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Create your own Flipbooks: Another Great Idea
Flipbook Printer is another great idea especially for birthdays, holiday season or other occurrences where kids are around. It makes it possible to create flipbooks from avi files and is easy to manage.. Flipbook Printer offers a great (and cheap) way of creating a special gift for someone that you like. I would say that not only kids but also women would love this kind of present. Blog image

Drag and Drop Shell Robot is a utility to help power users easily peform operations on large numbers of files and folders.

You can create any number of configuration files by specifying a target application and various commandline parameters or options. To use the program, you simply select a configuration file and drag & drop files and folders onto the queue window, and click Start. Then sit back while the operation proceeds through your files. You can also export commands to a batch file instead of immediate operation.

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