I have just started using gridmove on windows 7, I actually started using it so I could keep the right side of my 2nd monitor free for my gadgets ala vista sidebar style, which it works well for. On using it more I actually much prefer it to the built in windows 7 aero snap, namely because it has proper multimonitor support and I can arrange windows side by side on a single monitor without using the keyboard.
The only thing missing from this program IMO is the undocking functionality windows 7 has in its own aero snap. Namely if I dock a window to the side with aero snap as soon as I undock it returns to its former size. With gridmove it stays the same size so I have to manually resize.
Is there any chance this functionality could be added? It would make this a really perfect little app if it could be done
Here's Hoping
Hi andonevris!
Yes, I can relate to your problem, I think aero snap is really neatly implemented, but it's part of the Operating System. It'd be much more difficult for GridMove to do the same, and I currently really have no way of implementing it in a reasonable time.
I'm not sure how much of GridMove you can use, but if you can edit the grid, you can edit a "Restore" grid element with the size of the whole screen. It doesn't get you the same behavior as aero snap, but it can be seen as a workaround, I think.
Hi all!
I just found and downloaded this fantastic program today and of course went right to the contructing new grids part. I must say I dont really agree that the feature requested by andonevris would be a good thing... Since the possibilities are so much greater with the GridMove than with Windows 7 snap, I think the most common thing one wants to do is move the window, but retain the fixed size. To me it is good as it is!
However, I do have one (a little bit) related idea/request and one not at all related
#1: The concept of "smart fields" is fantastic I think, especially the possibility to maximize height and width separately. However, since you set the other values to WindowWidth and WindowHeight respectively I think you get some drawbacks... While the keyboard command works as "expected" the mouse action moves the window depending on the cursor position. I would very much like to be able to set GridTop = OldGridTop and GridBottom = OldGridBottom instead. Or maybe the possibility to omit the values or just leave them blank for "no change"? Just a thought! (and a more advanced one - when the value is omitted the underlying trigger sets that value.. I realize that's not at all easy, but it would make it very easy to specify advanced grid using columns and rows separately
#2: Variables. Some kind of varible handling would be just wonderful! (that would actually solve #1 as well since you could specify one with the old value). The reason I would like this is when you make advanced grids with padding between the cells it gets very cumbersome to write everything all the time. Something like:
%cellTop% = [Monitor1Top] + 60 + ([Monitor1Bottom] - [Monitor1Top] - 90) /2 + 10
[GridTop] = %cellTop% + 5
[GridBottom] = %cellTop% + 20
for example would be very, very nice.
And even if nothing of that ever happens it is still a GREAT program!
Good work!