When I was young we didn't have computers! I can still remember the first available pocket calculators which seemed pretty whizzo at the time - even if you did have to learn RPN to use them
-Carol Haynes
Sorry for my ignorance, what's RPN?
Favorite computer games? Too many!
Our first computer we had was for my father's business. The monitors were just green and black. I don't even remember what kind of computers they were. There was a fun game on it called Ladder. Then my brother got a TI-87 or something computer and a book for programming games in BASIC. Plus we had the cartridge addons. The game I remember most from it was called
Tunnels of Doom.
Then we got a computer that ran DOS and Windows 3.11. Tons of old DOS games -- Doom I & II, Wolfenstein 3D, Worms, Scorched Earth, Space Quest I-VI, Sim City, Star Control, Hugo's House of Horrors and the sequel Whodunit. Jill of the Jungle, Heretic, Hexen, Duke Nukem 3D, Where in Space or the Universe is Carmen Sandiego, Monkey Island I & II, Full Throttle, Mario's Missing, Warcraft I & II, Diablo, Baldur's Gate, Starcraft, Command & Conquer: Red Alert, Heroes, Cosmo's Cosmic Adventure, Commander Keen 1-IV, Moraff's World, Stars!, Rise of the Triad, Descent I & II, and a gem called Castle of the Winds.
We eventually got two computers and networked them so we could play games multiplayer. I spent countless hours fragging my friend or brother in FPSs and destroying or being destroyed in RTSs.
I used to really like the competitive games but nowadays I prefer cooperative over competitive. Probably because I spent so much time on those games that I could beat my brother and friend almost everytime--and by a landslide--that they got sick of playing with me.
That's all I can think of right now. There's actually another but I can't remember the name of it. Something like Fantasy Empires.
I also had a fun time with an Intellivision and a Nintendo but those aren't computer games so I won't go into the long lists for those systems.
EDIT: Fixed name and added link for Tunnels of Doom. (I previously referred to it as Dungeons of Doom.)