No Photoshop in boxed, physical format? If I were the alternatives I would be partying till the unshopped sun rises
Who exactly are the alternatives besides Corel, who are too busy dismembering their products to appreciate this?
Last I knew the poster "non-alternative" is GIMP. I hear it's just too different and missing important things.
Since when is GIMP in a boxed physical format?
I mentioned Corel, because I know
they still sell boxed versions of Paintshop Pro, which while not exactly Photoshop and/or Illustrator, it could accomplish pretty much what both of those could do, at a fraction of the price. Just too bad Corel has been destroying it, ever since they bought it from Jasc, like they have a pattern of doing to everything they acquire, instead of improving it in ways that could put it at the level of being a
real alternative to Photoshop and Illustrator.
Giving it better PSD support for one, and being able to open/save vectors in a format that is acceptable for professional use, being another, instead of concentrating on useless eye candy, features that just waste screen space and system resources, and only offering proprietary formats that do not conform to industry standards. Try going to a printer and ask him to print you a sign using your vector contained in a .psp file. Not going to happen and you can't convert the file to another usable format!
Jasc had the sense to add Photoshop compatible plugin and brush support, but Corel didn't have the sense to keep up with it after acquiring it, so it is stuck with the same old Photoshop v7 level of support that Jasc added before they sold it. Nobody uses those plugins any more, mainly because Corel bought up and killed off most of the good ones, leaving not many options for plugins that still work.
Corel has had years to fix the issues that set it back and instead they have concentrated on pissing off the long time users of Paintshop Pro, driving them to seek affordable alternatives, that just don't really exist. If they had done what they should have, right now they would be the ones throwing a
huge party at Adobe's expense.