I've got a new notebook, a Huawei MateBook D14.
Not all drivers are available for download at Huawei's site :-/
To get and install all of them you can use their software "PC Manager" (which I seriously don't want to use, at least, not twice!).
The problem is: When the software downloads the drivers it doesn't keep them so you can copy them over manually.
So: Has anybody used a software that is able to watch a folder (including subfolders) for new files and once they exist (fully) copy them over to a target folder automatically?
This folder is used for storing the downloaded drivers temporarily
I need to watch (only) this one (and all created subfolders) for new .exe files.
And once a new file is stored there it is e.g. copied to
D:\dst\<new file.<ext>>
It needs to do the copying immediately so no "scan a folder every 5 seconds"...
Any suggestions (something that you've used personally and worked fine for such a usecase)?
Freeware + portable preferred but I'm willing to install it (once) and would even pay something for it...