how’s that for a run-on sentence?).

Not sure how difficult this is, if it's harder then it seems let me know.
Post New Requests Here / Re: Apply Conditional Formatting To .csv
« Last post by Coniferous on April 18, 2009, 10:34 AM »
Well, i have dome some research on it. I understand that csv has no formatting, just values. However, if i open up the csv in excel, then get the vba script to do the rest then (i assume) it should work. I found a couple snippets of code that are close to what i need. Such as this...

Set ApExcel = CreateObject("Excel.application") 'Creates an object
ApExcel.Visible = True ' So you can see Excel
ApExcel.Workbooks.Add 'Adds a new book.
ApExcel.cells(1, 1).Formula = "HELLO"    'Add Text to a Cell
'You can use the line above, changing coordenates to go to any
'cell and you can also add Formulas
ApExcel.Range("A1:Z1").BORDERS.Color = RGB(0, 0, 0) 'Use it to
'change the borders.
ApExcel.Columns("A:AY").EntireColumn.AutoFit 'To adjust the
'column's width.
ApExcel.Range("A:Z").Select 'To establish a selection
ApExcel.Selection.NumberFormat = "0" 'Adding different formats

This one right here makes a new sheet and fills some of the cells with content. If i could come up with some way to get it to open the csv then apply formatting to a certain column... then i would be gold. I'm trying real hard to find some sort of documentation on ApExcel and I'm not finding anything.
Post New Requests Here / Apply Conditional Formatting To .csv
« Last post by Coniferous on April 17, 2009, 10:31 AM »
I'm not sure how simple a request this is going to be, but i'm going to give it a shot.

Right now i've been doing some analysis of the security log in my events viewer. I made up a simple batch file that runs eventquery then opens up the resulting csv in excel. this code is here:

echo off
cscript //h:cscript //s //nologo
echo This Script will list all the user logins on a computer you specify. Please note that by querying a computer, your user name will show up as a successful login on the event log of the remote computer.
set /p compname=Serial Number:
eventquery /s %compname% /fi "type eq successaudit" /fi "ID eq 528 OR ID eq 551" /fi "category eq Logon/Logoff"  /fi "user ne NT AUTHORITY\NETWORK SERVICE" /fi "user ne NT AUTHORITY\SYSTEM" /fi "user ne NT AUTHORITY\LOCAL SERVICE" /fi "user ne NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON" /v /fo csv /l security > %WINDIR%\temp\%compname%.csv
start %WINDIR%\temp\%compname%.csv

This produces an unwieldy huge excel spreadsheet thats tough to read. What I would /Like/ my script to do is:
1) Call event query and save the CSV
2) Apply conditional formatting rules to a column. (Eg, 551 pops up in red, 528 pops up in green)
3) Open it in excel.

I'm pretty sure this requires a jump to VB. I don't know a lot about vb, i've done some research on the ApExcel libiary and i'm not coming up with any results to applying conditional formatting. I understand that CSV does not contain any formatting as well, so i'm not sure if a conversion of the format needs to be dont first.

Thank you in advance for your help :3
Too many host connections from :(
Never Mind.. Haha :)
Chatroom? Jeez, i didn't even realize it existed.
Ahh, ok. i thought it would be easier to integrate with a hta.. right now i just have a batch file that calls the hta, pings for a couple of seconds then starts pin to desktop.
Would it be easy to modify PTD to launch an hta then apply the settings to the window?
Hey Scancode, Sorry to bother you again. I'm trying to replicate the behavior of your P-T-D in my .hta.

I'm trying to group it in the following code to resize my window..

<SCRIPT Language="VBScript">
Sub Window_Onload
   leeway = 225
   window.moveTo (1440 + leeway), 0   
   window.resizeTo (1680 - leeway),1020
End Sub

Is there any way replicate the functionality in my HTA? (clearly i know more about html then visual basic :P )
Awesome... Thanks guys.
Would you like me to donate to you? Or to the site? I came across this site in a google search and i'm not quite sure how it works.
This program is awsome Scancode, I've been using it in a number of scripts for programs i create.

Is there any way i can purchase the source code from you to incude in some projects of mine?
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