I'm a bit surprised. AFAICT there's no built in ProgressBar control that does Taskbar Button progress. The stuff in the Toolbox looks pretty much like the stuff from VS2010 Express. Part of this may be due to the fact I excluded DB stuff and am not interested in Phone development yet. But Desktop stuff looks like same old same old. ( I have VS2013 Pro. Initially I went with most of the recommended install but since it just hung there staring at me for an hour I chopped it down to bare minimum c++ and C# stuff. Even with that I had to do a repair install the next day.)
For anything snazzy I'm still looking through user written controls in
The VC++ I pretty much just selected MFC and Win32 stuff. I don't see myself doing VC++ managed form programs. I haven't done a c++ program yet but supposedly there are 64 bit and cross compilers installed.
I remember why I decided to do most stuff in AutoIt3 and AHK because especially on the Laptop it is so sluggish. Also one time I opened a solution file just by using Open File instead of Open Solution and the whole IDE crashed(nothing else was open, I did a Close Solution first.)
The other thing that strikes me is why does everything look like it is running on a phone with a shades of gray only screen? Just because it does multiple device dev the environment itself has to be drab? I don't get it.
I still haven't stuck my toe into F# or WPF yet. But you can't go by my experience. I tend to do a program or two to keep my hand in. Then go back to scripting out of an editor as it's just so much faster.
Right now I'm trying to find a free ProgressBar that does animation to make something with a humorous progressbar instead of just the plane jane green thermometer.
I had to do a Repair Install just to get the VC++ stuff to show up. I may have to turn off fast boot on this Laptop since restore points and updates sure don't run smoothly. The repair install basically went through the whole shooting match that should have been completed yesterday. On the plus side I wasn'r back to square one "Toolbox hides the main form" mode. It remembered my layout and Help Viewer settings at least.
I'll know more once I have some new programs running. I have to slog it like a Volga Boatman since I forget a lot of this stuff. Maybe by the end of May I'll have something small to post.