Scripted Wipes and program termination would be going the extra step individuals can take. Reasonable normal program functionality would be a right click option for
Delete All Clips + Empty Recycle Bin
There shouldn't be concern about this function being default available, but all right, legitimate concerns can easily be addressed:
Rather than by default then... in options... maybe have a CHECK box to ENABLE this right click option, and another CHECK box to DISABLE any ARE YOU SURE? options, because I can just see the "ARE YOU SURE?" being thrown in, defeating the purpose of a QUICK nuke option which would simply
Delete All Clips + Empty Recycle Binwith a single click. No other prompts, and if someone
chooses to go OUT OF THEIR WAY, to enable this option, maybe we shouldn't worry about them accidentally emptying their Clipboard history?
Maybe they'll be real happy about having what they actually chose to enable...
This is a fantastic program that I love so much I have a middle mouse click button assigned to display the Clipboard History.
People sometimes have browser add-ons that copy to clipboard *everything* they highlighted, for superfast computing reasons.
So it's a major pain clearing clipboard history every time they visit...
Thank you for making this program.