The new Russian translation / localization service will help shareware development companies to get their digital products, website and documentation localized to Russian to increase their marketing potential.Technical Communication Europa (TCE) has launched a new
Russian translation / localization service starting from February 14. The new service is aimed at software development companies that want to bring their digital products and services to a big, promising market of Russia and new independent states, such as Ukraine, Belarus and Kazakhstan.
The company translates from English into Russian using native translators with a PhD degree in Philology and a solid experience in the shareware business. A native translator that comes from the Russian culture is the best choice to ensure that the localized website and documentation will read well in Russian and won’t cause any misunderstanding or be rejected due to errors or non-native style.
The company offers the following Russian translation services:
- Translation of websites
- Translation of software interfaces
- Translation of manuals and user guides
- Translation of press-releases
- Translation of white papers, case-studies
- Translation of PAD descriptions
- Translation of letters
In addition to translation to Russian, the specialists at TCE can edit and proofread Russian documents for cultural adaptation, spelling and grammar accuracy.
More information is available at
http://www.tceuropa.comAbout TCEBased in Russia, TCE was launched in early March '08 as a localization and copywriting services provider for shareware companies in Russia and CIS. Today TCE remains focused on its linguistic specialization while introducing new promotion-oriented services. One of them is press-release distribution to targeted mass media in Russia. TCE is a Russian localization partner for Avangate B.V. and member of the Association of Shareware Professionals, Organization of Independent Software Vendors, and Shareware Russia (SWRUS). For more information, visit