I'd like to print a 2nd Video on the back of the first video.
So, when I've flipped through the first video, I could turn over the book and flip through the 2nd video, being on the "Backsides"
I figure I'd force each to print exactly 60 frames, at 10 frames per page, Portrait, 5 frames down, 2 frames across.
I would print one set, flip and reverse the sheets and print the second video on the backside of the sheets
I've printed a few test pages and I feel OK with the alignment of the of cards, they skew a little, but that's more do to the sloppy printer then an offset kind of thing.
My question is, will the images for the "Backside" video be in the correct order?
i.e. Will Image 60 of 2nd video, print on the back of Image 1 of first video?