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Author Topic: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!  (Read 9887 times)


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Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« on: April 16, 2013, 08:35 AM »
Okay, here we go!

I shall post a promotional piece for the Science Fiction - Fantasy - Horror - Poetry webzine Aphelion.

It's been around since 1997. However we gradually lost the "regular" posters through attrition and we haven't undertaken much marketing at all. This post is "semi-unauthorized". That means I'm doing it ad-hoc, with a wink and a nod to "what isn't forbidden becomes Do First and Ask Permission Later"!  8)

I am the (somewhat erratic!) Archives Editor over there. It was a fluid position that evolved out of my interests in poking around in information related to past issues and lately some basic manual site stats. There aren't many trackers - they might be using some basic stuff on the back end, but it's certainly not crushed with stuff, and Ghostery only shows Google Analytics, which from what I know of their culture is probably "just because it's likely best of breed" and not at all related to our more intense focus on the goings-on of Google.

This campaign:
Since darn near everyone on DC is smarter than me, you're one of two crews I would like to encourage to join and post a note about at least a couple of stories! They do have a focus on newer and developing writers, so go REAL EASY on the comments - if you see something that a writer could have improved, PLEASE work REAL HARD to soft-ball it! As part of a bit of backstory that we don't need to visit here, in this somewhat fragile year it's important to get a couple of really nice newcomers, because we/they don't have a Basement to put anything hotblooded.

I would love to see say 7-12 strong enthused newcomers sign up who hope to be around for at least a couple of months!

*Important Signup Note* They recently had a rather severe spam problem, so they put in an extremely aggressive anti-spam measure. Even if you are not a SciFi fan, I also would like to do a call to arms for the DC crew who is as tech savvy as they get, to do some kind of False-Negative test. That means to sign up and post at least one nice note, to test if by accident we're not losing real users. Bathwater, Babies.

Holler at me in this thread for any specific notes you folks may have.

The Lead intro page: - typically a graphic that changes for each issue
They do a "Flip" where the current month issue is on a "hardlocked" set of links by story/item category such as Short Stories. So if you get busy, and want to go back next month, they'll be gone (temporarily!) and replaced by the new issue. There's a big topic in Archives, but that's another day.

The intro Editorial by the senior editor:

Short Stories:


"Features:" - most usually an instructional article on writing but a few other things sometimes

I would appreciate it if interested people would drop a note here too, just to close the loop so I both know who is headed over there, but also for the data check of that signup-test.

On the first two posts over there (because any single one might vanish from visibility because I am turbo posting this week!) to mention that me, Tao sent you from Donation Coder. Plus it's an excuse to Cross Brand and all those other fun business terms! Go DC!  :Thmbsup:
Watch the horde of smart people show up and impress the hell out of them!

The current cover image is here:




« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 10:42 AM by TaoPhoenix »


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #1 on: April 16, 2013, 09:05 AM »
"Hurry Act Now!"
They do a Mid Month Flip, so in fact I'd like to encourage people to visit today, not from the cliche, but because then the stories vanish into the still-clunky Archives process we have.

Plus I turbo posted a grand slam over there and you can't just let me have the total last word THAT easily!   :P
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 10:41 AM by TaoPhoenix, Reason: Shuffling to assist Mouser »


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #2 on: April 16, 2013, 10:04 AM »
@Tao - please try to convince them to redo their landing page! That is so 90s seeing nothing other than a piece of cover art with a hard to read "enter" link on it. Even I find it mildly annoying. And the Next-Genners definitely don't have the patience for somebody trying to be playful.

Much as it bugs me to say it (since I too like to do things my way) unless you have compelling content on your landing page you're going to lose at least half of your first time visitors right then and there.

I'd also strongly suggest they update their entire site design to something a little looking? (As in easier and more inviting to read.)

Just my :two:


On a positive note, I did take a look around and have since added Aphelion to my bookmarks. It's a very decent webzine and well worth visiting IMO. :Thmbsup:
« Last Edit: April 16, 2013, 10:13 AM by 40hz »


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #3 on: April 16, 2013, 10:14 AM »
@Tao - please try to convince them to redo their landing page! That is so 90s seeing nothing other than a piece of cover art with a hard to read "enter" link on it. I found it mildly annoying. And next gen doesn't have the patience for somebody trying to be playful.

Much as it bugs me to say it (since I too like to do things my way) unless you have compelling content on your landing page you're going to lose at least half of your first time visitors right then and there.

I'd also strongly suggest they update their entire site design to something a little looking? (As in easier and more inviting to read.)

Just my :two:

Totally fair comment, but it's difficult to answer. Off hand note that the entire graphic pic is clickable. But yes, to your main points:
Suppose for the moment we treat the second page in as the "landing page".

That's sorta the top of the rest of the site, so that's as "compelling" as it gets.

And if you're talking about "contemporary", that IS the contemporary design! The first design was even creakier! But yes, we don't have a graphic-web designer on hand, so that design is going to stay there for a fair while. The best I/We can do is hope to retro-market it. On the Chicken-Egg gyro engine of Readers - Design - Readers - Design, we're at such a lull right now any increase in readers and forum commenters is a plus, and then if we surpass wildest dreams, that's a topic for some other *year*.  :o

P.S. The art is specially picked to be Copyright Encumbrance Free! Dunno yet how to spin THAT to our advantage, but there it is!

I have also speculated it might be in the running for the longest running SciFi webzine. As motivation permits, I'll dig into that.


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #4 on: April 16, 2013, 11:31 AM »
^Fair enough! ;D

If you do decide to push the retro concept, don't forget to throw in a few of these:




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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #5 on: April 16, 2013, 08:33 PM »
  It looks like a pretty awesome website.  I'm sending out links to it in my "istuff" newsletter.....


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #6 on: April 16, 2013, 08:34 PM »
 It looks like a pretty awesome website.  I'm sending out links to it in my "istuff" newsletter.....

(Faux Rabid Madman)
"Not good enough! Sign up yourself! Now!"

But yes, thank you! Yes, the retro design has come up a few times. But have at it! Post a couple of story comments!


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Re: Aphelion Science Fiction Fantasy Horror Webzine 2013!
« Reply #7 on: April 17, 2013, 07:18 PM »
  It looks like a pretty awesome website.  I'm sending out links to it in my "istuff" newsletter.....

(Faux Rabid Madman)
"Not good enough! Sign up yourself! Now!"

But yes, thank you! Yes, the retro design has come up a few times. But have at it! Post a couple of story comments!

  AAAALLLLRightyThen!   :P