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Last post Author Topic: making a single .jpg from a web-page that is over one screen long  (Read 14065 times)


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Re: making a single .jpg from a web-page that is over one screen long
« Reply #25 on: July 14, 2018, 09:25 AM »
I just realised that the tool that seems to be required in the OP has probably already been noted by me - the superb   :Thmbsup:   whole-page (including scrollable windows) image capture of Microsoft's OneNote Web Clipper (can be used with the free version of OneNote):
If the otherwise excellent SC is not playing nicely with a scrolling capture of a web page, then this might be of use/help: whilst I'm not usually interested in capturing images of scrolling windows (web pages), it does seem that the OneNote Clipper bookmarklet "button" - as used with the "FREE" MS OneNote - still works very well in doing a quick and flawless image capture:
Test of the OneNote Clipper bookmarklet "button" that you drag to Favorites:
My test results indicate that this takes an image of an entire web page (a scrolled-window image, much like Screenshot Captor, but without all the palaver associated with the latter), but:
(a) The image is of the entire web page, regardless of whether you have only selected/highlighted a part of the page.
(b) It doesn't seem to work in Firefox v28ß (could be my Firefox settings, I suppose).
(c) It works perfectly in IE11.

The way I work, my objective is usually to save selected parts, or all, of a web page in HTML format and often with attached/nested pages/files.
Thus I rarely take such images/screenshots, and the OneNote Clipper is not of much use to me.
However, when I want to capture an image of an entire scrolled web page, in future I shall consider using OneNote Clipper rather than SC (if I remember).
So, I shall continue to use Firefox with the Scrapbook extension for capturing part/all of a web page in HTML format (having come across nothing better with a non-proprietary format, or greater reliability so far).

Using the OneNote Clipper to capture the webpage, for example, here's this thread page in an image: (click to enlarge)

Clip to OneNote (IE bookmarklet) - DCF scrolling capture thread.pngmaking a single .jpg from a web-page that is over one screen long

The webpage to get this and download it is here, where it says:
Save anything on the web to OneNote in one click
Add the OneNote Web Clipper to your web browser so that you can save, annotate and organise anything from the web.

Get OneNote Web Clipper for Chrome

Copied from: OneNote Web Clipper Installation - <>

A really useful feature about using OneNote as the collector database is that any embedded text in images in OneNote is automatically OCR'd and the text saved with the  image as Alternative Text and which is easily searchable and copyable.
It seems that OneNote Web Clipper works in these browsers, at least:
  • IE
  • Chrome

Here's a clip of this (current) DCF page, using OneNote Web Clipper:

15_1024x4000_62B7C5E9.pngmaking a single .jpg from a web-page that is over one screen long


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Re: making a single .jpg from a web-page that is over one screen long
« Reply #26 on: November 23, 2018, 05:13 AM »
You can always use a free full page screen capture extensions available for chrome and firefox. Beside this, there are a lot of paid screen capturing tools as well.